Akame makes another comeback to Death Battle

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Name: Akame, "Akame of the Demon Sword Murasame"

Origin: Akame ga Kill!

Gender: Female

Height: 5'4"

Weight: N/A

Age: 18

Series Record: 8-1

Classification: Assassin, Swordmaster, Member of Night Raid, Teigu User




- Was one of only a handful of children to survive in a forest full of Danger Beasts

- Killed Taeko, one of the strongest assassins at the time

- Defeated Zanku the Beheader

- Helped fend off Dr. Stylish's raid and destroyed Toby in the process

           *Landed the killing blow on Dr. Stylish's Danger Beast form

-Defeated a member of the White Brow association by herself

            *The only other member that was able to do so alone was Bulat

-Killed Ibara of the Four Rakshasa Demons

-Killed Enshin and Izou of Wild Hunt

-Gave General Esdeath a decent fight

-Fought and nearly overwhelmed Wave

-Held the upper hand against her sister Kurome in their fight

-Killed General Esdeath

Junko: Tell me if this sounds familiar. A corrupt government led by someone who shouldn't be ruling in the first place. As they rule, the true mastermind makes the rich stay richer as the poor have miserable and rotten lives. They even have powerful generals like Esdeath to torture and kill anyone who dares step against them. That is until a revolution rose to oppose them. What was the government's answer?

Monika: Throw a bunch of kids into a forest for a few weeks and turn the survivors into killer assassins. In the end, only two of the kids survived. Kurome and her sister, Akame.

Junko: Akame was raised as a child who knew only how to kill! She was one of the Empire's most dangerous weapons for a very long time. 

Monika: But one day she slowly started to see how evil the Empire truly was. She would soon betray them, turning from their trusted ally into their most dangerous enemy. Akame would join Night Raid and become... an assassin.

Junko: And a very dangerous one at that.


Junko: Seriously, after so many battles with this chick, it's surprising she still gets suggestions. She wasn't even supposed to come back this season! 

Monika: Regardless she's incredibly strong, capable of cutting down massive pillars and killing danger beasts just as tall. She's faced foes that could destroy entire buildings and even fought Esdeath, who covered an entire continent in snow.

Junko: She's tough enough to cut clean through muscle and bone. She's taken hits from Wave and has even nearly pierced through his Grand Chariot armor, which is tough enough to take hits from the mountain-sized Shikoutazer. 

Monika: She's fast enough to blitz multiple opponents at once and dodge lightning while fighting Esdeath. One time, Akame was seen by Wave, who was right outside the Capital's inner walls, and proceeded to run after her all the way to the outer walls in a short unspecified amount of time. What made this feat so significant is that the Capital is shaped like a circle covering 200,000 square kilometers, giving it a radius of ~252 kilometers, which Akame ran most of.

Junko: All in all, it's safe to say that you shouldn't underestimate her.


Monika: Akame trained in the art of espionage and combat for eight years within the Danger Beast-infested wilderness, becoming a highly skilled killer. It was even stated by Weneg that she had a gift for this as she carved him up slow and steady whilst avoiding all attempts of his to make her cut deeper. She is skilled in numerous survival techniques, including how to hunt and gather food, identify dangerous plants, fish, cook, and set up camp in the wild, and was also taught how to administer basic first aid. She is experienced in seeing through people's bluffs and determining their strategies and can spot the telltale signs of traps.

Junko: Akame's engaged in numerous battles. She's learned to use the strategies of many of her adversaries and knows how to analyze situations and select the paths with the maximum possibility of success. She's adept at observing people's movements to the point where she can determine their preferred paths, thought processes, and courses of action. Because of this, if she has managed to observe them enough, she can even turn her opponents' own predictions against them.

Monika: Being capable of studying an opponent to overcome them she can determine how much strength and speed to use behind her attacks. This was demonstrated in her fight with Weneg when Akame analyzed his fight with Green to the point where Wreng admitted that he couldn't close the gap between them

Junko: During her training as an assassin, she was taught to never trust what a target says, for they can use trickery and deception. Because Akame was said to be lacking in a finishing move, she was instructed that each swipe of her sword should be what finishes off her opponent, hence not wasting a single stroke for unnecessary reasons. She was taught to deliver fatal blows to her opponents as soon as possible, but if she's unsure that she has cut her opponent, she will not approach the body just in case they're pretending to be defeated. She always tends to target her opponents' vitals because of her training. She's skilled enough to fight unarmed, and if she ever loses her weapon, she can disarm an opponent and utilize their weapons for herself. When fighting against foes with sturdy armor or weapons, Akame will try to shatter them by repeatedly striking in the same spot.

Monika: She's not afraid to play mind games either. She'll purposefully evade long-range opponents' strikes by a hair, taunting them into believing they could take her out by getting close so she can lunge at them when they get close enough. She'll use fancy footwork to make her assaults more unpredictable if she faces an opponent that can read her average maneuvers readily, as seen with Esdeath and Mera. If necessary, she won't think twice about killing adversaries even if they are former acquaintances or the illusions of loved ones. While confronting a formidable foe, Akame will utilize her words to try and disrupt their tactics, sending them into a frenzied rush where their aim progressively deteriorates, as seen in her last battle with Wave. 

Junko: Yeah, Akame's known to have multiple fighting styles, with conventional swordplay being her main one because it's the least taxing on her body, but if she sees an opening, she will change her sword style to something more eccentric and complex, and she also likes to mix bluff into her exchanges to set up a more efficient kill.

Monika: Akame has made herself immune to almost every type of poison and has limited resistance to mind manipulation and paralysis. But what truly makes her dangerous is her skill with a sword.

Junko: Yeah, Akame's had several swords in the past. With her first one being her Shingu, the Kiriichimonji.

Monika: A blade she used during her time in the government. The cuts inflicted by this blade create wounds that will never heal. Akame made use of this Shingu during the majority of her missions while working with the Empire, during which she managed to kill several powerful opponents using the Shingu, having successfully dispatched members and the leaders of the Sabatini Show, The Oarburgh Clan, The Gravekeepers, The Revolutionary Army and the Retribution Group

Junko: Of course, she'll eventually lose this sword in a battle against her mentor and father figure, Gozuki. But after successfully killing the guy, she would take his sword for her own. Upgrading from the Shingu to the Teigu everyone knows her for, she will obtain the One-Cut Killer: Murasame.

Monika: As the name implies, this is a blade that can kill just about anyone with one cut. even a simple scratch is enough to send a poisonous curse across the victim's body, stopping their heart and killing them in seconds. 

Junko: Since it's a Teigu, that makes it a really dangerous weapon. You could end up getting yourself killed if you wield it while not being compatible with it. Because of this, if she's aware that her opponent is trying to steal her Murasame and that they're incompatible with it, she won't hesitate to let it go and take advantage of the moment the blade rejects them to attack them and reclaim her weapon.

Monika: She has previously said that she uses Murasame like any other blade because of concern that she may become overly reliant on the Teigu and lose her swordsmanship as a result. However, if necessary, she will make full use of Murasame's capabilities and graze her opponent wherever she chooses.

Junko: If she needs to, she's even tap into her blade's trump card, the Little War Horn, Ennoodzuno!

Monika: This trump card is said only to activate when Akame abandons all her humanity. When activated, she gets black tattoo-like markings on her and a dark aura. It increases Akame's physical capabilities to nearly Esdeath's level, albeit at the cost of shorter stamina than her normal state.

Junko: And that's not the only thing she used during her battle with Esdeath. She also has her own Booster Drug!

Junko: Created from the drugs collected from the Empire's Assassination Squad and enhanced with Glorious Hands of God: Perfector, this drug enhances Akame's strength, speed, and agility, though not to the same extent as her trump card. Still, she can go even further than that when she uses them both together. Only downside is that she risks dulling her senses once the drug wears off.

Monika: Afterwards, however, her Teigu would end up shattered after her battle with Esdeath. She would gain a new Teigu in the form of The Complete Book Of The World: Rongo Rongo.

Monika: This one isn't really combat-affiliated. All it does is give Akame a map of the world and knowledge of every place in the world. Even giving her some knowledge of the other Teigu. But she would eventually lose it at sea due to a storm that got her stranded on an island.

Junko: The same island where she will receive her latest katana! This one being a Meihou!

Monika: Right, during her battle with Yomihime, Akame learned pretty quickly that any regular sword would just shatter in battle. So she got an upgrade to a Meihou. This blade is only a basic model, meaning while it is more durable than her previously owned blades, it has no real special ability added onto it.

Junko: Of course, that's not all. Akame is incredibly strong but she does have her weaknesses.

Monika: Akame's blade, the Murasame, needs the actual flesh of her opponent in order to apply its effect. This ability only works on organic beings that have a heart, rendering it ineffective against Armor and Biological type Teigu as well as machines, puppets, and well... dead things.

Junko: But as stated earlier, she does have ways around this. She also has to worry about her Ennoodzuno and Booster Drugs as both of them can drain her pretty quickly once they wear off. Possibly even leaves her in a ton of pain and unable to fight at full strength for very long after its use.

Monika: Yet she will keep fighting, doing whatever it takes to get the kill, even at the cost of her life.

Akame: I have survived. So I will keep on surviving. Because although I can do nothing else but kill...I must keep on living. Surely I will find a road...to grow from here.

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