The Final Portal

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I enter the guild with Gageel, Lily, and a massive smile. It's FINALLY time!

It's just after noon so the guild members have all awoken and everyone has arrived. When the plans for getting around Natsu's density had been made Master sent messages out to gather anyone who was on a mission and unaware of the impending events. Every member that wasn't in the God's realm is present now. As we enter I walk to the center of the guild hall. Chaos surrounds me, the usual fighting but worse than normal since everyone is here and excited. No one has noticed that I've arrived yet, I can see Gageel and Lily sweat drop, I know I am too, I mean really I'M IN THE CENTER OF THE FREAKIN FIGHT, NOT MOVING!

*sigh* Looks like I'll have to get their attention then...

I correct my posture, drawing myself taller and breathing deeply, then widen my stance so I am sturdier on my feet. Nodding to my boys I grin and take another deep breath, and shout in my magically amplified voice "SHUT UP ALREADY!"

Instantly everyone stops and turns almost mechanically towards me, those with sensitive hearing having covered their ears.

I smile and lower my voice, "Hi everyone! Everything is in place for the ritual, I just need you to cooperate, k?"

They all quickly nod or yell yes, and I lead them from the guild to the center of town. Almost everyone in town had shown up, knowing that whatever Wendy and I had told them to be present for was important. I stepped to the center and explained myself and the ritual as normal, asking for those who remembered the dragons. The slayers and a few others stepped forward while I called for the magic circle. Magnolia's was a large pattern that had, for as long as anyone could remember, been carved and painted beautifully in the town's center. It now rose up and ended as a dais. I produced a dragon scale and a beautiful athame made of a dragon's fang and the ritual continued as all the others had AN(Look back to the chapter about the first ritual, they're all the same but with different knives and trigger items) the people who remembered being friends or family to Dragons circled and remembered together, opening the gate. When my work was done Gageel picked me up and held me, waiting until Wendy showed up to explain what would follow to everyone. Once the girl arrived and a gate was open high in the sky my slayer whisked me off to rest. He had after all just seen his Dad at the party, so theres no rush to see him right this moment.

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