Chapter 17

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Unlucky_Neko made this piece of incredible fanart. I'm crying, this is beautiful uwu.

Also some more honorable mentions bc y'all deserve it:

forever_multi <--- Check out her Oumasai story, The Disease Called Love! ish bootiful
















Also two other people (Wattpad won't let me tag cus if I do, it crashes, and apparently it can't find the users??):

@Picture_Presents and @_Micah-Drew_

Thank you for all your support! I love you all!!!

(Pls notify me if I missed your name.)

Nagito stared at Hajime with large eyes, his glasses slipping from the bridge of his nose.

What. Was. That.

Hajime himself looked quite stunned, his mouth open, yet no words came out.

"Sorry." He finally apologized, quickly diving into his futon and pulling the covers over his head so that Nagito could only see his ahoge.

Once Hajime was completely silent, the Grim Reaper held his trembling wings in front of him, his fingers brushing over the place where Hajime had kissed.

Tingles shot down his spine, and he swallowed dryly, his thoughts screaming in his head.

He couldn't believe what just happened. He forced himself to steady his breathing and his heartbeat as he threw on his pajamas and crawled into his bed.

With his back faced toward Hajime, he gripped the sheets, embarrassment engulfing him like a tidal wave. Nagito buried his hot face in his pillow.

Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.

He had never expected the brunet to do something so humiliating. Why had he allowed Hajime to touch his wings in the first place? Thinking back at it, he never let anyone touch his wings. Not even Her Majesty. The touch of Hajime's skin against the gradient black and red skin felt comforting, though. They were gentle caresses that weren't intended to harm him.

Nagito found himself craving more of those delicate touches. The thought shocked him momentarily.

Taking off his glasses, the messenger of Death rubbed his eyes and willed his disturbing thoughts to leave his head.

Closing his eyes, he let the darkness wash away the events that filled his mind, and he slowly fell asleep.


Nagito woke up to a scream that erupted from the bathroom. Instantly, he shot up into a sitting position, drowsiness enveloping his mind. What the heck was Hajime doing screaming at five AM in the morning?

Nagito knocked on the bathroom door.

"Hajime? Are you okay?"

The door flew open, causing Nagito to stumble back to avoid getting hit. A fuming brunet stood in front of him, his hands scrabbling at his back.

"Would you mind telling me what the heck is growing on my back?!" Hajime seethed, turning around and lifting his shirt up for Nagito to see.

Protruding from his back were two tiny black stubs which moved as Hajime attempted to twist around.

"You're growing wings." The albino calmly said. He froze.

An awkward silence settled between Hajime and Nagito, none of them daring to utter a word about what happened last night.

"Uh..." Nagito cleared his throat. "It'll fully develop in about a month and a half, so don't worry too much about it. It's not going to hurt when it's growing."

"Why am I getting wings?" Hajime spoke through gritted teeth.

"The Grim Reaper apprentice always received wings when they've been working for more than two months."

Hajime groaned, pulling his pajamas over his head.

"What... what are you doing?" Nagito stumbled over his words.

"Changing. Duh." Hajime replied, wincing slightly as he carefully took his clothes off.

"But... In front of me? Aren't you embarrassed?"

"Do I look like I give?" Hajime raised an eyebrow toward the white-haired boy. "I've changed in front of a girl before, so it doesn't really matter to me if I change in front of a guy."

Hajime threw on his signature white t-shirt and green tie, accompanied by black jeans.

Well, it mattered a lot to Nagito. Having been in solitude for almost a decade, the albino was uncomfortable watching anyone else change. Especially Hajime.

Quickly, Nagito snatched his articles of clothing and changed in the bathroom, his heart pounding.

"So, what are we doing today?" The mafia lord asked once Nagito had refreshed himself from his sleep.

"We're off to collect another soul."

"Just hope this one doesn't ask for more chicken nuggets." Hajime mused.

The pair shot into the sky, a vortex swallowing them whole as they reappeared on the other side.

"Who is it this time?" Hajime inquired.

"I don't know. Look for yourself when we get there."

"Yeesh. No need to be so rude."

"Let's see who's rude once I drop you into the ocean." Nagito threatened.

"You wouldn't do that again, would you?" Hajime chuckled.

"Try me." He loosened his grip on Hajime.

This time, though, the brown-haired boy showed no reaction even when Nagito felt his pulse beating rapidly in his chest.

"I know you can't let me die, so I don't need to fear you when you threaten to drop me." He said smugly.

Hajime did have a point. His Majesty would have his head if he let a soul die before his task was finished.

Eventually, Death reeled Hajime and Nagito to an abandoned building, decorated with vines that twisted and curled around the structure.

Hajime inhaled sharply as they landed on the closest building. He looked like he was going to throw up.

"Hajime? Are you alright? Are you sick?"

The mafia lord's Adam's apple bobbed as he swallowed.

"I'm fine. It's okay. Just felt a tiny wave of nausea." He replied, brushing it off.

Nagito didn't buy his lie. Hajime was clearly troubled by something, but he couldn't tell what.

A sudden explosion from a side of the building forced Nagito to tear his eyes away from the pale brunet.

There, in the midst of the smokescreen, he saw a young girl in her late teens, run from the scene, bolting through the streets.

A gagging noise slipped from Hajime as a group of ruffians trailed her like a predator after its prey.

"Hey, you sure you don't need medical attention?" Nagito placed a hand on Hajime's shoulder.

"Yeah. I really don't need one. It's fine. Let's go follow the victim."

Concern filled his expression as Hajime shoved his hands into his jean pockets and speed walked after the girl. Nagito's wings drooped when he noticed something off about his apprentice.

His hands were trembling.

Boring, I know. I apologize.

I'm tired asf rn, and as you guys may know, I write at night, specifically between 10:50 PM to 2 AM since that's when all the good stuff kicks in.

Unfortunately, that also means that I haven't gotten enough sleep for the past seven days, and so I nearly passed out three times while writing this chapter. And testing starts next week so...

I need a small break (b/c I'm human uwu). Therefore, I won't be updating on Tuesday morning or Saturday and Sunday (going to Disneyland for a school trip and they make you pay like thirty dollars in the hotel for internet smh).

Thank you for understanding ;w;

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