The wolf, a lamb and three bounty hunters

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Death enters inside his home, he puts the little lamb on the sofa.

She looks at him, as he takes a bowl, pours leche and puts it on the table.

"Come here Pequeña dama, you must be very thirsty, come quench your thirst with some leche"

The lamb jumps in a tail, her tiny wagged and she drinks the milk in the bowl.

As death pulls a lamb cookbook, "that's right little cordero, you fill up while I find a way to cook how should I have you: grilled, kabab, should I cut you up and turn you into a stew"

He turn his head to the lamb, he smiles very sinister like.

Then he puts the book up, picks up a clever and approach the little lamb.

The shadow of the clever covered the little lamb as she continues to drink the milk, but then...

Death chucked the clever in the table, licks his mouth again and opens up wide, showing his bare white teeth.

"Or should I eat you raw"

He was about to make eat her, muzzle Was deep in the milk.

She noticed his shadow approaching her, she looks up at him.

"Baa!"'she had no clue that she was about to be eaten.

And when she looked at him with her cute eyes, he snarled passing her adorably charm.

"Oh no, You're Not gonna get out of this" he growled.

He wanted to eat her but when he sees her looking him, he felt something inside....something he never thought he felt.


Although he tries to ignore it, "don't think you going to get out of this by using those puppy eyes"

He could hide what he was feeling inside, then when his mouth reached out to her milk soaked muzzle.

She licked his nose and that's when it did it.

He forced himself to eat the lamb but then he gave up.

He yells in frustration, "¿POR QUE DIABLOS ¿Por qué no puedo comerme la maldita chuleta de cordero? Maldita sea, maldita sea, maldita sea, maldita sea"

"You're ruining this for me you little Chuleta de Cordero, ugh" he groaned as he throws his sickles on the table and sits down.

He grabbed his fur out of stressed, the little lamb looked him.

He sees her looking at him, "all I wanted is a little lunch but it's obvious I can't do that with a innocent lamb child like that when you look at me like that...I don't usually do...but I'm not going to eat you" he sighs.

The little lamb scoots a chair next to him, she drinks the milk and when she looks up, death wipes off the milk of her lips using his thumb and he licks it.

"You have a name Señorita" he asked.

But the lamb just stares at him, "can you speak, do you speak English"

Then something glistened in this eye, it was coming from underneath her neck, it was collar with a bell, he brushes her wool aside to see a tag with her name engraved.

"Estrella? Do you have another family that you can go to...maybe a family friend who can take care of you, or is there a place you can stay"

She then hands him a paper: aunt Marie's home for lost animal orphans.

"Huh? Aunt Marie? Alright gets some sleep tomorrow morning I take you there tomorrow"

He walks off the bed, but there is more to the lamb then she seems.

A poster was blowing in the air when it hit death's window, it showed that it was wanted poster of the lamb.

Apparently someone wanted the lamb, and there were going to be bounty hunters looking for her.

Because later that night at the house filled with slaughter sheep, a mysterious stranger was looking at the poster then back to the house.

The mysterious figure was wearing a cloak and had a Shepherd's Crook.

Taking out the cane, they busted the door Down.

Then three sheep walked in, the Three looked around.

And taking off the cloak revealed to be; little bo peep the deadliest bounty hunter and her sheep too.

She was wearing a white and pink dress with brown boots and she was British.

She looks around then she threw sheep came back to her.

"Baa" the three said.

"What? What do you mean their all dead?"

"Baaa" the first one says.

"So there survivors" she asked.

"And you can't find her"

"Baa baa" the second sheep says.

"Ugh" bo peep groaned, "well that's just great"

Then they heard a small chuckle, "what's the matter bo peep, lost your sheep"

And out of the Darkness was Mary lamb A. K. A. the lamb whisperer.

She wore the same dress like no peep but it was white and blue instead and she had blue matching gloves and she was Australian.

"Ugh Mary lamb...what are you doing here" bo peep asked.

"Looking for a lamb same as you" Mary looks around.

"Why don't you just get lost, this lamb is mine"

"Funny I thought sheep was You're thing considering you always lose them"

Her sheep growled at Mary, "BAA!" But bo peep holds them back.

"Lambs and sheep's are the same"

"They are Not"

But as the two continues to argued, along came a big fat spider.

Both girls turn and see that on top of the spider was a coca bean skin girl with brown curls in a purple dress.

Who was none other then: miss muffet and her pet spider itsy.

"Ugh, ello miss muffet, what brings you Here"

She was Irish "I'm looking for a lamb too"

"Well it looks like someone has beat us to it" Mary says.

"Do you know who it might've been" miss muffet asked.

"No but whoever did it, they mean business"

"Do you thing the boss is going to upset with us"

Bo peep never felt so humiliated, "come on let's go, big red isn't going to be happy with us" bo peep says as the three bounty hunters left.

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