Chapter 13

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If I told you the Guardian Angel AU is actually a Demon AU would you guys prefer it over the gambling AU and mythical AU or no?
Spoilers: It's a story with intoxicating relationships/abuse/unhealthy relationships (Don't ask why. I like sadistic Komahina). Also more Hell. I think.

"This is Tokyo Station. Please watch the gap as you exit the train." A female voice echoed over the loudspeakers. It was muffled, though, due to the clamoring crowd bustling on the platform.

Nagito took off his glasses and rubbed his eyes sleepily. The girls' enthusiasm was tiring him. Luckily, during the last hour of the trip, Tina and Arielle had fallen asleep, so Nagito was able to dwell in his own thoughts for a while without being disrupted.

"Come on! We need to get to those chicken nuggets!" Arielle exclaimed, jumping off of the bullet train.

Tina followed through, and so did Hajime.

"Yeesh. You don't need to be so over excited." Hajime clicked his tongue.

"But she does have a point," Nagito added in. "If I don't return these souls by 6 P.M., I'll get in trouble."

"Well then, what are you waiting for? Let's go!" Tina grabbed Hajime by the arm and attempted to tug him along with her.

A hiss flew past the brunet's lips as she did so, and he recoiled, snatching his hand back. His hand flew over to his shoulder in a protective embrace.

"Don't. Touch. Me." He growled in hostility.

"Sorry, sorry." Tina backed away. "Are you hurt, though?"

Hajime stayed silent, cradling his shoulder.

"He's injured." Nagito supplied.


"Uh... Something happened." He didn't go into detail. The less the dead souls knew about the Afterlife and its properties, the better. There was no need to give them an explanation of their private lives.

To much of his relief, Tina didn't ask anything else.

"Let's go, let's go, let's go!" Arielle chanted.

The quartet weaved through the crowds of people, passing through them easily. They soon made it to the main roads, the capital city packed as ever.

"So where exactly is this place?" Hajime asked, looking at Nagito.

"I'm not sure, but all I know is that it's somewhere in a square..." The albino grabbed a nearby brochure from a tourist center and started reading.

"The place is quite popular, so it should be on this map somewhere."

His jade eyes scanned the map, flitting over the many tourist attractions and popular destinations. But where was the convenience store that sold the best chicken nuggets?

"Here. Can I?" Tina stretched out her hand, beckoning Nagito to give her the map.

He handed it to her.

The musician squinted her eyes as she read the map. Her face was nearing the paper every time her eyes moved to a different place. But why?

"Here!" She jabbed a finger at a certain place on the map. "It's only a half hour walk, so I guess we'll be fine."

"It's only half an hour." Hajime mimicked.

"I could take them both there myself since I have wings, and leave you here to defend yourself. Would you like that?" Nagito countered.

The brunet's eyes narrowed into slits.

"It says that it's two streets down and then we take a left and right, then left?" Tina narrowed her eyes as she read out the directions.

"Hey, uh, Tina?" Nagito spoke up.


"Are you having trouble reading the map?"

"Sort of...? I used to have glasses even though I wear contacts at night, but I think they fell off when I was hit. So I forgot about them and now my eyes are dying."

"I could lend you mine," Arielle said, giving Tina her glasses.

"It doesn't match my eyesight." She sighed.

"How about mine?" The Grim Reaper took his glasses off and handed it to the girl.

Truth be told, he never really needed glasses. He only wore them because it was an important item in his past life, so he always carried it around.

"Is it even the same as mine?" She frowned, trying it on. "Whoa."

"I guess you could say it's kind of magical. It fits the vision of whoever wears it. You can take it for the time being. I don't mind."

"Oh... Thanks." She smiled.

Arielle, who had been reading the map when the conversation between Nagito and Tina occurred, looked up from the piece of paper.

"Oh, wow." She widened her eyes. "Is that Mr. Emo kid? He looks so different? Like less introverted and more intimidating."

Nagito's face flushed slightly at the compliment, but he quickly regained his composure.

Arielle nudged Hajime.

"Isn't that riiiiiiight?" She winked at him.

"I have no clue what you're talking about," Hajime said hastily, turning his head away from the three.

"Oh, come on. Doesn't he look better without glasses on? Come on, admit it." Arielle coaxed him into submission.

"Well... I guess. I did tell him to take them off for a while. And he did but he put it back on again."

Was that disappointment Nagito heard in Hajime's voice? Was he disappointed that the Grim Reaper had started wearing his glasses again?

"Gaaaaaaaaaay~" Arielle snickered.

A pinch of red appeared on Hajime's cheeks, and his mouth opened and closed silently.

"I'm one hundred percent straight." He said in a threatening tone.

The secret agent brushed it off, laughing at his remark.

"Whatever you say, Tsun Tsun hair."

"I am NOT a tsundere!"

"Then are you homosexual?"

"Shut the hell up."

Arielle giggled hysterically, prancing about.

"Hey, Tinya~" she sang.

"What? Why is everyone calling my name these days?"

"Help me ship these two." She pointed at Hajime and Nagito. "I need a ship name for them."

Ships? What did boats have to do with anything?

"What are your names again?" Arielle asked, cocking her head to the side.

"Our names do not matter to you," Nagito said blandly.

"Ugrhgh, well there's Hajime, but I need Mr. Emo kid's name. Oh, well. I'll just name them Hemo."

"Sounds like Nemo." Tina pointed out, smiling.

"Oh, shut up. Then give me your last name at least?" Arielle crossed her arms.

"Komaeda," Nagito answered. Giving this last name wouldn't do much harm, would it?

"NO!" Hajime whipped his head around. "Why did you-" He groaned midway through his sentence, running a hand through his brown locks of hair in distress.

"Aha!" Arielle snapped her fingers. "Komahina it is! Yeeeeeet!"


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