R4 - Day Seven

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I'm gonna say this in warning for R5. Please don't sign up if you think you're going to be inactive, or if you want to drop out, please PM me instead of just ignoring the book until your cat dies, then I can find a replacement player instead of having to kill them off. I wouldn't get so annoyed, but its slightly unfair that 2 traitors have had to die for inactivity, putting the rest of the traitor team at a really bad disadvantage.

Activity Check ---|

The sun was shining on the camp, the lighter atmosphere filling the clan with the successful exile of yet another traitor. Within them, Stormclaw lay within the shade of the tall trees that surrounded their Clan, resting cheerfully as he watched his clanmates.

Suddenly, a cat appeared behind him, as Stormclaw looked up in curiosity.

"Seriously? You think you get to enjoy victory after doing nothing at all? Let's see how you enjoy StarClan instead!" Lilacstream hissed angrily, leaping onto him in his vulnerable state and clawing at his exposed belly, fur covering the floor as Stormclaw yowled in agony. He tried to kick upwards, but Lilacstream kept him pinned down, until he exhaled for the final time.

 The warrior grinned in satisfaction, before walking off into the forest to find her next target.

Stormclaw has been killed for inactivity. He was the Swift.


Acornsky felt smug as he walked towards Violet Cave, excitement filling him at the thought of meeting with his fellow traitors to slaughter another for their mission.

"I can't wait to rule this Clan..." he muttered to himself, his pace increasing as his enthusiasm grew.

"You'll never see the day!" a voice growled behind him, as Acornsky whirled around to meet the gaze of a very angry Lilacstream.

Acornsky scoffed.

"Oh come on, I'm on your side! You think a petty little she-cat like you could defeat me?" he mocked.

Lilacstream's gaze darkened, as she stepped forward, claws unsheathed. Acornsky wailed in pain as the she-cat tore into him, the rage never fading from within her as she watched the tom fall limp.

"Enjoy the dark forest, coward."

Acornsky has been killed for inactivity. He was the Traitor Lookout [T2]


Heatherwind was waiting in Violet Cave, the tom filled with confusion as time stretched on, his teammates nowhere to be found. Unaware of the cat watching him from within the outside bushes, he eventually got to his paws, moving outside to check for any approaching cats.

"Where could they be... I can't kill Tulipwish all by myself..." he muttered, as a cut off gasp sounded from within the bush.

Heatherwind turned to stare at the leaves. A brown tabby she-cat tentatively stepped out from her hiding place.

"I-I didn't want to believe it... But if you are truly a traitor, then I must do this for my Clan..." Briarwing murmured softly, as she approached the white tom.

"What are you talking about?" Heatherwind questioned, as Briarwing stared at him for a moment, before stepping closer, as Heatherwind backed off until he reached the front of the cave's entrance.

"For TwilightClan!" she yowled, pushing forward with all she had. The tom stumbled, before falling backwards into the depths of the cave, hitting his head on the rocks below. Briarwing closed her eyes, unable to look at his broken body, before turning away.

Heatherwind has been killed. He was a Traitor [T6]
Briarwing is the Sharpclaw, ability used.


Tulipwish was sat alone in the clearing, looking up at the now setting sun as she stared at the floor. Her mind was filled with thoughts of her ex-mate, and how they'd fallen apart.

"Oh Honeybreeze... if only we could be together... I miss you so much," the she-cat whispered, pain in her voice as she hung her head.

"I wouldn't worry, you'll be reunited in StarClan!"

Tulipwish yelped in surprise as the lead traitor caught her off guard, biting at the back of her neck as claws raked down her back.

"I knew it..." Tulipwish choked out, as the traitor hissed angrily, ending the she-cat's life with a final claw across her throat.

"That's for all my teammates you exiled... your intelligence isn't needed here."

Tulipwish has been killed. She was the Kittypet.


"How can four cats be dead?!" "What's going to happen to our Clan?"

Chirpstar struggled to think as his Clan wailed in outrage around him, the shock of finding four bodies still present within him as he silenced them with a flick of his tail.

"Quiet please... what happened to our clanmates was awful, but we must calm down in order to find a logical solution to this. Another cat must be exiled today."

Stormpaw has been muted by the Elder.





No mastermind, as there is only 1 traitor left.

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