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Time, a concept thought up by humans, though there are only a few characters who are able to manipulate it.

Kurumi Tokisaki, the time Spirit known as 'Nightmare'.

And Sakuya Izayoi, the maid of the Scarlet mansion.

I'm AhmedSalah120 and I'm here to show you all who would win and who would die on a Death Fight!

The Spirits of Date A Live are beings that are shrouded in mystery.

Though it doesn't help when humans shun them.

In order to keep themsafe,Ratatoskr sends Shido Itsuka to seal them by going on dates, raising their affection levels before sealing with a kiss.

The only exception to this is the Spirit codenamed Nightmare, which I don't get the reasoning behind.

Kurumi Tokisaki is without a doubt the most dangerous Spirit in existence. And to answer your puzzlement, she's named that due to the fact that no matter how many times DEM member Mana kills her, she will always come back.

But that'd mean she's a beautiful and cute nightmare then.

But despite her seductive looks, she is an expert killer, murdering over 10,000 people, not to mention that this doesn't include the deaths caused by her spacequakes. Damn, why do drop dead gorgeous women have to be insane?

Well, she kills to give herself more time by draining the time of others. Either that or kills them once they torment an animal.

Basically, her abilities consume her time, so in order to use her abilities, she must consume the time of others, which leads to her goal.

She basically wants to stop the first Spirit from coming to earth, which happened thirty years ago. Not only is it bizarre, but she should know a paradox would be created.

Though sometimes the time travel is the reason why something in the past happens.

Because time travel takes up a lot of her time, she has to absorb a large amount to travel through thirty years of time. She was able to send someone back five years with the energy she has already.

It's actually with the intention of doing good, but the ways to do it are questionable.

No wonder, she has to consume time to live, so I expected no less.

As a Spirit, Kurumi possesses lots of mana, though in a unique way, she also has the time she's collected from others at her disposal.

And her Angel Zafkiel allows her to activate a certain time ability before shooting the opponent.

Zafkiel is composed of a flintlock pistol, a musket and a giant clock which appears behind her. In order to activate it, she must say one of the twelve hour times and point her flintlock towards said hour.

Whatever's hit by them will have a drastic affect on it. In addition, she can use some of the more useful ones on herself, such as Aleph and Dalet.

However, only eight of her twelve bullets have been revealed, potentially hindering her arsenal.

She can accelerate someone's time, slow it down or stop it altogether.

She is also able to create clones, share senses and look into someone's past, though her trump card is her final bullet: Yud Bet.

With this, she is able to travel back in time. The only trouble with it is that she is only allowed to travel so far with the time she currently possesses.

And that's only scraping the surface of Kurumi's abilities. Her primary ability is actually shadow manipulation, which allows her to call forth hands to bind opponents and acts as a storage for all of her clones.

Due to the compatibility between both abilities, Kurumi is able to create clones of herself which retain all the memories she has, making betrayal all the less likely.

If that wasn't enough, she can drag a person into her storage, which will give her an advantage over many foes.

But by far the most crippling of shadow abilities she has is the capability of summoning the City of Devouring Time.

It's basically an unbreakable barrier that consumes the time of anyone in it, excluding her own.

To top off her movepool, she is able to summon spacequakes that can ravage a massive school. There is no way of blocking this, making a hit from this result with instant death.

Ahem, don't think I forgot about her guns. Not only can her guns be used for long range combat, they are extremely efficient in close quarters, though they'd only inflict blunt damage.

She also has an Astral Dress names Elohim, which is able to withstand many attacks, meaning only Spirit killing weapons will inflict...

Though she does not feel physical pain, even when these weapons are used against her.

And you know what the worst thing is? Despite being weaker, all of her clones can use the City of Devouring Time, her flintlock and musket and summon spacequakes.

However, only the real Kurumi is able to use Zafkiel's time properties, leaving them with firing regular bullets. Not that she minds. In fact, with her clones, some of her time abilities will be much more useful for unpredictability.

Plus, it does make her stand out if she has it behind her all the time, but she can make it disperse at any time, allowing her to blend in with her clones.

With this, she has a flaw, if she dies, then all of her clones will perish as well.

Even with this, she is a tactician, being able to plan well ahead and face unexpected obstacles.

Her clones managed to take down many DEM members, broke through the Yamai sisters' and Yoshino's defenses to get to Miku, has pin-point accuracy and matched one of the more physically powerful Spirits in strength.

With all this up her sleeve, it's no doubt that she's a villain with an extremely high kill count.


Within Touhou, there are many widespread theories regarding the series.

It kind of doesn't help when the creator doesn't reveal this type of information to anyone...

But none have as many theories as the maid of the Scarlet Devil Mansion.

Enter, Sakuya Izayoi. Of course, little is known about this character in terms of backstory, though it is hypothesized that she was a vampire slayer.

Buuut for this battle, only information that is 100% accurate will be featured here.

Which means that the theories based around her will not be used as valid information when they're not.

Now that that's out of the way, we can continue with the facts.

Sakuya was a human who was distanced from her own kind due to her ability. As a result, she, unknown how to us, became a maid of Remilia Scarlet, the head of the Scarlet Devil household.

And because of her ability, she was eventually the only maid.

Not that she minded. In fact, she became Remilia's personal maid after the last maid retired. Yep, like a good woman, she stayed in the kitchen...I know...I know...I get it...that's kind of sexist...but I don't care. That's probably the best thing she does!

Wiz: Well, you wouldn't say it if you knew...

Boomstick: Yeah...Knew what?

Wiz: That she wields knives, and lots of them. Not only is she able to slash at her opponents, but she is able to throw many of them in rapid succession, even having the accuracy to back it up.

Boomstick: Screw that! Someone needs to seriously get her out of there.

Me: Yeah and someone needs to get out of here...(grabbing the scar)

Wiz: ...

Boomstick: Hey kid put that down...

(As I fired the rifle Wiz and Boomstick ran away as they're screaming)

Me(putting the scar down): Anyway, That's not the only thing she's proficient in. She is also able to manipulate time to a decent extent.

She can fast forward her time, slow down others or stop time completely.

But despite this, she is unable to rewind time. That's unfortunate. And I thought she was a great time manipulator...

She uses her time abilities in adjacent to her knives, which are presumably endless in quantity.

And even if she does run out of them, she is able to enter her secret stash of knives or pick up the ones she threw.

In addition, she is capable of creating a clone of herself, which will only last a short amount of time.

In addition, she is capable of creating a clone of herself, which will only last a short amount of time.

Though she is only able to create a single clone. Not to mention that it can be hit in order to make it vanish.

But probably the worst thing to get hit by is her pocket watch.

Once you get hit by this, time will stop.

And Sakuya will be able to set up some knives to throw while time has stopped. When she resumes time, all you'll be able to see is loads of knives heading in your direction.

Sakuya is a calm person, being able to stay cool under pressure, though her time abilities are near useless if she is unable to move.

And despite her athleticism, she is only human at the end of the day, meaning she has some limitations.

Though this is one maid you'd best not tick off!


Finally we done with previews, and now get ready for the D-D-D-D-DEATH FIIIIGHT!!!!!

Location: Itsuka Residence

Suddenly, Sakuya appeared from an alley, keeping close watch on a school girl with black hair. The girl was walking along a road before two thugs emerged from a nearby opening.

Thug 1: Give us your money!

???: Oh my. Well, I have no money on me.

Thug 2: Hey, what if we...

The second thug begins whispering in the first's ear, discussing a plan they have in store for the school girl.

Thug 1: Great idea!

Thug 2: Would you mind following us, missy?

???: Sure...

The school girl is escorted into the alleyway, out of the sight of Sakuya. The next thing that can be heard is the shill screams of the men, before being silenced. Curious, Sakuya peers around the corner, only to see the girl licking her lips and the alleyway drenched in blood.

Sakuya: How could you?

???: I needed their time, they were horny, it's perfect bait!

Sakuya then threw many knives at the girl, killing her.

Sakuya: What a sick joke...

After she regains her knives, a laugh is heard. As Sakuya looks up, there is another girl on the roof, only in what appeared to be a dress and her hair being in pigtails.

Kurumi: This could be entertaining. I'm going to enjoy feeding on you.


Sakuya then jumps up on the building next to the one Kurumi's on, drawing out a few knives. In response, Kurumi draws out her flintlock pistol and musket.


Kurumi begins to fire at Sakuya, who dodges the bullets while throwing knives at Kurumi. Both combatants are trying their best to hit their opponent, but to no avail. Sakuya then accelerates her time in order to jump across the gap between the buildings before slashing Kurumi. 

The latter barely managed to block, but managed to hold her ground against the maid. As Sakuya jumps back, she throws knives down, which impale Kurumi's dress, but there's no sign of Kurumi being injured.

Kurumi: Hmm, it seems as though I have to get serious with you. Come, Zafkiel!

Suddenly, black thunder hits the floor before a massive clock appears behind Kurumi.

Kurumi: Aleph!

After pointing to 1 o'clock, dark energy seeps into Kurumi's flintlock, before she fires it at herself. Confused, Sakuya gets her knives ready, but after the bullet hit, Kurumi is now behind Sakuya and shoots her. The bullet doesn't damage Sakuya much, but it causes her to get sent flying forwards.

Kurumi: Het!

As Sakuya recovers, she suddenly sees two Kurumi's, in which she responds by creating a clone of her own. As the two Kurumi's fire at Sakuya and her clone, but the clone creates an opening, ensuring Sakuya is able to kill the Kurumi's.

After slicing them, they break up into darkness, to which Sakuya remembers when her knives hit Kurumi. After that, she realizes that the real Kurumi is still alive. Suddenly, Kurumi appears from Sakuya's shadow, to which Sakuya slashes at her, only for it to be another clone.

Sakuya: Come out and show yourself!

After yelling that, Kurumi appears on top of a nearby water tower.

Kurumi: If you want to get me, then at least try.

The maid then jumped between buildings, noticing that other Kurumi's were on the roofs of some buildings. They begun firing at Sakuya, but she slowed down the time of the bullets, easily avoiding them. Then, as the bullets stopped, they were redirected towards the clones, killing some of them. 

Before she neared Kurumi and slashed her, Kurumi managed to use the bullet Dalet, causing Sakuya to go back two buildings before being reigned on by the bullets of the clones, though Sakuya was able to throw her many knives to slice the bullets in half before killing some clones.

As Kurumi was levitating over the building, Sakuya threw her pocket watch at one of the clones, causing all of them to freeze. After launching a barrage of knives at the clones, she then proceeded to try and stab Kurumi. 

Despite her best efforts, the knives wouldn't cut through the Astral Dress, though before she was able to slash off both of Kurumi's arms, time resumed and only one arm was lost.

Kurumi: You'll pay for that.

All of a sudden, an alarm could be heard.

Sakuya: What have you done!?

Kurumi: You pushed me to this.

Suddenly, a Spacequake is seen engulfing the building they're on. Sakuya easily managed to get off the building, but Kurumi simply levitated above it.

Kurumi: Zafkiel, Dalet!

As Kurumi shot herself, her arm reattached itself to Kurumi before she gave pursuit on Sakuya. The maid was on the building adjacent to the now non-existent building, thinking to herself as to what the attack did. Before she could think any longer, Kurumi fired bullets at Sakuya, which she dodged.

Sakuya: Why won't you die?

Kurumi: Because I need time...


As she said that, the City of Devouring Time appeared, encasing both of them in its barrier.

Sakuya: (I have to finish this now)

Kurumi: You'll never escape!

Just before Sakuya moved, Kurumi's shadow brought up lots of white hands, which were ready to grab her. During this, Kurumi pointed to seven o'clock.

Kurumi: Zayin!

The dark energy seeped into both of her weapons before she aimed them at Sakuya. Sakuya then slowed down time, but there were no gaps between the hands in order to get to Kurumi. 

Despite this, she threw her knives at the hands before resuming time at a normal pace. Despite firing the knives at the hands, they simply passed through them and managed to grab her. Before she could get out of the grab, Kurumi shot one of the bullets infused with Zayin. At the moment that Sakuya was hit by it, she had frozen in time.

Kurumi: Now, fare thee well...

Suddenly, she found that Sakuya disappeared.

Kurumi: ..w..what...where did she go?


Suddenly again, Sakuya appeared from behind.

Sakuya: Right behind you. You really have problem with aiming.

A flashback appears that she hitted Sakuy's watch, then the time stopped, then Sakuya escaped the trap.

Kurumi then looked at the direction where she thought that she shot Sakuya. Then she looked back again. Kurumi was about to fire bullets at Sakuya impacting her. But Sakuya erases all bullets and kurumi from space and time.

Sakuya: You really thought you would kill me with that? Your time is mine and you have nothing to change that.


Well hear me out.

Sakuya's time abilities were one step behind Kurumi's. But her feats levels were more bigger than Kurumi's.

Sure Kurumi's powers and abilities were a huge advantage to her but Sakuya's attack potency, speed, striking strength and durability were far more superior excluding lifting strength, Kurumi is better in this.

Last thing, like I said before, when anything touches Sakuya's watch,
the world's time stops, while when Kurumi's gun hits something, this thing only stops time.

Here comes a pun in 3.2.1.
Looks Sakuya was the real "nightmare" in this fight.

Sakuya Izayoi

Get ready for the next battle...

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😀😀😀see ya😀😀😀

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