06. misnomer

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my darling, she wanted her life and death to be timeless.

like time.

forgotten, forever revered.

burrowing at the edge of nonexistence,

forever moving forward in nonlinear leaps.

she wanted to be smothered in her sleep.

wanted her corpse to be preserve in parts,

spread eagle in this bed,

this house of flesh.

wanted to gouge her heart,

her lungs,

hang them above the mantle, in golden-framed

glass case, so everybody could see how her body

contracted and expanded, a steady heartbeat

of an empty universe, of a vacant home waiting to be

fill and alive, once again.

my darling, she knew what she wanted.

knew what made her sad,

what made her happy.

maybe that was why she couldn't forgive me.

drooping in the seat

as if she couldn't bear the sight of scented candles or

red silk tablecloth spreaded in front of

her, shoulders sagged slightly

every time i carefully leaned over

to swap an untouched plate for another.

the rose i tucked in her gray hair withered

dry like raw salmon she used to love.

she no longer talks.

the mundane subjects of our meal times were now

solitary, sharp, muted clinks of

fork and knife, scraping against

white porcelain as fine as her dull eyes.

gossip murmured in the stillness

of her eyelids, her swelling skin,

her cherry-red false nails, resting on the mahogany

chair's armrests.

her resentment etched deep onto the wrinkles

of age, of time on her face,

curdled in the low audible snarling of her stomach.

she wouldn't pull away at nights

when i crawled into bed with her.

but her heart, her lungs,

still framed in ordinary bone

rib cages,

hidden behind the translucent screen of

her skin, her muscles,

refused to beat,

no matter how much i pour my love into her hallow

pith. no matter how many times i beg her to stay with me once again,

to remain peripheral, yet significant in my mind.

my darling, neither her life nor death was timeless.

but like time, she hovered at the brink of corporeality,

fading away to the undivinable flow of unreality.

misnomer: a misapplied or inappropriate name or designation

prompt: time (nonlinear)

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