L X Reader ~ Finals At Wammy's

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Hey look, another exam chapter because author is stressed out! Mini plot explanation, the Wammys boys are getting ready for finals, and you and L are trying to help them out. A is included because I think he's adorable, and he deserves more love.

For the purpose of this one shot, you and L are about 22, A and Beyond will be about 14, Matt and Mello are about 9, and Near is about 7.


Finals at Wammy's House. Between A's anxiety, Beyond's love to create chaos, Mello's need to be better than Near, Matt's 'I don't give a shit' attitude, and Near's just being Near, things could get a little crazy.

And you, being the dedicated girlfriend of the world's greatest detective, cared about these kids more than almost anything.

"Shh, it's going to be okay, A," you whisper, holding the small fourteen-year-old in your arms.

The poor boy was always very anxious, and his anxiety really got to him around finals time. Today it got to be too much for him, and he ended up having a panic attack. Beyond always ran to you when A had a panic attack, as he knew the boy trusted you like a mother.

You would always sit on the floor with him and comfort him until he stopped crying, or rocking back and forth, or whatever that particular panic attack entailed.

"He's going to be alright, right Y/N?" Beyond asks from his place on his bed. Whenever A had an attack, Beyond became terrified of loosing his best friend, and would often reaffirm that he would be okay.

"Yes. Everything is going to be fine," you answer softly, stroking the blonde boy's hair.

There is a small knock on the bedroom door, and you look up to see L enter the room.

"What happened?" He asks, looking at the boy in your arms. You knew that A hated L seeing him cry, but at this moment he was probably much too anxious to care.

"He had a panic attack," you answer, watching as L approaches, then crouches down in front of you and A.

"Can I do anything to help?" He asks. L was not the best at comforting people, but he would always do what he could to help.

"Yeah, could you grab some chamomile tea from the kitchen, please?" You ask, knowing that tea often helped calm the boy down.

"Of course," he flashes you a small smile before standing and exiting the room.

In the time it takes him to get the tea and get back to the room, you nearly have A calmed down.

L walks back into the room, holding a mug. He kneels down again, and hands the mug to A.

"Thank you, L," A says, taking a sip of the warm drink. He receives a small smile from L, and a gentle pat on the head.


A was now calm, and you, L, and Beyond were walking around the orphanage with him. You hear loud yelling as you pass a classroom.

You open the door and peek inside

"Near, would you shut up?!" You hear a voice yell, you identify it as Mello.

"I'm only trying to help you," another voice replies, Near, you guess.

"I don't want your help!" Mello yells again. You hear an annoyed grunt, and assume that Matt is in the classroom with them.

"What're you boys up to?" You ask, taking a step inside the classroom.

"Studying for my math exam," Mello answers, scribbling something down onto the chalkboard. The three boys were the only ones inside the classroom, besides you, L, A, and Beyond.

"I'm trying to hack Wammy's system to see if I can find the answer keys for my exams," Matt says, his eyes focused on his laptop screen. L clears his throat, making Matt look at him.

"I mean, I'm definitely not looking for the answer keys to my exams," he laughs nervously.

"We will discuss this later, Matt," L states, earning a displeased groan from said boy.

When you didn't hear a reply from Near, you turned to look at him, only to find him stacking cards into a tower on top of the desk he was sitting at.

Mello lets out a loud huff of air, and you turn back to him. The boy obviously needed help with his math problem, but you couldn't even begin to understand what the question was asking you to do in the first place. You look at L, who is focused on Mello, watching to see how he would figure this out for himself.


By this point, you had moved to the back of the classroom, and you and A were helping Near with his card tower. You look up to see Beyond sneakily wiping part of Mello's solution off of the board, probably trying to confuse him further.

Beyond catches your gaze with his bright red eyes and smirks, you give him a stern look and motion for him to join you at the back of the room, so that he could not mess with things any further.

"You forgot to take into consideration that the forty two would be negative because of-," as Near speaks, Mello throws his piece of chalk across the room.

"Shut up, Near!" He shouts, beginning to stomp over. At the sound of yelling, A jumps, accidentally knocking over the card tower, sending nearly a hundred cards fluttering to the floor.

"Oops," he says quietly, apologizing to Near after. You place yourself between Mello and Near, who seems very unconcerned with the blonde boy who was no doubt going to try and hit him, had you not stood in.

"Okay. I think we could all use a little break. I say we go out for ice cream," you say, immediately getting everyone's attention at the mention of ice cream.

"But Roger only lets us leave the orphanage for special occasions," A says, a nervous tone to his voice.

"I don't think Roger will have any arguments," L says, a rare, wide smile on his face. The boys smile, aside from Near, who just looks slightly more content than usual.


The seven of you walk down the sidewalk of a street in Winchester, each happily licking an ice cream cone.

You held Near in one arm, as the small seven year old tired quickly, and your (favourite flavour) ice cream in the other. The small albino in your arm got vanilla, L, who was beside you, got strawberry. Mello, who was walking beside Matt between you and L, got chocolate, Matt got tiger tail, Beyond and A, who were walking slightly in front of the rest of you, both got strawberry as well.

"Y/N, can we go to the park?" Matt asks excitedly

"Please Y/N?" Beyond asks, prompting the other boys to say please as well.

"L?" You ask, looking at the dark haired man, who was trying to prevent his ice cream from melting onto his hand by licking at the side of it.

"I don't see why not," he answers, earning joyful cheers from the boys.


You peacefully sit on a park bench, with L sitting beside you, your hand intertwined with his. Surprisingly, he was sitting like a regular person, and finishing his ice cream.

Near sits on the ground beside you, staking some dice he brought onto the bench. Mello and Matt were running around the play set, no doubt causing some of the parents here stress. Beyond happily pushed A on a swing, making the blond boy smile.

A while ago, Matt had asked L to push him, Mello, A and, Beyond on the tire swing. He agreed, and followed them over. You followed too, and would help L push them. The boys were laughing wildly, obviously having a great time.

Every once and a while you would look over to the bench, to check on Near. This time you looked, and he was gone. Panic struck you, and you hoped it wouldn't be hard to find a small albino child at a park.

You left L to push the boys while you walked around to the other side of the play set, almost immediately spotting his bright white hair. The poor boy looked lost and confused.

"Near!" You call, getting his attention. Relief immediately floods his features as you walk over to him. You kneel down to his height, wiping a smudge of dirt off of his cheek.

"You can't run off like that, Near," you speak softly, and the small boy nods his head in acknowledgement.

You stand back up and take his hand, "now, let's go get your dice and you can sit by the tire swing," you state, walking him over to the park bench. As you're helping Near collect his dice back into their box, you hear a voice.

"Um," it sounds feminine, and you lift your head to see a slim blonde woman. She awkwardly tucks her hair behind her ear, "I just wanted to tell you that your family is really cute," she smiles gently at you and motions to L and the other boys. You half expected Near to tell her that he and the others weren't your children, but he stayed quiet.

You laugh lightly, "thank you," you smile at her, and she takes her leave. You and Near walk back over to the others, and Near sits himself in the sand. How he was going to stack his dice on the sand, you had no idea, but he seemed determined.

The four boys jump off of the tire swing, and you look at everyone, thinking of what the woman said. Sure, there was a wide range of hair colour, and eye colour, and characteristics between the seven of you, but you really did seem like a family. The thought made your heart warm.

L puts his arm around your waist and kisses your cheek, "thank you for suggesting we take them out," he says, smiling gently at you. You hear one of the boys fake a gag, probably Beyond.

You laugh and turn around, "who wants to play tag?" You ask, excitement prominent in your voice. You receive a chorus of 'I do!'s.

"May I play?" The small voice belonging to Near asks.

"Of course!" You reply happily. The boys look at you, and you know exactly what they want you to do.

"L?" You ask, and all eyes land on the pale man, "will you play?"

"I suppose so,"

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