Madoka Kaname wishes upon Death battle

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Name: Madoka Kaname, Doppel of Salvation, Law of Cycles, Hyper Ultimate Madoka (Early name), Godoka (By fans), Kriemhild Gretchen, ???

Origin: Puella Magi Verse

Gender: Female

Age: 14 | Immeasurable as Ultimate Madoka

Height: 4'11"

Weight: "No way!"

Series Record: 0-1

Classification: Magical Girl, Doppel of Salvation, Goddess, Conceptual Entity, Crystalized Magical Girl, Witch of Salvation, Witch of Despair



-Accidentally destroyed Mikihara City in the process of one-shotting Walpurgisnacht as a Magical Girl in the fourth timeline, which is exponentially weaker than the Final Timeline Madoka

-Parted a cloud looming over a city in the final timeline. (Note how the intent was to send the arrows through time and space rather than anything combat related)

-The most powerful magical girl in the series

-Grew in power with every reset Homura performed

-Killed the witch Izabel

-Slew Walpurgisnacht in a single shot

-Killed her own future self, which was going to destroy the universe

-Erased the concept of witches from the multiverse

-Ascended to a higher plane of existence to become a concept

-The laws of time and space have no bounds on her whatsoever

         *The world of Puella Magi contains 4D space, meaning that Madoka must be a 5D entity

-Created the law of cycles

            *The Law of Cycles constantly prevents Ultimate Kriemhild Gretchen from entering the multiverse

-Is the very embodiment of the concept of hope

-Matched Ultimate Kriemhild Gretchen and Devil Homura

Monika: Let's look at another one. Madoka Kaname is another gentle and kind girl who lives a normal life and is happy, surrounded by a good family and good friends.

Junko: Until she makes the same mistake of saving the most evil creatures in the world... cats.

Monika: Um well, this time you're not entirely wrong. Monika would save this alien cat thing named Kyubei, who would become her mentor and... yeah not entirely her friend. Kyubei isn't exactly a good person you see. 

Junko: But Kyubei still was curious enough to turn her into a magical girl!

Monika: Right, Madoka is known as one of the strongest Magical Girls, even before her godlike powers that we'll get into later. She can easily part the clouds and her Doppel can level the Earth, reducing it to space dust. 

Junko: She's fast enough to take on Itzli, a powerful witch that can fly from the galaxy to Earth in under a year. And she's already got a lot more in store in terms of power.

Junko: Despite being looked upon as the most naive of the magical girls, she was smart enough to avoid making a wish and made a complex wish while understanding its complications. She's also kind-hearted and would rather not fight unless it's to protect her friends. Boooring.

Monika: As a magical girl, her body can heal from virtually any harm so long as her Soul Gem is intact, even regrowing her head. She's essentially a zombie controlled by her Soul Gem. She can even fly and turn off her feeling of pain.

Junko: She can communicate with other magical girls telepathically, detect magical energy using her Soul Gem, create portals to other dimensions, and even take a page out of Goku's book, growing stronger whenever she takes critical damage!

Monika: She's resistant to mind manipulation and can even resist status effects with certain support spells. Her main weapon is her Rose Branch Bow.

Monika: A staff modeled by a rose branch. She has several attacks like the Magical Staff and Super Staff Attacks that are powerful strikes at her foes. She also has the Rwinkle Staff attack that causes her staff to grow in size and mow down any enemies in front of her.

Junko: As a bow, it has other good attacks like the Spread Arrow, where she fires an arrow that splits into multiple near the enemy. There's the Twinkle Arrow which fires a single, extra-powerful arrow, and then there's the Starlight Arrow, which fires a multitude of arrows in one direction, essentially a predecessor of the Magical Squall.

Monika: Her ultimate attack. She showers the sky with enough arrows to cover an entire city, Magia Record explains that it reduces the attack potency of those affected, and can restore the stamina of comrades. But in the final timeline, it was shown that the arrows can also travel through time and become duplicates of Madoka herself.

Junko: She has another version called Pluvia Neuer, but instead of using a ball she uses her racket. 

Monika: It has a chance of inflicting 'Darkness' which will result in the opposing character losing their accuracy and having their weaknesses more exploitable.

Junko: Other attacks include the Pannier Rocket, where she inflates her body and fires herself at her opponent like a rocket!

Monika: And she has Healing Light, a ray of light that can heal allies, get rid of any negative status conditions, and even bring others back from the dead.

Junko: Also she has the White Light of Salvation, which allows her to purify any enemy, one-shotting them with a beam of light! She can even purify them with regular attacks! Madoka can increase her physical attacks and durability, reduce her opponent's strength, create fog with her attacks, and even negate any form of power nullification, statistics reduction, or paralysis!

Monika: There's just one problem. The whole reason Kyubei had been making magical girls is to turn them into Witches, the very thing the magical girls have been fighting.

Junko: Ha! See? I told you cats were evil!

Monika: Luckily, a certain concept was born to prevent Magical Girls from becoming witches. We'll get to that later. Instead, Madoka can partially transform, becoming Doppel Kriemhild Gretchen.

Monika: In this form, Madoka gains all the powers of her Witch counterpart, Kriemhild Gretchen. However, it's not actually her who is in control but the witch itself, while she's sleeping peacefully in her Soul Gem-like container. 

Junko: This means she can use moves like the Witch's Kiss, which allows her to corrupt the enemy into despair and manipulate them! It's something girls like me only dream of pulling off! It's not an actual kiss, but it was made to garner life energy by invading the mind. It's powerful enough to cause a seppuku cult!

Monika: That's... a little dark for a show about magical girls, isn't it?

Junko: By this point, there's no such thing as an anime about magical girls that doesn't get a little dark. Oh yeah, Witches have a standard ability to create barriers in the form of small, pocket universes to protect them from the outside world. Within these barriers, a witch can summon several familiars to fight on her behalf. If they absorb enough life energy, they can become duplicates of the witch itself.

Monika: In the case of Gretchen, her body is the barrier, and is powerful enough to destroy entire galaxies. She can also passively use False Paradise. As stated in lore, this move allows her to absorb her enemies into herself, creating a paradise suited for her opponent.

Junko: Witches can even warp reality to cause issues with their opponents. This has been shown by manipulating the outsides of the barrier to attack the enemy, preventing them from even entering, or manipulating unresistant enemies themselves. In the case of the Haregi Doppel, her reality warping is potent enough to grant a wish on such a massive scale, that every being in the entire planet would be crushed as a consequence!

Monika: Now you may be wondering, what was it that was preventing Modika from becoming a witch in the first place? Well, that was Madoka herself.

Junko: So in exchange for becoming a Magical Girl, everyone is allowed one wish. And out of everyone, Madoka wished to erase the very concept of witches entirely. Since the wish itself decides what power you're granted as a Magical Girl, this wish essentially turns Madoka into Godoka!

Monika: Allowing her to tap into a new transformation, Ultimate Madoka.

Monika: In this form, Madoka becomes a being that exists on a higher plane than the infinite multiverse, a concept that is both omnipotent and omnipresent. 

Junko: Yeah, you know it gets wild when you find out her skirt is the actual universe itself! 

Monika: In this form, Madoka was able to destroy the concept of a witch and create the concept of a Wraith on a multiversal scale for all timelines, past, present, and future. She also can manifest in the nonexistent multiverse, she can turn a whole multiverse (The World of Witches) nonexistent after rewriting it, and she's able to affect and erase beings who are nonexistent to a conceptual level like Ultimate Kriemhild Gretchen.

Junko: As far as attacks go, she has all the powers of her friends, allowing her to control time, summon weapons from thin air, manipulate the elements, create illusions, nullify her opponent's powers, copy her opponent's powers, and so much more.

Monika: But her greatest attack is the Shooting Star, an amped-up version of the Magical Squall which lets her fire an infinite amount of arrows at her opponent.

Junko: She has Pink Feathers which are capable of reducing the corruption and restoring the magical girls to full strength. And her Pink Incubators allow her to monitor the Magia Record universe. She seemingly creates them for space which she cannot normally interact with.

Monika: With all this power, you would think Madoka was unbeatable, but for every god, there's always a devil.

Junko: Right, as magical as this girl is, she's not all that physical. And she's a bit too kind-hearted and naive for my taste. 

Monika: It's also possible for someone of equal or greater power to rewrite Madoka.

Junko: Like what Homura did when she not only hid her witch from Madoka but tricked her and ripped her apart with her own equally godly power.

Monika: But even still, it's extremely hard to kill her as she would make sure the entire world is happy and view her as the concept of hope.

Madoka: My name is Kaname Madoka. I used to be just an ordinary middle school student, but now I'm an existence who bears the fates of magical girls. I don't regret it, though. It's a precious wish I've been able to find thanks to my dear friend.

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