Vilgax VS Ridley: Prelude

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Vilgax and Ben 10 belongs to Man of Action and Cartoon Network

Ridley and Metroid belongs to Nintendo

All soundtracks belongs to their respective owners


(Wiz and Boomstick - Death Battle Official Theme Song)

Ziana: Vilgax, Cartoon Network's Conqueror of Ten Worlds and rival to Ben Tennyson.

Zen: And Ridley, the Cunning God of Death from Nintendo and rival to to Samus Aran.

Ziana: The depths of space is filled with unknown things, mostly terrifying lifeforms seeking to conquer and destroy. And these two are your worst nightmare come to life. But who is the bigger space menace?

Kira: For this battle we'll be using their standard equipment and abilities, so that means neither Malgax nor Meta/Omega/Neo Ridley will be used.

Zen: That's my older sister Ziana Thundrice, she's Kira Romanov and I'm Zen Thundrice.

Ziana: And it's our job to analyze their weapons, armor and skills to find out who would win..... a DEATH BATTLE.

Vilgax Conquers DEATH BATTLE

(Vilgax Boss Battle - Ben 10: Protector of Earth Soundtrack)

Zen: Ben Tennyson. Wielder of the Omnitrix and savior of the multiverse. He's faced countless enemies who wish to control the universe or claim the Omnitrix for themselves. But his most iconic and recognizable adversary is a Chimera Suis by the name of Vilgax.

Kira: In 1773, Vilgax was exiled from Vilgaxia for "ambitious disobedience", and summoned to Earth by a distress signal sent by a time-traveling Maltruant. There, he makes repairs to Maltruant's damaged transport in exchange for a Chronosapien Time Bomb, which he would use some time later. George Washington and a time-traveling 16-year-old Ben Tennyson stopped the deal. Watching Ben transform into various aliens is what initially fostered Vilgax's interest in the Omnitrix.

Zen: So ironically Ben himself caused the birth of his first and deadliest villains. Vilgax planned to use the Omnitrix to create a vast army of aliens to conquer to and only Ben Tennyson stood in his way.


Super Strength

Super Durability

Superhuman Speed

Master Manipulator

Energy blasts

Energy sword

Chronosapien Time Bomb

True Form

Ziana: Due to how he's portrayed over the years, Vilgax's equipment has varies from time to time. However, as a Chimera Suis Generis, he possesses enhanced strength, durability and speed. He can also fire energy blasts from his hands.

Kira: And given he's from the 1773s, he has decades of combat experience brought to the table. He also wields an energy sword which can cut through ships and aliens like Chromastone with ease.

Zen: Remember the Chronosapien Time Bomb? Well he uses it to eradicate all the Bens in the multiverse with it. If all else fails, Vilgax is forced to turn into his true form, which is essentially a giant octopus that greatly increases his physical strength and large enough to devour any enemy.


Conquered ten worlds and defeated their champions, absorbing their powers into his own

Shattered Chromastone

Escaped the Null Void

Survived multiple ships exploding

Comparable to Waybig, who overpowered the Incursean Conquest Ray, a device stated to be capable of destroying worlds and annihilated Pluto

Defeated Ben and would've gained the Omnitrix, had Diamondhead not returned

As Malgax, he overpowered Atomix, Ben's second strongest alien and took his "best shot" like nothing. Atomix has defeated Ultimate Humungousaur and Ultimate Spidermonkey and is considered to be superior to Waybig

Punched Diamonhead all the the to Galvan B as Malgax

Survived the Omnitrix's self-destruct in his face (It's been stated the Omnitrix can destroy the universe if given a few days to self-destruct)

Survived the Chimerian Hammer exploding, which is said to destroy anything within a 100 mile radius

Destroyed one of the heads of Mount Rushmore

No-sell a barrage of lasers

Defeated Kevin 11, Sugilite, Galactic Enforcers, Rath (Azmuth), Zs'Skayr

Tanked hits from some of Ben's strongest aliens like Humungousaur, Four Arms and Way Big

Manipulated Albedo into thinking they were allies, only to betray him

Forced Ben to relieve the Omnitrix to him

Successfully erased all Bens except No Watch Ben

Survived a point-blank nuclear explosion

Vilgax is responsible for the destruction of five planets and the creation of a black hole

Has tagged XLR8. XLR8 is easily the fastest of the original aliens, making him much faster than Ghostfreak, who once dodged the Sun Gun, putting him at speeds of roughly 82,000,000 miles per hour.

Tricked the Flame Keeper's Circle into thinking he was the Diagon

Clashed against Sir George who tagged Fasttrack, who wielded Ascalon, a sword capable of destroying planets if misused

Is known as "the most dangerous being in the universe"

Flew from Vilgaxia to Earth then from Earth to Petropia

Has held his ground against Ben, Gwen, Kevin, Max and several others numerous times

Took a direct hit from a Techadon Dissipator with little damage (Vilgax Must Croak)

Ziana: Vilgax earned his title of being called the Conqueror of Ten 10 Worlds? Why, because he's defeated the superheroes of said worlds which includes the likes of Ultimos and the Galactic Enforcers. His skin is so tough that Diamondhead's crystals actually break and survived getting stomped by Ben Prime and his alternate timeline counterparts.

Kira: In the original series, Ben's heavy hitter likes Four Arms and Diamondhead were no match for Vilgax's raw power, easily overwhelming them and has even tagged XRL8, who once moved so fast time seems to be frozen. Speaking of speed, Vilgax flew from Vilgaxia to Earth in a short time and then from Earth to Petropia in an even shorter time. According to Kevin, Petropia sits at the very edge of the galaxy.

Zen: And he can fight on par with Waybig. Waybig's Cosmic Ray has overpowered the Incursean Conquest Ray which is stated to destroy entire planets a. In order to destroy Pluto means the output is worth about 8.81 yottatons of TNT. He also used the same attack to obliterate two-thirds of Malware's Third Form.

Kira: Which is impressive since his in normal size, he withstand the destruction of the which has an energy output of 430 yottatons of TNT.


Defeated by Ben and his allies numerous times

Defeated by Diamondhead on multiple occasions

Vulnerable to extreme cold

If he is weakened in his true form, cannot revert back to his humanoid form

Fears Ma Vreedle

With the exception of his toadie Psyphon, Vilgax all an all drone army since almost no organic life form is willing to work for him save hired mercenaries he offered money to

Lost his Dagonax and Malgax forms

Vilgax can be terrified of Toepick's face

His scare factor has decreased over the years, becoming less frightening

Even with the Chronosapien Time Bomb, Vilgax still failed to kill all the Bens in the multiverse

Ziana: But Vilgax isn't without his own weaknesses. His species is vulnerable to extreme cold and he has been beaten by Ben many times. His durability has limits and if he's weakened before unleashing his tur form, he can't revert back to his humanoid and must rely on water to survive.

Kira: Also he has become less frightening over the years, now more one reliant on power-ups just to keep up with Ben. And even when he had the tools needed to wins, he still loses. Like the time he erased nearly all version of Ben with the Chronosapien Time Bomb and that still fails.

Zen: Or the time he had stolen Diagon's powers and even possessed the Malgax Armor both of which easily curbstomp Ben, yet he still manages to whoop Vilgax's ass.

Ziana: But with the title of "Conqueror of Ten Worlds" in your name, such weaknesses are nothing but mere annoyance. Scary or not, Vilgax remains as one of Ben's infamous villains to date.

Vilgax walks through the walls of flames as he stares down the kneeling Jetray.

Vilgax: Ben 10, I've come to kill you and conquer your world. Is now a bad time?

Ridley is too big for DEATH BATTLE

(Vs. Ridley - Super Smash Bros. Ultimate)

Kira: Ridley's history is fairly unknown, but we do know this; he's the leader of the Space Pirates and responsible for the raid of the Earth colony K-2L. During the raid, he met a little girl named Samus Aran, who he would have a large history with. Being the naive little girl she was, she went up to him and asked to Befriend him.

Zen: Ridley promptly decided to kill her in return, despite saying she was cute. Before this could happen, however, Samus' mother jumped in the way, while Samus' father destroyed the supplies he and his Pirates were searching for, but was killed.

Ziana: The raid had been successful and the entire colony was destroyed, but unknown to Ridley, Samus Aran was left as K-2L's sole survivor and the event transformed her into the most feared Bounty Hunter and his biggest nemesis.


Plasma Breath


Superhuman strength, durability, speed





Kira: Ridley has sharp teeth and claws which is he wastes no time tearing into you with. His tail is also a big factor since he'll stab you multiple times with it. But his most iconic and signature attack is the Plasma Breath. While it takes time to charge, the breath beam can destroy almost anything caught in its radius.

Ziana: And on the occasion he does get injured, he can consume flesh to regenerate and heal wounds. And despite his feral looking appearance, he's more intelligent and cunning than you think, which rightfully earns him the title of "Cunning God of Death". Oh, and he can camouflage himself.


Lifted and threw at least 81,600 metric tons with ease

Is one of the few individuals to stop the normally fearless Samus cold in her tracks

Responsible for the genocide of the Chozo civilisation on Zebes

Destroyed a Mountain casually in 960x Gravity

Bested Samus twice

Outran Samus' ship which travelled the galaxy in six months

Died on multiple occasions, but always came back

Responsible for the massacre of the colony K-2L

Tanked multiple attacks from Samus' plasma cannon

Known as the Cunning God of Death for a reason

Survived disintegration from Phazan

Able to react fast enough to dodge plasma shots from Samus while charging at her full speed even at point blank range and exhausted from a previous fight

Can easily out-speed Samus in her Zero Suit and even in some Power Suits, who moves Mach 4.9 in 960x Gravity in the Zero Suit

Zen: Ridley is one of Samus' relentless and cunning rival. He destroyed a mountain while under the gravity of a planet that is 960 times heavier than Earth's, which requires 5.74 Gigatons of TNT. His tail is sharp enough to pierce a Chozo in his power armor.

Ziana: He tanked a planet size explosion in his face and fast enough to outran Samus' spaceships, which travels at 10 millions faster than the speed of light. Ridley is also tough enough to tank majority of Samus' entire arsenal, including her Ice Beam and Power Beam. The Ice Beam is powerful enough to freeze a star's surface and the Power Beam is strong enough to activate a underwater volcano.

Kira: And true to his title, Ridley has came back from the dead multiple times.



Despite his cunning, he is extremely blood-thirsty

Metroid: Other M

Extremely arrogant

Healing factor has limits

Defeated and killed by Samus every time, even with his Meta, Omega and Neo forms

Ziana But this purple space dragon isn't the most perfect. His win-loss record against Samus is not that impressive, even when adding cybernetics to become Meta and Omega Ridley, he still gets his butt kicked. And if you were to attack his mouth while when Ridley is charging the Plasma Breath, he'll end up injuring himself.

Kira: Plus his healing factor, while capable of regenerating from the bone, isn't instant and requires time and consuming flesh to happen.

Zen: And despite his cunningness and intelligence, if Ridley ever becomes blood-lusted in a fight, which like all the goddamn time, he becomes single-minded in his pursuit to murder, abandoning all common sense.

Kira: Still, Ridley has earned the name "Cunning God of Death" for a reason, and he's not afraid of using his tail to prove it to you.

Ridley knocks Samus into her ship which begins flying as if to escape. However, Ridley flies up and charges his Plasma Breath, which he fires at Samus and her ship, engulfing them in a large explosion.

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