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I was sat on the edge of my bed looking through photos on my phone of me and Merlin I held my locked in my hand Merlin had brought it me for my birthday it remainder of him but I would always have a piece of him.

I place my hand on my huge bump this kid is going to have a life a head of it family in statesmen and Kingsman the best spy agencies in the world he will never get bullied or robbed he was like kickass.

I was looking at the photos when I heard my bedroom door open I knew it would be dad ever since Merlin died he's been around me more trying to comfort me but I didn't need it because I knew Merlin would be looking down on me and calling me a pussy.

My walked in and sat down beside me I could see him looking at my phone at a photo of me and Merlin together "he loved you so much" he said as I turned to face him with a tear in my eyes "I know" I said trying to hold the tears in
"and he would be so proud. He reached his hand out and put it on my bump. I know there was a large age gap between me and Merlin but I couldn't help it feelings towards him.

"I feel like an elephant" I said as I looked down to the bump before putting my hand onto it "you know what Merlin would say right now" he said which made me look at him once more before I smiled and then spoke "you look beautiful" I said as I started to laugh and so did dad. But I then I saw my Dad reach in his jacket pocket "they found this in the remains" he said as he pulled out a red box.

We both looked at it for a while before he upended the box inside was an engagement ring "an engagement ring" I said siling at the box " I think he was going to propose to you after saving the world" he said which made me laugh a little "remind you of anyone" I said which made us both laugh before he passed me the ring box and I took the ring out of it.

I held the ring in my hand it was beautiful and it was engraved on the inside which said "My dearest Addie now and forever, Merlin xxx" it said which made the tears begin to flow as I began to wipe them away with the sleeve of my jumper before looking towards my father before speaking "Champ has offered the baby a future job in statesmen when he's 18" I said which seemed to intrigue my father "will you except it" he said questionably but I knew there was only one answer. "I will let him choose what job he wants" he said which made my fathers face light up with happiness "Him" he said happily "yeah dad it's a boy" I said before he pulled me in for a tight hug.

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