Natsu disappears and the search

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(Author's notes)





// sound effect or flash//

I don't own Fairy Tail nor do I own the characters

Last time
Natsu ripped the book away from her ad said "touch my things again and I will kill you" before walking out of the guild after slamming the door behind him.

After which he walked to his home.


The next morning Natsu arrived at the guild early and talked with Master Makarov and did his test while no one was around Master Makarov was amazed that the boy now had more power than Erza and awarded him the title of S-class Wizard.

Natsu turned towards Makarov and said "don't tell the other guild members I don't want them pestering me please" Makarov nodded at the boys request and said "fine and you now get to do S-class quests on your own I you wish" Natsu nodded and walked back into the guild and back to the second floor where he sat down and started to read his book again.

After about 10 minutes of reading Natsu walked down towards the guilds library and started to look through different books when he got to one of them he started to read through it and when he came to a particular page he smiled at the photo and said "master Mavis I know you're there can you show yourself to me" after that the female ghost appeared to the salmon haired boy and sat on the table in front of him and said "what is it that you need Natsu?" Natsu turned towards the blond master and said "I wanted to know where you managed to find this picture" when Mavis saw the picture she smiled and said "I was given that photo by Zeref when he was still a good guy, when I asked him who the children were in the photo he said it was him and his little brother and that one day his younger brother would come looking for it".

Natsu smiled and said to himself even though Mavis did hear him "I miss those times" Mavis went into shock and said "you're his little brother" Natsu nodded and said "he spoke to me many weeks ago and told me he was my brother of course at first I didn't believe him but since then I kept on getting flash backs of that time all the way up until my body was destroyed by acnologia after that it goes back to my time with igneel. Please don't tell the others as my promise between friends please Mavis" the blond shook her head and smiled nostalgically and said "why am I not surprised, just like your brother. Okay I will keep this a secret but please do take care of yourself Natsu and congratulations on becoming an S-class wizard." as she started to disappear Natsu smiled in the ghost's direction and said "of course" and started to leave taking the picture with him.

When he came out of the library with about 10 books related to his brother and his time with the first master. The guild was full and all of the members were talking with each other. When the members of team Natsu minus Natsu himself were sat at a table talking he noticed but walked up the stairs again and sat down at the table again with the rest of the guild watching as he started to look through the books and wrote something down on a piece of paper.

Once he was done he put the photo and the piece of paper in his pocket and carried all of the books back to the guild library. When he came back out everyone was staring at him but he just ignored them and went back to the second floor before taking a look at the piece of paper before looking at the mission board and picking a mission. When he came over Master Makarov looked at the paper and read it over before nodding and Natsu left the guild. Everyone looked at the retreating figure of Natsu and once he was out of sight everyone started questioning Makarov with why is he allowed to do S-class missions and so on and so forth. All Makarov replied was "Natsu is actually an S-class wizard and has been since earlier on this morning" all of team Natsu were in shock as well as the rest of the guild but they weren't in as much shock.

What shocked everyone more is that Natsu went on a mission without Happy and seemed like it was urgent. Over the next few days Natsu hadn't returned, the days turned into a fortnight. People were starting to get worried. That morning a parcel arrived at fairy Tail for master Makarov when he opened it, the box contained 20 percent of the jewel that Natsu's mission rewarded and a letter on top" he reached inside and picked up the letter before opening and reading through it.

Once he was done reading Makarov's eyes widened to a point people thought that they might fall out of his head a second later he ran up to his office and started looking through things when he came out he noticed that everyone was staring at him. And he took a deep breathe before turning to the guild and saying "I know many of you are now worried about the where a bouts of Natsu and you all should have very good reason to be worried" after that the rest of the guild members started to panic and say what's and why's. Makarov shouted "SHUT UP AND LET ME FINISH *everyone shut up* thank you the package that just arrived contained the guilds portion of his mission and a note."

He took a deep breathe before saying "the note said that he was quitting the guild and will never be coming back to fiore. I just tried to locate him but appears that he has already removed his guild mark." Once the rest of Team Natsu heard that they went into shock. They started to shout about the fact that it wasn't true and that Natsu was just playing a game on them but then a voice said "all of it is true" everyone looked towards the second floor balcony to see the ghost of their first master.

Erza said to the ghost "what do you mean it's all true" Mavis smiled sadly and said "you see over the past few weeks have none of you noticed that Natsu was more distant to you all" multiple heads nodded "that he stopped participating in fights" again more heads nodded "and that he started to read and study on something" everyone nodded their heads and Mavis turned her Back to them "the reason why Natsu quit the guild is due to the fact that what he was studying about it is a personal problem of his that he wants to destroy even though it may take him with it" after that everyone went silent and Makarov said " how do you know this First master Mavis and what is this problem".

Mavis turned to him and smiled sadly again and said "I know because earlier on he confided in me what was wrong and of what he planned to do and I have complete and full faith that he will accomplish his goals and as for his problem-" her expression went dark and cold " his problem is the dark wizard Zeref".

After that outbursts were heard from the rest of the guild while others couldn't believe that Natsu was stupid enough to go after him on their own. Gray decided to voice his thoughts "one last question master Mavis what would Zeref even want With Natsu in the first place" after that many people agreed with Gray's comment and Master Mavis said "Natsu even though you may not believe It has the potential to be the strongest wizard the world has seen, stronger than the 10 wizard saints combined.

Zeref is a person that has lived for many years maybe a hundred or so years maybe more before I was even born he is tired of being immortal the only way to kill him is to have someone with equal strength fight and kill him that is where Natsu came in he has constantly been watching Natsu as he evolved to see when he would be strong enough up until the point that Natsu left the guild in his pursuit in the disguise of that mission." After that everyone including Makarov was in shock after that everyone set out in search of the pink haired wizard.

After months of searching for the wizard with help from lots of different guilds no one could find the pink haired wizard.

Meanwhile with Natsu

Natsu was walking through a stone building and he entered a throne room of sorts, he stared at the figured that appeared in front of him and said "looks like I finally found you.......... Big brother".
Till next time.

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