Trouble with bounty hunters

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The butcher pig then got tied up in a chair facing the three girls, a group of sheep and one giant spider.

" are we gonna make him talk" bo peep asks sarcastically as she walks around the room, smacking her cane on her palm.

"You can threaten me all you want but I won't speak" the butcher pig says.

Then Mary grabs him by his shirt pulling him down to his face.

"Alight blonker  tell us where the lamb is or else" Mary threatened him.

"I ain't telling you nothing for what I know"

Then miss tuffet and her spider lean in closer to him.

"You either tell us what you done with the lamb or we make chopped ham" miss tuffet smiles heinously.

The butcher pig eyes open wide when he saw the scary spider.

"I told you I don't know nothing"

Then one of the sheep spoke, "he ain't gonna tell us nothing" the first sheep named bruiser said, "how are we gonna make him talk"

"Oh he'll talk" bo peep says as she pulls his beck down with her cane.

"Even if I have to kill him"

She stared him down then he spilled: "alright alright, I'll talk"

"Did you not kill a family of lambs"

"Ok I admit I did but I could find the lamb"

"Liar" bo peep pulled on his neck tighter.

"No I swear, I went to the house but the lamb was no where to be found, I couldn't find her, I don't know where she went"

Bo peep was then convinced, she lets him go, she wanted to get even for ruining her job.

"Alright fine" she lets him go, "who wants ham"

"What? NO-"

The next thing he knew it, bo peep pushed him into a burning oven and they all had smocked ham.

"So what do we now" miss tuffet's spider asked.

"Mary...since you are the lamb whisperer...find her" no peep let's Mary lead.

She leans her ear in to hear for the lamb then she pointed out to the raging river.

"There" she pointed out, then the three girls ran.

Meanwhile with death, he, the lamb, Goldie and the three bears were heading to a small town.

Although baby bear is still trying to eat her, he stares at her With hungry eyes.

Death wasn't looking but he can feel the lamb was in danger when baby bear opened his mouth.

"Eat her and I'll cut out your tongue" death threatens him as he pulls the lamb close.

The little lamb looks up at death, it amazed her to see him protecting her.

"I just Don't see why we can't eat her now" baby bear asked.

"I told you it's not her time"

"Ooh right...i forget you were death incarnation, only you get to decide when it's people's time to come"

Then they all stopped when they come across a town.

"Oh boy, what do we do" mama bear asked.

"Don't worry you three will be fine, your not on the most wanted anymore so I doubt anyone will attack you but someone is coming for the lamb" death says as he walks in town.

He was feeling concerned about the lamb, he turns around to see how nervous she looked.

So he took off his cloak and he puts it over her, she looks up at him.

"baa?" She tilted her head.

"Let's go and don't draw attention"

Then he sees a carrot, it must been awhile since the lamb ate.

The lamb in his cloak was wandering around, the world seem new to her, then she stopped when she sees death holding a carrot in front of her.

She looks up at him, "here, you should probably eat something"

Then the lamb munched on the carrot and he petted her head...surprisingly...he smiled.

And not in a scary he he gonna take Someone's life, he was smiling warmly.

Then he felt someone was watching him, he turns around....

Then the lamb started to scream, "baa...baaa, baa...baaa" she sounded distraught and distressed.

Baby bear was getting annoyed as he covers his ears.

"Will you please shut that thing up"baby bear groaned.

"You shut it up" Goldie says.

"Aw the Poot thing must be hungry" mama got into her motherly instinct and pulled a cookie from her purse.

"Here love, I made it this morning" she hands the cookie to the lamb.

The lamb looks down at it but she shook her head and continued to make noises.

" baa baa baa"

Then death started to look suspicious, "I don't think that's why she's upset, because 1. She's a lamb, she eats vegetables and grass and 2. I think she senses danger"

"What makes you say that mate" papa bear asked.

Death then pointed from far away, a sheep sitting on a tall hill.

"Oh no" papa bear says.

"We need to go, run"

They all ran but then everyone in town started to panicked and ran inside, shutting their doors.

Then they were surrounded by a army of sheep, the lamb was terrified, she held onto death and hide behind him, he holds her, rubbing her back to calm her nerves.

Then coming out of the sheep was Mary lamb, "Hello...Mary" death growled her named as he Goldie and bears get ready for a fight.

"Ello wolfie, bears, Goldie" She then sees the little lamb hiding.

"Ah I see you found my lamb" Mary bends down to the lamb but she hide behind wolf.

"Find another one, she's mine" death threatens her.

"I'm taking that lamb" Mary pulls out a cane with a sharp blade.

Then death pulls out his sickles, "you want the'll be over my dead body first"

"Make that exact" Mary swing her blade at him but he blocks it with his sickles.

"Protect the child" death yelled.

"Oh come on dearie let's go" mama bear grabs the lamb but when they ran, they get blocked by miss tuffet and her spider.

The spider hissed causing mama bear and papa bear getting in front of the kids.

"I'll be taking that lamb thank you" miss tuffit say.

"The only way You're taking that lamb is thought us first" Mama bear scolds her.

"Have it your way" miss tuffet snapped her fingers and her spider tries to grab the lamb.

But papa bear jumps on the spider wrestling him, "go kids, get the chin out of her" Mama bear says as miss tuffet gets on her back.

Goldie and baby bear ran with the lamb when bo peep jumps in front of them..

"Not so fast"

But by the look of Goldie's face which was annoyed, she and bo peep were rivals.

"Ello Goldilocks"

"No peep, what's wrong did you lost your sheep again" Goldie chuckles.

Bo peep gets irritated, "IT WAS ONE leave the gate open and suddenly that's what you're known for...I'll be taking that lamb" she points her cane at the lamb.

Baby bear and Goldie were curious as baby bear pushes the lamb back.

"Why is you want the lamb for anyway," baby bear asked.

"Yeah last time I checked aren't you a sheep girl...or do you want to lose this one too" Goldie mocks her.

"Oh...really cute but no...this lamb is very special...I need her"

"You want her, come and get her" Goldie pulls out her cane and twirls it around.

Then two blondies ram and their canes hit, bo peep swings her cane at Goldie but she ducked and jumped looking at baby bear.

"Baby! Get her out of here"

"On it" he grabs the lamb and ran, "let's go.."

But he ran into one of bo peep's sheep, but this sheep was very muscular.

"AH" baby bear panicked when the sheep cracked its chuckles.

He ran around the house, death ties to pushed Mary's blade away, and mama bear tries to pull miss tuffit off.

Baby bear ran behind a house then he saw on the river...

"A boat...hey.." he called out to everyone, "there's a boat in the river"

Death pushes army back, and saw the boat...

"Come on we can escape in the water"

Goldie swings her cane, knocking Goldie down.


Then papa bear grabs the Spider's leg, swings  him back and forth then he throws him into the  army of sheep.

Mama bear grabbed miss tuffit and when Mary gets up she tries to chase after death but man bear throw miss tuffit into her.

They ran to the boat, baby bear tries to escape the muscular sheep while protecting the lamb.

But then the sheep pulls out a blade and when he tries to cut the lamb.

Death saw, his eyes glared as he aimed his sickle at the sheep.

But baby bear covers the lamb and he got his arm cut.


Papa bear and death growled and they both ran to the sheep.

Papa bear punches the sheep, while death picks up the lamb and mama bear and Goldie help baby bear up.

Death jumped on the boat while carrying the lamb, then everyone got on.

Goldie and the others watched them take off escaping, she got upset, she never failed at her job.

"The boss Is going to unpleased" she growled, "but that wolf is so dead"

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