Chapter 4: Kira's Kingdom

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Sakura TV Newsperson: "...What do you want with me? I'll... we'll.. we'll give you anything!"

The newsperson begged of Matsuda, unsteadily teetering in his chair. Even from behind the cover, it seemed he was relying on the executive beside him, turning to face the concealed face of Matsuda as well. Unidentifiable from behind the cover, the newsperson appeared to be another faceless, forgettable coward, using the status of Kira and insurmountable power presumed by the genocidal supernatural entity believed to be a ruler of Japan and creator of the New World to cover for themselves. Touta knew that much just from the tone ― and the apparent inflection in their voice from the tensions presented in the HQ of Sakura TV.

Sakura TV Executive: "Yes, we'll give you anything! Do you want immunity from Kira?!?"

Touta Matsuda: "Shut your goddamn mouths. Kira is a mass murderer and genocidal maniac."

Touta said, leveraging his anonymity from behind the covers and screens the two spokespeople conversed behind. A thought entered his mind. What if the two had the Shinigami Eyes? Stepping back, Matsuda began to double check the circumstances of his sudden checkup on Sakura TV's headquarters. He kept his finger on the trigger, keeping the gun holstered on the cover in case one of the spokespeople came charging out; perhaps ready to write his name in the notebook or physically assault him.

The room became strangely silent.

Sakura TV Executive: "Do you hear that?"

Sakura TV Newsperson: "That must be the sound of judgment. It's a foolish move by a police officer to enter the Kingdom of Kira."

The newsperson stood up, walking out from the cover, revealing delirious, red eyes bearing a resemblance to those of the two Shinigami Matsuda had seen with his two eyes. Shinigami Rem and Shinigami Ryuk. The experience was bizarre, morbid, and was enough to freeze Matsuda as the two began approaching him despite his equipment of a gun.

Within seconds, bells began tolling. Pain struck, and Matsuda was met with a heart attack. The seize of his heart, combined with the arrest of its performance and suspension of its functions, left the detective to die a dishonorable death as the detective's firearm fell from his hands, colliding with the ground. He fell against the floor, muscles and joints stiffening with his collision, already pronounced dead by the time he had made his landing. There was no strength. No resistance or tense made from the detective. Just a faint collision with the ground as surrounding sound was zoned out into compartmentalized white noise. 

Touta Matsuda had just died.

With his fall, echoes of morbidity followed as men clad in black and white suits came out of the dark, sunglasses obscuring their pupils. They inspected the body of the now deceased Touta Matsuda, immediately coming to the deduction that he was a member of the NPA. With the police officer and detective out of the way, the men in black proceeded to transport the body out of the building to lay waste to it; to never see it again in all practicality.

The underbelly of Kira's rotten kingdom did not stop there.

Kira Agent: "Target neutralized."

The grim reality had set in. With Matsuda dead, another member of the Japanese Task Force had been taken away far too soon. Rigor mortis began to set in as the corpse of the detective withered away in a dumpster in an alleyway.

No word was made of Matsuda's death by Sakura TV for the sake of keeping the Japanese Task Force in the dark as to the whereabouts of the detective. For all former allies could've known, Matsuda was living a quiet, humble life away from investigating when he had actually been slain from unknown causes. In the posthumous morbidity of his death and fate to be spent amongst bags of trash and waste disposal, Matsuda's failed attempt to extrapolate information from the heads of Sakura TV resulted in a gaping hole of investigative power and familiarity with the previous existing Kira case.

And meanwhile, in the underbelly of the dark, ravenous pit of the New World, a group of celebratory worshippers applauded Sakura TV for their murder of the detective after a recording of the scene had been salvaged. A recording of men in black watching Matsuda's failed infiltration attempt from afar and attempt to coerce the two spokespeople on the television set with covers was published to Sakura TV the next day for public viewing around the Kanto region of Japan. Major enough to be displayed on the satellite-sized screens of Japan's inner cities, the unsettling situation was displayed to thousands of residents on a Friday night as they went about their own separate paths in a kingdom where Kira was king.


Not L.

Not Near.

But Kira.

A supernatural entity, by all means unknown, with the power of ending lives in an instant. Methodology unknown to most, the haunted recording of Matsuda's death in Sakura TV headquarters playing over and over again in inner cities on public foundations where most could see the display mounted upon billboards and the like eventually aroused the attention of Near and the SPK one night when they discovered the recording playing in the inner cities.

Halle Lidner: "Just another one of Sakura TV's propagandist bits. Should I skip this one?"

Near: "No, wait. There's something peculiar I've noticed."

Near inquired, looking at the several monitors he focused on closely with the replaying of the recording issued by Halle Lidner's control of the remote. As he sat in his usual, crouched and unorthodox position within the headquarters of the SPK, there was something that he visually processed which shocked him, resulting in the dilating of his eyes. 

Normally unimpressed, analytical, and selfless to the point where he seemed inhuman despite his human tendency to remain out of conflict and much to the side; a trait most in his own inner circle considered repetitive and unproductive to the case, he found himself overwhelmed by a realization; a shocking one as one of the many members of the Japanese Task Force his Special Provision for Kira Task Force conjoined with temporarily in an established assistance to find the real Kira in the Yellow Box Warehouse. Throughout the cooperation expressed by the parties in their painstaking time spent in that warehouse, there was one party and figure that fit the profile in Near's chronological film reel of memories. One that generated such a precise, properly probable familiar impression on the detective with analytical patterns exceeding double any boy his age. It was Touta Matsuda, which happened to be the very detective hit with a heart attack in the clip.

Upon realizing who it was, Near's eyes went from shock to narrowing, processing what Matsuda had even done to be the target of the self-righteous Kira. No sympathy or praise was given. Not even a single word of regret or empathy of any kind. It wasn't like it was in Near's power what Matsuda did or not. But a slight scolding tone prompted Near as what he said next aroused a nod from his surrounding inner circle.

Near: "...Matsuda."

Near admitted, tucking his head down for a moment. Halle Lidner, Anthony Rester, and Stephani Geovanni stared at the screen before recognizing the subject, mutually receiving the same form of disappointment. 

Touta Matsuda. Dead.

Halle Lidner: "...What could he have been doing at Sakura TV headquarters? They're a bunch of Kira worshipping fanatics."

Near: "...It beats me. However, one thing is for sure."

Near: "That marks another member of the Japanese Task Force's remains. Dead at the hands of Kira just as I predicted."

Near looked soullessly and aimlessly at the screen at the defunct, unmoving body of Touta Matsuda. Not feeling any emotional connection to the investigator or any obligation to act or release any official statement regarding the death of the investigator in any shape or form, Near only inspected the screen before it inevitably blacked out, showing absolutely nothing. The rest of the SPK was relatively quiet; not a single word or two exchanged amongst the group at the revelation of Matsuda's demise.



In the criminal underworld lingered thousands of archetypes and subtypes of criminal; ranging from the worst of the worst to petty, narrow and jagged criminals hiding in alleyways. Some on the move permanently to flee from Japan at the reimbursement of killings. 

With the return of Kira, many criminals, citizens, businessmen, businesswomen, and the average tourist, perhaps, were on a trip to flee. Those in the Kanto region were completely hampered in their ability to travel, however.  Whether by accord of the promise of remaining free, communication lines, traffic lines, and several lines responsible for the facilitation of travel were suddenly down. A huge reliability in function dramatically fell in accessibility. As if in anticipation, whether by causation of the anticipated bustle from Kira's resurgence, transportation was banned by civil servants who barred the access of public transport across Japan's regions. 

Shady men in black clad in mystery guarded public transport and airlines around Japan. In the passing hours, catching even a taxi would be immensely difficult; let alone finding vehicles. Criminal or citizen; or even both, finding a vehicle in entrenched poverty proved difficult. The streets became barren and empty. An executive order by Sakura TV, the same news station which had taken over as the principal streaming station in the Kanto region was tuned into automatically by force by every electronics system in Kanto's proximity and vicinity, informing every Japanese citizen to stay inside of their homes if they had one. Lights dimmed as if a power outage were to occur.


It was as if the world had fallen into Kira's control. People fell into desperation by the strained and vulnerable, crippled connections of travel systems around Japan. Those who wanted to escape the watchful eye of Kira in Japan had no hope. Nothing to turn to in the absence of the National Police Agency and the Japanese Task Force, which remained completely silent in the overlay of the scene. Silence spread across Japan like a plague as Sakura TV's executive order rippled through even to private investigators like Shuichi Aizawa, Kanzo Mogi, Hideki Ide, and vice versa, getting their attention instantly.

For the time being, it seemed, the world had fallen into Kira's control. A reign which seemed so absolute that it was terrifying. The SPK watched as Japan was forced into a lockdown, dimming lights spreading to every region in Japan as if through some paranormal influence. If citizens were lucky enough to be in possession of homes, most of them were inside, staving away from the dangers of outside. Travel had been completely shutdown. It seemed virtually impossible to get out of Japan for the time being.

Not good.

Not good at all.

Near thought as he watched the scene at a distance. The display was terrifying.

 It seemed the current Kira reserved greater power than the previous to cast such an effect instantly without question. 

Or perhaps, if Near were to dare pursue his previous line of thought, that he was right in one of his many postulations. Perhaps someone in the higher ranks; someone with knowledge of a country's power grid and innermost systems was in control of the notebook to the point where they redirected their sights on Japan. But how?

There were too many questions to be asked. Near needed to wait and watch.

Maybe the President of the United States really had sold the notebook, after all, Near thought, witnessing a geographic representation of several power outages around Japan in a spontaneous manner. 

Streetlamps were occupied with cameras cutting every corner. The capacity of cameras' tracking ability to watch citizens proportionally increased over the past few days. Investigative agencies sent to live at a certain headquarters or obey a certain order had to deal with missing power which meant that cellphones, mobile phones, laptops, and computers reliant on the power grid of Japan would not work. Starving citizens often died on the streets as the policies of lockdown became more stringent, disturbing and intrusive to the wellbeing of Japan citizens. 

Even while it all went on, Near could only watch, perplexed by it all even as the mistreatment progressed past the threshold of a week.

Near: "...Interesting. Why would Kira put the very New World he's worked so hard to make in such peril by a power outage? Even then, assuming this is the work of Kira is a bold, biased analysis."


Through Japan's deprivation of power, a group recently came together, lighting a luminescent light through lanterns dimly shining through the resilient night sky. They peaked at the mountaintops after long hours of travel, seemingly travelling up the side of a mountain despite the surrounding darkness. They walked as if they had no fear. They talked as if it was another casual exposé; another trip through territory that was dampened by a murky history of cultish behavior.

Cultish behavior reckoned by worshippers belonging to Kira. Worshippers that believed they were doing the right thing by assembling there on the mountaintops to worship and praise Kira and his excellency as well as his divine greatness. When the worshippers settled and broke into complete silence to prepare and worship their deity, a woman, representing their leader with an ageless face, pulled off the hood of her cloak, revealing herself instantly amongst the group as an outlier presumably holding some status of some kind. Basking in the limelight of the moon and light granted to her by fellow worshippers who stood to the side, she clasped her two hands together for a moment of recognition and praise to the godsend in the sky, thanking him for everything he'd done.

Thanking Kira.

Kira's Kingdom was one of the highest order. And so, a civilization of people who praised Kira was found. One led by a girl, lending praise as she once had many times before to Kira alongside other worshippers to thank him for his resurgence in killing the unjust. To thank him for the rightful shaping of the world into the New World with an epitome of morally vague, opaque justice that only the worshippers in their blind faith could attest and atone to with their prayers and personal thanks to the supernatural figure hailed as Kira.

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