Leone vs Battle Beast

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Ann: This is probably gonna be my favorite so far! Two cats going all out!

Makoto: This one is brought to you by WolfmanThomas26. But we are low on battles, don't forget you can make as many suggestions as you want.

Name: Leone

Origin: Akame Ga Kill

Gender: Female

Age: 20s

Classification: Human, Assassin, Member of Night Raid, Teigu User

Ann: Starting with everyone's favorite catgirl assassin, Leone! A carefree girl and one of Night Raid's heavy hitters!

Makoto: Her weapon of choice... or should I call Teigu... is her belt. Otherwise known as Lionelle.

Makoto: This turns her into a beast, giving her superhuman strength, speed, senses, and regeneration against minor wounds.

Ann: She also gets some handy claws! Oh, let's not forget about her Teigu Fusion!

Ann: She can fuse with her Teigu, probably increasing her senses, physical capabilities, and healing factor even more!

Makoto: Leone is one heavy hitter. I'm sure she can pummel through just about any real competition.

Leone: The lifespan of a human is certainly way too short. That's why you've got to make the most of it and live your life to the fullest.

Name: Thokk, Battle Beast

Origin: Invincible

Gender: Male

Age: Unknown

Classification: Alien warrior

Makoto: Then there's Battle Beast. A revered guardian who's obsessed with the thrill of battle.

Ann: This cat is also incredibly strong. And his two main choices in weaponry are his ax and sword!

Ann: Oh, he also has a Mace and body armor.

Makoto: These weapons are clearly heavier than they look, but it's not like he cares. He's got enhanced speed, strength, durability, senses, etc. You've gotta love these battle craving types, they're always the most interesting.

Ann: And they have the coolest fights too! This is gonna be fun!

Battle Beast: This is not a game! This is what I live for! This is my life!

Makoto: Okay, I think that's everything.

Ann: Alright! It's time for DBX!

Leone was walking around when she suddenly saw Battle Beast, surrounded by Rebellion Troops. They all attacked and with a swing of his mace, he slaughtered them all.

Battle Beast: Pathetic... is there nobody here who can satisfy my thrust for battle?

Leone smiled and activated Lionelle. She walked towards Battle Beast, clutching her fists.

Leone: Hey big guy, why don't you give me a try?

He turned to look down at her.

Battle Beast: I normally don't let the weak take me on... but for you, I'll make an exception.

Leone dashed at him and he swung his mace. She dodged his attack and punched him in the gut, but he barely flinched. He went for a downward swing and Leone jumped to the side to dodge it. He quickly swung it again and she went to block his strike before getting knocked back through multiple buildings. She crashed into the last building and began to get up.

Leone: Geh... damn.

Battle Beast: Is this all you got? If so, I am quite disappointed.

Leone was on one knee as Battle Beast walked towards her. He pulled out his ax and swung it down at her, but she suddenly caught it.

Leone: Heh, I'm just getting started!

She snapped the axe in two and punched his face, knocking out a bloody tooth. He swung his mace and hit her in the ribs, shattering them. Leone coughed blood but smiled as she grabbed the mace and elbowed him in the face, causing him to let go. She took his mace and swung it, hitting him in the head so hard the mace broke. She grabbed the head of the mace and kicked Battle Beast to the ground. She got on top of him and smashed his head with the broken mace over and over again. The bloody Battle Beast threw her off him and stood up as she slid to her feet. She jumped up for another strike, but Battle Beast took his sword and stabbed it straight through her body. She coughed more blood and it went on his face. He smiled at her and licked the blood on his face.

Battle Beast: You're nothing more than a weak little girl.

Leone: Well it's gonna take more than this... to kill this little girl...

She pulled the blade deeper into her in order to get closer to Battle Beast. She grabbed his arm and clawed the side of his face, ripping his eye out. Battle Beast roared before chomping deep into Leone's arm. She screamed before grabbing his upper teeth and pulling open his jaws with her hands and arm. She took her arm out of his mouth and punched him in the throat, smashing him into the ground. She staggered back and pulled his sword out of her stomach.

Leone: Gah!

Once she got it out, she tossed it aside as Battle Beast started to stand up.

Leone: Heh... I thought you'd be tougher!

Battle Beast: I'll rip you to shreds!

They both ran at each other and swung their fist. They clashed as the bones in Leone's arm shattered.

Leone: Geh!

Battle Beast went for another strike and she dodged it. She grabbed a street post and swung it at him, smacking him in the face and knocking him back. She dropped the post and dashed at him, going for a punch. He dodged it and swung his claws, slashing the side of her stomach and opening it up. Leone flinched as Battle Beast went for a downward punch. Leone caught it but her wound forced her to slam his fist into the ground. As soon as she did, Battle Beast went for another chomp. Leone used her already damaged arm to block it as he once again sunk her teeth into her arm.

Leona: AAH!

Leone fell to the ground as Battle Beast got on top of her. She was holding him back with her damaged arm as he tried to chomp her head off. She quickly used her other hand and stabbed it through his through. Her teigu fused with her body as she sunk her hand deep into him and ripped his neck out of his body along with his entire spine. Leone was breathing heavily with blood all over her as she pushed him off.

Leone: Damn... I need a nap...

Ann: That was... pretty brutal...

Makoto: Right... that really was a battle to the death...

Ann: Well... let's see what to expect next time.

Samurai Jack vs Boba Fett

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