Chapter 2

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It wasn't the first time he was shot with a bullet. He was used to the pain now. He barely felt the wound in his shoulder when the medics patched him up. He was emotionless. He didn't feel anything. Death didn't stir him the slightest.

"I told you to double the security around the building. Did you not?" The brunet tilted his head to the side with an angry glint in his eye. 

The man trembled with fear at the boy who was younger than him.

"I-I did," he trembled. 

"Well, obviously it wasn't enough." The brunet glared. 

"P-please f-forgive me!" he cried. The man knew what was going to come next. He knew the consequences of failing the head of the Mafia. 

"Shoot him."

A bullet buried itself into the man's head, his tears rolling down his cheeks before he slumped to the cold floor, lifeless. 

The strongest Mafia leader in Japan would get what he wanted, no matter the cost. 


It was midnight exactly. The brunet still had much paperwork to fill out for drug shipments, and he wasn't even half done yet.

He signed the bottom of a paper with elegant black ink.

Signed, Hajime Hinata

He sighed, leaning back in his chair, feeling a headache building up in his head. That was when he saw it.

A flash of light in the corner of the room. 

He cocked his gun. 

"Whoever's there. Show yourself, or I'll shoot," he demanded. His gun was angled at the corner of the room, where a shadow blanketed, untouched by the light of the lamp next to Hajime's desk.

He knew he wasn't imagining things. Every time someone imagined something, it was real. His tanned finger pulled the trigger of the gun, a bullet ripping through the air.

A small 'ting' was heard. Huh? What happened to the bullet? 

The silver bullet rolled back across the ground to the front of Hajime's feet. 

"Geez... don't you treat death as an old friend?"

A boy the age of sixteen appeared from the shadows, gripping a huge scythe. His skin was so pale, Hajime thought that he was dead at first.

Not hesitating one bit, bullets flew out of the barrel of the brunet's guns, aimed at the albino.

The mysterious figure deflected all of them using the blade of his own weapon, seeming bored with his actions.

"Are you done yet?" The albino sighed in weariness.

Hajime 'tsk'ed and switched to his other pistol, which fired faster. To his surprise, all the bullets missed, hitting the wall behind the figure.

There was something absolutely wrong with this person. Hajime knew that he had never missed a shot in his life. Was there something wrong with his hand? 

Reloading, the brunet tried once more, but no luck. 

Footsteps approached Hajime as he stood there and gritted his teeth.

"What do you want?" Hajime hissed. His hand reached for the knife located on his desk.

The albino smiled very faintly. 

"Oh, nothing really. Just your soul."

What the heck? His soul? This guy must be mentally ill.

With adrenaline flowing fast through his bloodstream, Hajime gripped the knife, lunging towards the albino. 

But the figure was faster than he looked. 

With a hand outstretched, he grabbed Hajime's black tie, dragging his body towards his own while his other hand slapped the knife away.

He sealed the brunet's lips with a kiss. 

Hajime had no time to process what had just happened before he collapsed.

The brunet got up from the floor, bouncing into a fighting stance. For some reason, he felt lighter than he did. His legs tried to run towards the albino, but they seemed stuck in slow motion. 

What even? Wait... was that HIM?

Hajime's olive eyes stared at his unmoving body which was growing cold by the minute. 

If his body was there, then where was he?

"Come along now, my Queen is waiting." The albino swung his scythe in an arc.

"No!" Hajime protested, trying to leap out of the way. His body was too slow, and before he knew it, he was a prisoner inside the blade.


It was cold and empty inside the blade of the albino's scythe. Was he actually dead? Hajime refused to believe it. How could he have died so suddenly? This was all a dream. It had to be. 

The clanking of chains woke the Hajime up, freeing him from his thoughts. The heat was unbearable in this place. Where was he anyway?

In front of him was the albino, bowing at a grinning blonde woman. His throat was so parched he couldn't form any words. His neck and hands felt heavy, too. Looking down at the ground, he saw remnants of bones in the ground, littering the place with white. Agonizing screams filled the air. 

"So this is the boy you've been so interested with." The peach-haired woman smiled.

"Yes, my Queen. His name his Hajime Hinata." The albino continued to bow.

"Well Grim Reaper, you've done your job. Perhaps you would like to stay to witness the trial of this brown-haired killer?" 

"It would be my honor." The Grim Reaper said.

Grim Reaper? The same one who takes souls of the dead to the Afterlife? Why did he look so young? But on the other hand, he did look deathly pale.

"Rise, young man, and let the council determine your place in the Afterlife." The Queen of Hell spoke.

As if he were being controlled, Hajime immediately rose onto his feet, following the Queen of Hell and her faithful servant into a portal.

Why was this happening to him?

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