Chapter 23

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So tired...


I put 1+1=0 last night

i need to finish this story by June 16 so i can get a 6 day break. but im only at 23/56 chapters

update 3/14:

ok so i tried updating last night and uh, it ended up something like

It's so ironic how I was writing about a person losing consciousness when I lost mine myself.


The gala was bustling with people, their endless chattering and clinking of wine glasses filling the air.

Nagito felt eyes boring into his back as he traveled through the crowds, his ears catching the occasional murmuring of people talking about him.

He brushed it off, ignoring the comments while tugging at his gloves.

"N-Nagito!" A timid voice behind him.

The albino turned around at the mention of his name, coming face to face with a purple-haired girl. Her hair was tied into two side buns with a strand of hair at each side of her face, framing it. Her dress was a dark, velvety purple with flower designs stitched on in brilliant gold color.

"Ah, Tsumiki!" He waved to the nurse.

"U-uh... I just w-wanted to say thank you f-for saving me today." She stuttered, fumbling with the petticoat of her dress.

Nagito took two glasses of wine from a nearby servant and passed one to Mikan, who took it with shaky hands.

"It's not much of a big deal. I'm just glad you're safe. You need to be more careful in the future," he chuckled.

"S-so, uh, w-where's your apprentice? Isn't h-he your partner f-for the night?"

Nagito frowned as he recalled the argument several hours ago. After that, he hadn't expected for the brunet to come at all. Was he even in the room?

"You mean Hajime? I don't think he's here..." The Grim Reaper struggled to hide the disappointment in his tone. "How did you know he was my guest?"

Mikan scratched the side of her face, a smile blossoming on her mouth.

"Everyone knows! I-It's the hottest news of the n-night!"

"What do you mean?"

Mikan giggled, sipping her drink before she explained.

"You never invited a-anyone to these galas before, a-and now that brunet comes along and y-you decide to invite him. Of course, e-everyone would be curious about why y-you're so interested in him."

Nagito swallowed dryly, the untouched glass of wine threatening to topple out of his gloved hands.

"I mean," she continued, watching the dark purple liquid roil in the goblet. "I would be more concerned about his location and what h-he's doing or who he's w-with. There are many people out there who h-hate you, Nagito. I wouldn't be surprised i-if someone were to use him against y-you."

Mikan looked up at him from under her dark eyelashes with a sly glint in her eyes, vexing the albino.

The temperature suddenly seemed to rise, and a slick sheen of sweat began to form on Nagito's forehead.

"You are the Queen's pet after all."

Nagito expeditiously placed his beverage on a nearby table, licking his chapped lips.

"E-excuse me." He told the nurse, whose grin stretched even wider. "I'm going to get some... some air."

Nagito pushed past people and exited out the door, a cool draft of air hitting his face after he left.

The warning Mikan had thrown at him stayed glued to his mind, and troublesome thoughts erupted from the geysers in the depths of his brain.

He couldn't afford to lose Hajime because of the jealous people who wanted his position. Although Hajime had snapped at him, something in the albino's mind prohibited him from leaving the mafia lord alone despite his rude attitude

The Grim Reaper made his way down the corridors, eyes peeled for any sign of Hajime.

A muffled thump echoed through the hallway, catching Nagito's attention. Briskly, he ran toward the sound, his heart thumping in fear.

There, on the ground, lay a body slumped against the wall.

"Hajime!" Nagito raced toward the brunet.

"Go away..." Hajime said incomprehensibly, gripping a half-full glass of champagne tighter in his hand.

"How much did you drink?" Nagito pried the cup from his limp hands.

"One and a half. It's not that much," he slurred.

"In an hour? No wonder you're so drunk. You shouldn't have drunk alcohol if you knew that you're a light drinker." Nagito scolded, attempting to heave Hajime up from the floor.

"Have are you even here?" The brunet groaned, refusing to stand. "Leave me alone. You don't want to see me anyway, I know."

For some apparent reason, that statement hit Nagito's heart harder than it should have. He wanted to refute the claim, but his mouth forced itself to stay shut.

"Come on, I'm taking you back to our room."

The Grim Reaper heaved the drunk onto his back, wrapping Hajime's legs around his waist.

"Let me goooo..." Hajime whined pitifully, pounding his weak fists on Nagito's back.

The messenger of death stayed quiet, knowing that arguing with a drunk person wasn't the best idea.

"You're so annoying sometimes," Hajime hiccuped, burying his face in the crook of Nagito's neck. "But that's what makes you cute."

Hold up.



Hajime was a flirtatious when he was drunk? That was new.

Nagito ignored the comment, smothering the heat that traveled up his face.

"You smell nice..." Hajime mumbled against the skin, his breath hot against the other's neck, sending shivers down Nagito's spine. 

Nagito stiffened, but he continued walking, showing no signs of his embarrassment.

To his astonishment, Hajime placed his lips on the albino's neck and parted them, leaving puffs of hot air on the exposed skin.

Then, his teeth were scraping Nagito's neck, and his heart rate went up and up, thumping wildly in his chest.

He was actually doing it. He was actually doing it. Hajime was actually-

The brunet's head went limp on his shoulder, and a soft snore escaped from his mouth.

Nagito relaxed his taut nerves, but the hot blush never left his cheeks. A tinge of disappointment resided in the pits of his heart, which Nagito decided to stay oblivious to.

Releasing a quivering breath, Nagito opened the door to his room and gently placed the unconscious brunet on the futon.

He placed a soft kiss on Hajime's forehead before retiring to bed, certain that the mafia lord would forget it, along with everything that happened tonight.

Fun fact: Champagne acts quicker in your body than wine does due to its carbon features, thus causing you to become drunk faster.

Haha. Poor Hajime :3

Aiyo, my writing went a bit funky at the end, but at least I didn't pass out while writing!


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