The Pistol

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Counselor: where did the pistol come from

It was gifted to me by a friend

Counselor: what was the gun forn


Counselor: Form whom?

Form the voices....the yelling ...form...home...

Counselor: was this gun an escape for you

No.....when i had the chance to use it i backed down like the baby i am...

Counselor: who were you going to use the gun on


Counselor: By everyone who do you mean

.....By everyone who do i mean....

Counselor: yes that was the question

What do you think i mean by everyone

Counselor: I asked the question you have to answer it

Hm....thats all you seem to dont answer my questions ...why is that?

Counselor: answer the question

Your just like them wanna help someone but yet dont wanna help yourself ....first giving wrong advice making my life a more living hell....

You know by everyone i mean people like you....also acting like your here for good but then turn on us leaving us in the streets

Its sick and sick people like you should be exterminated......

~News Report~

A loving father and son was just shot today by a 16 year old boy during a counseling session. Police are still debating on what to do with the boy he is currently going to do Community work. And now go to a mental hospital he will spend the few years there so he can gain some sanity. Then the police will keep the Press quiet about this like all government does hide things.

Recent new report the boy has now left the hospital and is nowhere to be found we have went to the boy's mother but he has not seen him either he has vanished disappeared like a ghost maybe death has taken him now. But no one knows the police are just going to keep quiet about this it's not a big deal one person getting shot of course. The hospital says that he is or has improved and if he is still alive that the police shouldn't worry.

As for the boy's mother Kim if the police have found the boy or storm we should say we will return him right back to his mother. We will put the family under protection for now

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