Nonsense Announcements

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Hye to my dear readers❤❤❤❤.. as you guys can see from the tajuk..yaya x update chapter but i need to confess something to you guys.. Im just felt like i have too..okay?😂😂 but don't worry, nothing serious just something nonsense

Okay as you guys know, yaya ada update chapter 5 on this fanfic..right?..HAHAHAHAHAHA...Okay here's the funny thing...actually chapter tu x siap lagi tau😂😂😂 BUT I DON'T KNOW SOMEHOW... I DON'T EVEN KNOW HOW.... THAT DAMN CHAPTEP HAD BEEN PUBLISH😂😂😂

If korang baca semua fanfic yaya and memang suka dgn fanfic yaya..yaya selalu letak quotes in the end of the chapter..Kan?...yaya memang akan selalu letak quotes for the readers.. and dalam chapter 5 xde quotes...kalau perasan la😂😂..means yaya mmg tgh edit lagi chapter tu and yaya xde niat nak update dalam masa yang terdekat cause yaya selalu buat 2 draft before yaya update 1 chap...most of the time la..

So yaya memang flustered gila bila nampak korang votes and comments on that chapter and yaya macam since when yaya update😅😅...and yaya baru teringat yang yaya ada bukak wattpad pakai laptop and masatu yaya tgh edit...but yaya rasa yaya tertekan button publish🤯sebabtu  la chapter ni wujud di library korang😂. it's my mistake and i wanted to say sorry because chapter tu tergantung😂

At first yaya rasa nak unpub balik but yaya rasa bersalah sebab ada yang dah baca and even ada yg dah comment and mintak next chapter so yaya decided untuk biarkan chapter macamtu eventhougt yaya rasa macam nak sepak-sepak je chapter tu😭😭

So harap next chapter x jadilah macam ni lagi😅😅.. yaya nak mintak maaf kalau chapter 5 tu ada banyak kekurangan especially tergantung mcm tu but don't worry because next chapter tak akan kelirukan korang☺☺

And for those yang selalu tunggu mana-mana fanfic yaya untuk di update im sorry maybe yaya x akan update selalu😥😥.. yaya baru saja masuk ke alam kolej matriks so yaya busy with homeworks and assignments..but i will find the right time to update my fanfics okay😊😊😊


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