Misa X Fem!Reader ~ It All Started With A Photoshoot

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Thank you @Vvictuuri for this request!


You are currently sitting in your dressing room, in front of your mirror, carefully applying eyeliner, winging it and drawing a cute heart under your left eye.

You are a model, and were getting ready for a photoshoot with your girlfriend, who was also a model, among other things.

The door to your dressing room creaked open, and said girlfriend walked inside, closing the door behind her.

"How do I look, Misa?" You asked, turning in your chair so that you were facing her

"Hot, as usual." She smirked, eyeing you up and down.

That's right, the famous Misa-Misa is your girlfriend. The two of you had met at a movie premier three years ago. You got along well, and began dating not long after.

The media had learned about the relationship quickly, seeing as the two of you were celebrities, per say. Of course, the first thing they had wondered about was how they could make money off of your newfound romance.

Misa did not mind this at all though, she thought you were the most beautiful person to ever walk the Earth, and she loved to show you off.

Although, there were parts of you that she liked to keep all to herself, and she would never allow another living being to see them.

She straddled your hips, sitting on your lap, her legs on either side of your hips. She leaned her mouth close to your ear

"That skirt is pretty short..." She whispered, her hot breath fanning over your ear

It was true, the skirt you were wearing was short, but it's what your producer had set out for you to wear.

"But it's totally sexy..." She leaned down and left a trail of kisses from your ear to your collarbone. She used one hand to brush your hair off of your shoulder, exposing more of your neck and shoulder to her. She then went for your sweet spot, sucking and biting it lightly. You leaned your head to the side, allowing her more room to mark your neck.

There was a quick, one-knock warning before the door to your dressing room flung open and your producer walked in.

"Girls, no marks before the shoot." She said, almost emotionlessly, and in her regular monotone voice.

The two of you had made this mistake before, and the photoshoot had to be postponed until the marks were light enough that they could be hidden with makeup.

Misa giggled. This giggle would sound innocent to the untrained ear. You, however, knew that this giggle in particular meant that the two of you would be picking up where you left off later.

"Sorry." She giggled again, making her apology sound even less genuine. She stood up, allowing you to turn and look in the mirror.

The mark was dark, but not dark enough that you couldn't cover it up. You hear your producer's phone ring

"Cover that quickly, Y/N. the shoot starts in ten minutes." Your producer said, and walked back out of the room, answering the call after she had left

"Here, let me help you with that." Misa said, taking the concealer off of your vanity and applying it with a small brush.

Misa knew that the mark would be sensitive, and was taking extra care to make sure that you knew it as well.

After applying the concealer, Misa used a powder to set it.

As she lent down to set your setting powder on your vanity, Misa kissed your ear, and giggled once again.

She then made her way happily out of your dressing room, saying that she would meet you on set.

You fixed your hair, and straightened out your clothes, before making your way out to the set.

Misa smiled when she saw you walk onto the set. She had always loved how you were slightly shy at the beginning of a photoshoot. She found it adorable.

She walked over and offered you a water, which you happily took. You drank a sip of water before you had been told that you had five minutes remaining before the shoot was set to start.

You ran over to the mirror to make sure your hair and makeup still looked like they should, though you were certain your producer would tell you if you needed to fix something.

"Y/N, you worry too much." Misa said as she walked up behind you. Part of you being nervous about photoshoots included you looking in a mirror every five seconds to check that you looked presentable.

"You look gorgeous." You could always count on Misa to pay you a compliment when you needed one, or even when you didn't.

"Thanks Misa." You smile and kiss her gently. She would have loved to take that kiss so much further, but knew that wasn't an option at the moment.

"Girls, save that for the photoshoot!" The director shouted, waving the two of you over to the set.

You hurry over, and are immediately told how to pose.

You start with a few cute poses, and slowly move to more sexy poses.

The poses they hat the two of you doing, coupled with the occasional brush of Misa's hand against spots she knew were sensitive, had you feeling hot and bothered.

She knew what she was doing, as she would gain a mischievous glint in her eyes every time she had an idea and put it into place.

However, you had a plan for getting her back...

The two of you had plans for dinner tonight with a few friends, and you had an idea that you were going to use to get your revenge.

"Great job, girls." The director said, signalling that he was happy with the photos and the two of you could leave.

You changed quickly, excited to get your revenge during dinner.

You and Misa loaded into Misa's car and began driving to the restaurant where you were meeting with your friends

"Good job today, Y/N." Misa said, keeping her eyes on the road

"Thanks. You looked sexy today." You weren't usually one to use words like 'sexy' or 'hot' but you decided to give it a try.

Misa looked surprised, but it was quickly replaced by a look of satisfaction. She knew that when you started to call her things like that, it meant that she had succeeded in arousing you, even if only slightly.

When the two of you arrived at the restaurant, your friends had already gotten a table and were waiting for you. You and Misa took your seats and ordered drinks.

You took notice that the tables had tablecloths just long enough for your plan to work. It was when your drinks arrived at the table that you decided to put your plan into action.

You slowly set your hand on Misa's thigh, which was bare, due to the fact that she was wearing a short skirt without anything covering the rest of her legs.

Her eyes shifted to you for only a second, and she continued to chat with your friends. You made sure that your chair was close enough to Misa's that you didn't look suspicious.

You slid your hand over so that your fingers were resting upon her inner thigh, knowing how terribly sensitive her inner thighs were.

You saw her struggle to hold in a gasp at the contact, and her eyes shifted to you once again.

"So, how was your photoshoot today?" One of your friends asked

"It was great! I can't wait to see the pictures!" You exclaimed happily, smiling brightly.

"Yeah, me either-!"

As Misa started to speak, you moved your hand further up her inner thigh, stopping just before you reached her skirt, causing her to almost let a moan slip out. Almost. She caught it last minute and coughed instead

You smirked, looking directly at her as she glanced nervously at you, wondering if you were going to move your hand any further up her leg.

Misa began talking again, telling a story about something you weren't really listening to.

As she was speaking, you decided to run your hand further up her thigh, passing her skirt and brushing your fingers against her panties.

She struggled the most to hold this one in, using her hand to cover her mouth as she tried her best not to wear the vulgar expression she so desperately wanted to.

As you continued with your 'revenge' all Misa could think about was how much she wanted to pin you down and fuck you until you were screaming her name. However, she could not do that right now, because the two of you were still in that damned restaurant. She took a few deep breaths and tried to control her thoughts.

It was at this point that you pressed against Misa's womanhood through her panties. That was the final straw for Misa, as she almost moaned for the umpteenth time that evening.

"Girls, I'm really sorry, but could we take a rain check on the rest of dinner? I'm beginning to feel ill." Misa said, looking at her friends with a sorry expression.

Their faces showed concern immediately

"Of course!" One exclaimed

"Are you okay?" Another asked

"Yeah, I think I just need some rest." Rest, however, was the last thing Misa wanted at the moment.

You laid enough money on the table to cover Misa's and your own drinks, as Misa said goodbye.

"Take care!" One friend exclaimed as she hugged you

"I hope you feel better." Another said as she hugged Misa

The two of you got into the car, neither saying a thing about what had happened at the restaurant. Misa sped all of the way back to the house the two of you shared.

You hardly had time to shut the front door before Misa had you pinned to the wall and was kissing you hungrily.

And all of this started with an innocent photoshoot.

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