Time's Tolls & Confused Dragons

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A month has passed since Lucy disappeared. The townsfolk by now all knew she was gone, and they grieved along with FairyTail. Everyone she had ever touched in that town missed her, to them Lucy was not only the Light of the Fairies but the Light of Magnolia too. She was kind to everyone, always willing to help out, with a smile and laugh that made people gravitate towards her. She was also the only one who could control Team Natsu at all, and in her short time with them she had improved the Guild's relationship with the town. The whole of Magnolia seemed dimmer since she left, the fishermen were silent in the river, the Landlady was less eccentric, the children stayed away from her apartment where they used to go to see Plue and the pretty lady who always gave them sweets. Anyone in town could tell you these things, as well as saying the Guild was worse off. The Hall was quiet, fewer fights occurred, the strongest were rarely there, and everyone was acting out of character. Juvia did not faint when gray approached, Reedus only painted Lucy, Cana was sober most of the time, and most everyone had tears just below the surface from Asuka to Gildarts. No, this wasn't the rambunctious, destructive, impossibly strong, and monster filled FairyTail, and it hadn't been since she left.

Most of them had fading hope, spent all their time at the guild, unable to put themselves through the torture of searching without direction. Some, however couldn't stop, and they continued to fight, to search, to hope. Team Natsu (Wendy is in my opinion part of this team), The Rajinshu, Levy, Gajeel, the Exceeds, and Crime Sorcire are rarely in the guild they are split up searching, hoping, and refusing to even entertain the idea of failure.


That's it, these damn brats! Its time I knocked some sense into them.

It's been a month since she left and this whole town has dimmed, but she isn't gone forever. I have endured the silence and sorrow of my children for to long, sitting in my office like this doing paperwork day after day. There isn't even enough for an hour's worth with everyone being so depressed! Having made up my mind while looking at the empty desk that, in any other case I'd be crying for joy over, I quickly jump out of my chair and head to the second floor's railing.

"Hey Brats!"

Everyone immediately turns to me and quiets even more than before. I was barely yelling and yet they all heard, I miss the days when Erza, Lucy, Mira, or Laxus would have to yell for them to shut up or I'd go into titan form for attention.

"Listen Up" As is stare into their sorrowful eyes words seem to pop into my head, they sound almost like Lucy's voice... "Lucy is gone, but not forever. We are her Nakama, her family, this place is her home! She couldn't leave forever if she tried. Lucy will return, she will laugh and smile and forgive all our sins. She will drink her milkshakes and laugh as the guild turns into a brawl, she will come home. But what is here right now isn't that place, isn't the warm, insane, and destructive guild she fell in love with. She would want us to live, laugh, and fight; to be proud, brave, and strong, Lucy would NEVER allow any one of us to wallow in our own sadness like this! If she were here right now she'd be Lucy Kicking all our asses and reminding us of who we REALLY ARE! WE ARE FAIRYTAIL! WE ARE THE STRONGEST GUILD IN FIORE, WE ARE THE ONES WHO FIGHT FOR OUR NAKAMA AND NEVER BACK DOWN, WE ARE FAIRYTAIL AND OUR LIGHT WILL RETURN!" By the end of my speech most of us are crying and shouting every single member's hand is up in the FairyTail sign, our promise, our vow, we are family, we will fight, we will be so forever, and most of all we will wait for her, our lost light to return.


Master, you could hear me, I'm so glad. I am watching the guild in my mirror again, it has been a month, an an entire month away from my Earthland family. Seeing the guild like that, I couldn't take it. When master got up I was so happy! I knew he wasn't sure what to say, but I did. I know exactly what those Bakas need, how each of them works, how each can be comforted, I love them all so much. I'm so full of joy and hope now, seeing that my words got through to Makarov, I haven't used that power in so long I was worried it wouldn't work. Now I can see them, all of my Guild Mates, they're smiling, fighting, acting insane like they did before and it's wonderful. THAT is home, that mess of limbs and laughter, beer and flying tables. THAT is FairyTail.

Suddenly I feel a hand on my shoulder and feel my gaurdian's aura.

"Lucy, thank you, I'm glad you did that, our family was not acting like themselves"

"I know. I just had, to seeing them like that didn't feel right." As I reply I look back to my mirror and smile. Cana is drunk already and Mira has hearts in her eyes. Yep back to normal.

Once again I feel my oldest friend move, sitting next to me, though I don't look. "So, how did your talks and explanations to the dragons go? You've been too busy to tell me yet."

At the question I grin and wave at the glass, the image changes from our fighting family to a playback of the night of the Ball.


The mirror now shows Lucy in her finery walking with purpose towards a tall man with a maroon suit, tie that looks to be made of fire, Vibrant red-orange hair, and a familiar grin on his face.

"Lord Igneel, it's a pleasure to finally meet you" Lucy said with a simple curtsy.

He bows low as he can, then looks at her confused "Hello Mi'Lady, its an honor to meet you as well. May I ask though, why are you curtsying to me? You are my Goddess, and have no reason to show such respect."

Though he speaks so formally, anyone can see it isn't natural to him, he's fidgeting, constantly putting out fires that appear on his person, and shifting with pent energy. Yep, that's DEFINANTLY Natsu's dad.

Giggling Lucy grins at him with a mischievous twinkle in her eye, "Well, I think that is for me to know and you to find out!" With her megawatt smile she hands him a map "Follow this and my scent and enter my office, take a seat when you arrive. I must find two others here then I shall join you and all will be revealed... maybe! Bye, Lord Igneel!" With her smile and laughing eyes she takes off in a run towards her next target laughing all the way as Igneel chuckles and shakes his head, his warm blackish eyes filled with laughter, as he sets off for the office.

Lucy finds a gorgeous woman whose pink hair is to her waist, flowing freely. With a sky blue silky dress, that has white and silver overlays in a light airy material over it. It had an off the shoulder V neckline that doesn't show to much while the sleeves flow down and flare out. She moves gently and surely, as if she were the wind itself. She looks just like Porlyusica, only younger, and more open. Lucy walks to her and curtsies "Hello Lady Grandeeny. I am honored to meet you at last."

Seeing Lucy coming up from her curtsy Grandeeny smiles gently. This woman reminds her so much of Wendy. "Hello, your highness, it is a joy to meet you as well. you actually remind me of someone quite dear to me. Now child, why have you curtsied? I can tell it is not out of a simple respect. You seem to have a deeper reason?"

Lucy smiles and laughs, "You are correct, and now I see where she gets that intuition and caring nature from! Please follow this map to my office, Igneel will be there by now, and once I get Metalicana I shall explain many things to you." With another smile at Lucy, Grandeeny nods and with a curtsy, takes the map, and walks away.

Looking for her next target, Lucy heads towards the shadowed corner of the room, the one with the fewest people, or reasons to go near. Standing directly in front of the inky blackness she smiles and curtsies, then with a twirl pulls Metalicana into the light. He has steel gray hair in a similar fashion to Gajeel, a black suit and shiny metallic tie, and red bewildered eyes as Lucy pulls him out and speaks. "Hello, Lord Metalicana! You really should know better than to hide in the corner. That's no fun unless you're playing a prank!"

He stares at her, the mischief and devilish glint her eyes contain, and the contrasting warmth and light they hold as well and shakes his head. "How did ya see me and why're ya curtsyin'? You're the Goddess here." His voice is gruff, and he doesn't even attempt to be formal as he bows and speaks to her, looking at her with confusion and a bit of wonder. She starts giggling, trying to hold herself together from the fun of confusing the Dragons.

"Well, you earned my respect, though you won't know how or why until you enter my office. Follow this and meet the others again." She hands him the map and skips away, knowing he will go, and sends quiet words behind her with a serious yet joy filled voice, "And I've found people in far darker places before, physical darkness is nothing compared to that of our hearts. Staying in shadow will not lighten the load, only sharing the darkness with one who loves will do that!" and walks away without a glance while he stares at her back to shocked to move for the moment.


Ten minutes after Metalicana arrives, Lucy enters in a whole new outfit. She is now in her everyday clothes from the guild, with one modification being she had lace netting fingerless gloves covering her hands.

"Ohayo Minna!" Her brilliant smile is back as her cheery greeting rings out, the Dragons cant help but smile through their confusion.

She held up one hand and sat down in front of the three on her couch "Before you ask me anything, let me speak okay? I should be able to answer everything without needing to be asked"

Seeing three nods, and some encouraging smiles from Grandeeny Lucy relaxes and thinks of how to begin.

"Right, first off, I've called you three here because I consider you all family. Why, I shall get to later. I want to first apologize for sending you all back home all those years ago. You all know I am the Goddess of mystical creatures and those who are chosen to bear their power. When I felt two dragons die within a year of each other, I sensed that it would be a continuing trend unless I did something. Being in a human state at the time, I couldn't do much. The only way I saw to protect you at my young age and weakened status was to send you back here, where it would be safe until I was able to rid the world of this danger. There are still so few dragons left after the war, so I had to protect what was left from extinction. I hope you can all forgive me." Lucy was crying silently by now, not even aware of it until Grandeeny came and hugged her, drying the tears with a warm breeze.

All three dragons looked to each other and nodded, speaking in unison when the female returned to her seat, "There is nothing to forgive Goddess, you protected us the best you could and we are alive and well due to the fact."

"Thank you, I'm so glad! Now, I can see the two Bakas next to you are trying not to fight in my office to vent their curiosity and impatience." The women glance at said men who had shocked faces while the girls laughed gently.

"How could you tell, very few can Goddess." Grandeeny's lilting voice questioned.

"Oh, for Mavis sake, ENOUGH with all the goddess shit! Call me Lucy, or Princess if you can't bring yourselves to be so informal yet! All that formality is ridiculous once you know me." Lucy was completely exasperated by their formality, as it was clearly not them. To say the three were shocked would be an understatement, seeing as not only had their goddess just cursed and yelled, but she was dressed as some common mage, and acting like one too. They clearly didn't get it yet, but nodded at her insistence,

"Good, now that THAT'S out of the way, I can explain why I'm like this, who I am, and how I know you all so well!" Anyone watching could clearly see the three Dragons' sweatdrop at her now bubbly attitude.

"Well, in Earthland I am known as Lucky Lucy Heartfillia, Runaway Heiress to the Heartfillia Konzern. I am also known as Lucy, The Light of FairyTail." Her smile is soft and her eyes hazy, clearly reminiscing about her guild, "I am also the best friend and partner of Natsu Dragneel," shes staring at Igneel, "Wendy Marvel's VERY overprotective big sister", Looking at Grandeeny, "and best friend to an IDIOTIC Gajeel Redfox's BRILLIANT future mate, Levy." This time playfully glaring at Metalicana. The three are silent and dumbly staring as she takes off her gloves and bears her GuildMark to them. "I consider you all my precious family, as well as owe gratitude to you for raising my family to be who they are. The one who took me to FairyTail, the sister I always wanted to have, and the friend who is there for me and fun to tease. I think of you three as my aunts and uncles, and would love it if you all accepted me as a niece or friend." She smiles nervously while waiting for an answer.

All at once three eyes clear, their owners' minds processing her words before they jump at her, hugging her and accepting her. Yelling loudly, and laughing through tears with Lucy as she calls for snacks and invites them to stay the night and talk.


The images fade as we two laugh at the last image, me being tackle hugged by three human-form dragons on a tiny little lounge chair.

"I'd say rather well!" I'm wiping tears from my eyes, seeing only a blurry outline as my companion leaves again,

"See ya Lucy, I need to check on Levy."

I hear her leave the room and think of my best girlfriend, Levy, I miss you so much. You've gotten 5 letters, one per week plus the first... its not too long now. Soon you will be able to visit, my seals will be totally lifted, and I will be stable and safe to be near again before long.

I hope.

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