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*the intro didn't start yet* I don't do bias, especially on this one!


Who's the cute little girl who wears a red hoodie and walks in the forest and meet some bad wolfie?

Well it's the red riding hood, yet today's combatants are the same the only difference is that they have weapons!

Ruby Rose, the huntress and the leader of Team RWBY (and my waifu)

And BB Hood, the cute yet crazy psychopath red riding hood from Darkstalkers

I'm AhmedSalah120 and I'm here doing my best to prove to you all who will take the league and win a Death Fight!

The world of Vale is full of strange things. Humans with special powers, dark creatures that roam the forests and caves, criminal syndicates that seek to destroy humanity.

What's stranger yet is the amount of fairy tales that are based off real things! You have the Maidens, a story that talks about some old fuck that is given a lesson by four sisters at a time and then he gives them powers.

Then there's the story of the Silver Eyed Warriors, warriors who would kill Grimm just by looking at them. It was a gift from the God Of Light, see? There were the God Of Light and the God of Darkness. The Silver Eyed Warrior gene has been passed down through the generations, and it has manifested into the form of a young girl named Ruby Rose.


Anyway, Ruby Rose was a girl aspiring to be a huntress like her mother and to kill Grimm, and everything was working out for her, hell, she even got into a high class school at a younger age because she held her own against a criminal by herself.

About a year later, the Vytal Tournament had started, and at the beginning of the one on one fights, disaster struck and the entirety of Team RWBY was split up. Don't worry, they reunited again and everything went ok. Until the fandom started shipping with an ASSHOLE CALLED OSCAR PINE!!!!!

Ruby, after seeing her friend Pyrrha dying at the hands of Cinder, went into a fit of rage and her Silver Eyes activating, freezing the Grimm Dragon in place and turning Cinder into a mute while taking out one of her eyes.

(forget about the last part)

But even without these Silver Eye powers, she do have more arsenal with her.

Ruby Rose is skilled at her weapon, the Crescent Rose.

In RWBY Universe, every melee weapon is also a gun. And Ruby is no different.

The Crescent Rose's scythe mode is a red beauty that has been shown to slice through multiple Grimm like they were butter, she's even been able to cut through the giant Nevermore with ease! 


Everyone wants this weapon, except the assholes.

A giant bird that was capable of ramming into a tower and was FINE, mind you. But what's better than the scythe mode? The rifle mode. And what's better than the rifle and the scythe mode? Both of them mixed! And I mean the shooting while in Scythe mode, this can be used as her booster or make her fly.

This sniper rifle fires off your average bullets and a special type of explosive ammunition called Cross Clips, but the rifle mode can fire off dust rounds, fire rounds that burn, ice rounds that freeze, gravity rounds that give off more power, and electric rounds to paralyze. And damn she treats them like if it was her child. I don't blame her tho, Peter took care of his car like if it was his child.

Ruby is also equipped with the Aura, a natural barrier all humans have that protect them from injuries. Aura can be used to heal, unlock the Auras of others, and can be used for offensive and/or defensive purposes. Also it can be the lame spider sense but it's ok.

However, expend TOO much of your Aura, and you can be put into a dying-like state. You will be too weak and you won't be able to be protected from deadly attacks.

All humans and faunus in the world of Remnant have a special ability called a Semblance that helps them fight, and Ruby's increases her speed by transforming into a group of Rose Petals!

Zipping around the battlefield, Ruby slices and dices all in her path, and the recoil from the dust rounds only makes her go faster. Ruby has been shown to reach speeds of Mach 300, and has created a vacuum, pulling cars and people and Grimm with her as she runs. And I mean by that, I mean team JNPR and some tables and dishes and some food.

Ruby does have her faults tho. Her Crescent Rose is her only tool for self defense if someone took it from her, well she's screwed. And despite people believe that she will reach her full potential, it will be hard since she's reckless, naive, impulsive, and can't fight against unpredictable foes. Yes she killed too many foes but it was only Grimm no more no less. She got better in the future of the series but not much.

Her Silver Eyes is her ultimate weapon, but she had little hard time to use it and it's effective on Grimm and kinda Maidens.

But with her speed and knowledge, Ruby Rose may have what it takes to outwit her beast of a competition. And she beautiful while doing it!

She killed a T-Rex sized Grimm with a little help from her friends, survived point-blank explosions from a Joker Rip Off called Roman Torchwick (he made the series amazing), survived falling from the sky, and sliced a scorpion fannus named Tyrian.

Ruby fought Beowulves with ease and speed, she just took out a group of Grimm (Beowolfs) before her bullet shells landed on the ground. She was able to resist Apathy Grimm, this Grimm makes you heavy and weak to death. It's more horrifically than it sounds.

These feat has proved why Ruby SENPAI is a badass! And cute....❤

In the universe of Darkstalkers, many monsters from Makai have already entered the human world. Many of these creatures are considered to have valuable organs-

We're not joking. That's actually a thing in the Darkstalkers universe.
So many people have taken on the job of hunting them down. One such monster killer, known as Darkhunters in that universe. If you try saying "Darkhunter" really fast it sounds like.......

Anyway, One such killer is Baby Bonnie Hood, otherwise known as just B.B. Hood. Considered to be one of the most fearsome hunters in the entire world, she hunts down some of the strongest demons around.

Even the weakest of these demons can wipe out entire first-class elite soldiers! B.B. Hood's one hell of a one-girl army!

Despite her cute and docile appearance, B.B. Hood is hardly comparable to any regular human. She is resistant to any sort of mind-control or mind-tricks, meaning that despite what people may think, she is comfortably sane.

In order to be a Darkhunter, you must have a dark soul so that the horrible creatures of Makai don't influence you. Which really makes no sense to me, I mean, come on. Shouldn't a dark soul make you more likely to be influenced by anyone dark?

No one knows. But Hood's soul is so dark, that Jedah considers her to even be a Darkstalker herself. In fact, her stare can even inflict fear upon even the strongest of Darkstalkers. She is a natural-born hunter.



But the best thing about this chick is she has a ton of weapons! Like an Uzi machine gun, mines, freaking MISSILES, apple-shaped grenades, daggers, molotov cocktails, a machete, a pistol, and other explosives, guns, and knives. She keeps all this in her basket, which I think might just be a portal to a weapon dimension... I want one!

What? You think I will leave Senpai!?

And just in case her high-tech weapons fail, she carries a large rock which she can use to smash in her opponents' faces.

Because of her demanding routine, she is a weapons expert as well as a master tactician. She also never seems to take a break from fighting Darkstalkers, so it's easy to say she's gotten quite used to it. However, this doesn't mean that she underestimates opponents or fights recklessly at all - she makes sure of it.

Hood also is strong enough to effortlessly lift people and throw them into the air, make a tornado by spinning around, and she's so freakin' cute that her adorable face can deceive just about anyone.

B.B. Hood also always enters an event known as the Dark Hunting Grand Prix, where she and many other people track down a single target and the first one to eliminate it wins. Hood has won this contest many times. If that's not enough, she has also faced off with some of the most powerful characters in the Darkstalkers universe.

But Hood is still not perfect. If she is to run out of ammunition and explosives, she becomes a strictly close-range fighter. She also has an insatiable desire to kill, which depending on the foe, can either be a strength or a weakness.

This is one red riding hood you DON'T want taking cookies to your grandma.

At last we're near to the end and I'm near to tell you the solid answer about Who Would Win This DEATH FIGHT!!!!

A damp forest was where Ruby Rose was walking. She somehow got split up from her team as she hears the sound of bullets flying. She then notices someone dashing towards her, revealed to be BB Hood.

Ruby quickly takes out her scythe and dashes towards BB Hood as her opponent jumps up and aims her gun.



Ruby begins the battle by slashing her scythe at BB Hood multiples times, but BB Hood counters by slamming her basket onto Ruby's head, dazing her.

BB Hood then takes out a machine gun and fires, but Ruby recovers quick enough to dash out of the way before ramming into her opponent and blasting her back into a tree, snapping it in half.

BB Hood quickly recovers before pinning Ruby down and firing a Machine Gun at her like a madwoman, but Rose pushes her off and dashes back, firing multiple bullets at BB Hood. 

The Darkstalkers character recovers and does the same thing, unleashing a flurry of lead as bullets deflect off one another. In slow motion at Ruby's side comes five bullets, and came another five from BB Hood's side, bouncing off in opposite sides before switching to normal speed until they both run out of ammo.

Ruby dashes around her opponent, leaving her dizzy before quickly reloading, but BB Hood recovers and points her basket as small missiles home in on Ruby's location.

Ruby starts running as the missiles follow her every move, but Ruby jumps over BB Hood as the missiles strike her instead. Ruby prepares for another attack, but hears a ticking sound, revealed to be a time bomb. It blasts Ruby upwards as BB Hood spins around and slams two knives into Ruby's back before slamming her basket down, sending Ruby colliding with the ground below.

Ruby slowly recovers as she uses her Aura to heal her wounds before slicing a nearby tree and blasting it towards BB Hood. The Darkstalkers character easily blasts it back before snapping her fingers.

John and Arthur appear as all three gun down Ruby on the spot before BB Hood throws a Molotov Cocktail, burning down the entire forest.

BB Hood smiles as she sees a weakened Ruby on the floor before walking towards her, ready for the kill.

BB Hood tries to fire, but she noticed that she's out of ammo, which causes Ruby to cancel her fake-out as she dashes forward.

Ruby brutal slashes BB Hood multiple times before blasting her into the sky. Ruby then dashes into the sky before dragging BB Hood by the tip of her scythe. She then slashes, cutting BB Hood's neck and decapitating the Darkstalkers character.

Ruby: Mission Complete...JK JK

Ruby then walks away after landing as BB Hood's headless corpse falls to the ground.


I know I know, she's awesome.....

Oh also I know RWBY haters will disagree and I will not care. But for the others, hear me out.

This is kinda tricky match to decide. Both had the kinda same amount of advantage against each other.

BB Hood is a great strategist and her variety of weapons that can counter anything Ruby can do. And Ruby's Silver Eyes are working only on Grimm. And calling her Assistants will distract Ruby. And the the Darkstalkers she fought meant to be solar system busters.

And that would make her win. The only issue that it's hardly matter. Ruby is much better when you think about these categories in a different way.

Yes Ruby's Silver Eyes can't help, but she still have her semblance and her aura totally protect her from being killed from anything that Hood throw.

And her Assistant is quite helpful but remember when I told you that Ruby killed tons of Grimm before the bullet shells reach the ground? Yeah.....she would be too fast to kill 2 only.

BB Hood's arsenal is quite powerful, but so does Ruby's, BB Hood's Uzi is just a normal Uzi and it has limited ammo.

BB Hood's apple bomb or the Basket Rocket launcher can blow Ruby up but Ruby survived Roman's explosions.

Ruby maybe is bad at hand to hand combat and if BB Hood throwed the Crescent Rose away from her she's screwed, but since she have her semblance, she can just go and take it back.

And BB Hood's have normal bullets while Ruby can paralyze, burn, freeze, or shoot BB Hood normally, or she even can go like a rocket to her.

Last thing, can't BB Hood just kill Ruby in seconds since Darkstalker characters meant to be solar system busters?

No, only characters of the uppermost top tier are implied to be planet-buster and beyond, this includes: Morrigan(fused with Lillith), Dimitri, Jedah, Belial, and Pyron. Bonnie, despite her reputation and Jedah's kudos, she is a virtual ant compared to them and she has little to no feats to speak of. Ruby, on the other hand, is a high-end bullet timer.

Ruby Rose to the "occasion and made the cut".

Ruby Rose


Who's next!?

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