Chapter 26

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Should I finish my 12k (and counting) one-shot or my 5k (still counting) one-shot?

The 12k one is a SDR2 AU (obviously with Komahina) and the 5k one is a Pirate AU.


Yeah, I know I said that my stories are PG-13, but this is for plot and emotion so...

Hajime had woken up a few hours later with his headache gone.

The room was swamped in eerie darkness and there was a faint ringing in his ear due to the silence it caused.

His mind was groggy as the brunet sat upright, his eyes adjusting to the darkness.

What time was it? Didn't Nagito say that he would be back by night? What time was it anyway?

The curtains were tainted a faint red from the glow outside the window. Hajime marched over to the curtains and threw them open, only to see the gruesome landscape of Hell.

There was no sun or moon, much to his dismay. Therefore, he couldn't predict the time.

Hajime groaned, pacing back and forth around the room.

Why did he even care about the well being of Nagito? When he was alive, he never cared for anyone else except himself, but ever since he met Nagito...

Hajime shook his head, pressing down those thoughts.

He didn't care, he told himself. He didn't care where the albino was or what he was doing.

But the image of the bags under the Grim Reaper's eyes prodded at the corner of Hajime's mind, begging him to differ.

It was best for him to stay in the room until Nagito came back. Well, IF he came back, that was.

Hajime counted in his head, ticking off the seconds that passed by.






Screw this. He couldn't seem to erase the memory of the pale boy's weary figure and his ebbing strength. Worry stabbed his mind, and he had no choice but to go look for the white-haired boy.

"Goddammit, Komaeda," he mumbled to himself in exasperation, grabbing Nagito's green coat just in case it got chilly.

Stepping out of the room, he debated where Nagito could be.

Perhaps the throne room? Maybe he could try there. But... Her Majesty was there...

The image of Junko popped into his mind and he shuddered slightly.

Nope. Not going there again.

Who else was acquainted with Nagito then? Hajime realized that he didn't know anyone else in Hell except for the queen and the Grim Reaper.

The brunet walked off into the corridor aimlessly, his feet taking him to who-knows-where.

Suddenly, his body collided with another and a shark squeak erupted from the person he had bumped into.

"Hey! Watch where you're going!" Hajime growled as he dusted off his shirt.

"Eeeep! I-I'm sorry!" A familiar voice apologized.


Hajime looked up to the nurse, who was picking up the scraps of paper she had dropped.

"H-Hajime," she mumbled incoherently, her eyes shying away from his.

Oh, good. Finally, someone he knew who could tell him where Nagito went. Although the tinge of jealousy still resided in his chest, he brushed it away, along with the hatred curled inside of him.

"Do you know where Komaeda is?" Hajime took Mikan's shoulders and shook her roughly, causing the top of the pile of papers to scatter onto the floor again.

The poor girl was terrified of Hajime's cold personality, her mouth agape and eyes wide.


"Do you know or not?!"

"I-I last s-saw him dep-departing H-Hell from a-a window a-at the end of t-this hall."

"Is he back yet?!"

"I-I r-really don't know!" Mikan sobbed as Hajime continued to press on. "I-I'm sor-sorry!"

Hajime clicked his tongue in annoyance, narrowing his eyes at the nurse.

"Do you know when he'll be back?"

"I-I don't k-know! I-if h-his fa-fatigue con-consumes h-him, then h-he'll h-have a ha-harder time c-coming back f-from the w-world of the l-living!"

"So you're saying that I can't do anything but wait for him until he gets back?!"

"W-with you-your dev-developing wings-s, I do-doubt that y-you will b-be able to t-travel th-through the vor-vortex, so y-yes."

Hajime rubbed his eyes, sighing angrily.

"I-It's currently th-three A.M. an-and he l-left at t-twelve, so I-I guess h-he'll come back a-at four?"

Hajime's eyes snapped to her moist ones at the mention of time.

"There's time in Hell?"

"O-of course!"

"But Komaeda told me there wasn't."

"O-oh. It's just that we-we're mostly i-immortal, s-so time do-doesn't really a-affect us. Y-you can have m-my watch if you want."

Mikan fumbled in her pockets, taking out a green wristwatch. She offered it to Hajime, who took it gratefully.

Frowning in disappointment of the lack of information, Hajime helped Mikan pick up the discarded papers and harshly thanked her for the information. The frightened girl scurried away in a hurry, apologizing profusely to no one in particular.

Hajime shoved his hands in his pockets, making his way back to the room. His eyes flitted over to his watch, which now read 3:05.

Fifty-five minutes until Nagito comes back.

Once he unlocked the door to the room, Hajime took a chair from the coffee table and dragged it over in front of the door, purposely placing the furniture in front of it so that Nagito couldn't ignore him when he came back.

The brunet sat crossed legged on the wooden chair, his foot tapping anxiously on the ground, thinking about the ways he would use to scold the albino once he'd returned.

Ten minutes passed.






As if on cue, the door creaked open, revealing a tired Grim Reaper.

Hajime abruptly stood up from his chair, knocking it backward.

"Where. The. Hell. Have. You. Been?!" He barked, crossing his arms.


Hajime's eyebrow twitched in irritation.

"Don't you 'huh' me. You tell me that you'd be back before midnight and what time is it now? It's freaking four in the morning."

"It is?"

Nagito wobbled slightly as he closed the door. Hajime noticed that he needed to use the doorknob to support him.

"Did you even go to sleep?"

Nagito turned his head toward Hajime, his eyes drooping like a dead flower.


"Not since the gala?"

"It's okay, though! I'm fine!"

The Grim Reaper flashed a smile at Hajime, which angered him even more.

"You are not fine."

"Yes, I am. Now if you'll excuse me..."

The albino slowly made his way to the bathroom, practically dragging his legs across the floor while he walked.

He suddenly gasped sharply as he tripped over his own feet, his body too weak to balance itself, causing him to fall.

Hajime barely had time to catch Nagito before he met the floorboards.

He narrowed his eyes, his eyes brewing with acrimony.

"You. Are. Not. Fine." He said between gritted teeth as he hauled Nagito upright.

"Shut up. If I say that I'm fine, then I'm fine." Nagito glared at the brunet, harshly pushing him away as he stumbled backward into the wall. "You already said you didn't care about me. Then why are you even fussing over my health? Just fuck off."

Fury consumed Hajime, and he grabbed Nagito's wrists brusquely. Despite the albino's struggling, Nagito was weaker than Hajime due to his enervation. He slammed the other against the wall, pinning Nagito there so he couldn't move.

"I can't just 'fuck off'," he scowled.

"And why not? It's not like I matter to you anyway." Nagito growled, clenching his jaw tightly.

"BECAUSE I CARE ABOUT YOU!" Hajime roared, slightly out of breath.

The mafia lord expected Nagito to avert his eyes, blush, or call him stupid. Instead, the Grim Reaper let out a strangled laugh, broken and fragmented.

"You know you're lying to yourself, Hajime." Nagito chuckled. "You don't actually care about me."

"You have fucking sleep deprivation."

"I do not. I can walk properly. I can think properly. I am able to function." Nagito retorted, straining against Hajime's physical restraints.

"Look, Komaeda," Hajime emphasized his name, practically spitting it in his face. "I've seen sleep deprivation before, and I've experienced it. You've been hobbling ever since you've come back and you fucking tripped over your own feet. If I kicked your legs from under you, you wouldn't even be able to get back up."

Nagito bit his bottom lip, drawing Hajime's attention over to his mouth.

"Stop pretending you care about me. Obviously, you don't. I'm not that significant to you."

"I DO BECAUSE YOU'RE IMPORTANT. HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU?!" Hajime shouted, his grip tightening on Nagito's wrists.

This time, the albino was genuinely shocked, his eyes widening in a fraction.

Hajime's eyes softened as Nagito bit his lip again.

Hajime forced himself to tear his eyes away from the other's lips as he spoke.

"Face it. You need to sleep. No more working ."

"I haven't been up for that long. Besides, I still need to finish filing those profiles-"

"Shut. The. Fuck. Up."

"Oh, yeah? Make me. I dare you."

There was only one way he could do that.

Hajime's gaze fell on the Grim Reaper's lips, and the temptation to kiss him intensified when Nagito licked his lips.

Hajime leaned forward enough so that he was sure the albino could feel his breath against his skin. He was about to close the gap when an alarm blared in his head, telling him not to do it.

"Bad things will happen if you entangle yourself with my Grim Reaper." Junko's voice echoed in his mind.

With a jerk, Hajime separated himself from Nagito, his hands still on the other's wrists.


It wasn't right of him to do this. He couldn't.

"Just... Just, get some sleep, okay?" Hajime spoke in a soothing voice, his anger now subsiding.

Nagito literally leaned against Hajime as support when the brunet guided him to the bed, taking off his jacket in the process. He tucked Nagito in the bed, watching as the reaper's body sagged against the mattress.

"When was the last time you ate?"

Nagito blinked.

"Two days ago? I think..."

"Jesus Christ, Komaeda." Hajime rubbed his temples, his brows furrowing again. "I'll go get something for you from the cafeteria."

"It's fine... Really. I can just eat in the morning." Nagito yawned just as his stomach growled.


Nagito laughed lightly as Hajime made his way out the door.

"Rest for a bit, would you?" Hajime said softly.

The albino nodded his head and Hajime closed the door.

Hastily, he made his way to the cafeteria, grabbing an assortment of any leftover food
he could find.

He rushed back to the room, making sure he locked the door before he entered the bedroom.

"Komaeda." He gently shook the albino.



The Grim Reaper made some sort of a whiny noise and buried his head in his pillow despite his hunger pangs.

"Oh, come on. You need to eat. Sleep deprivation and eating disorders don't go well together." Hajime snapped.

"Too... tired..."

Hajime frowned in sympathy.

"Fine, then. At least sit upright."

He placed his hand on Nagito's back, helping him into a sitting position.

Hajime scooped a spoonful of rice, hovering the spoon in front of the albino's mouth.

"Eat. You need the food, so don't you dare complain when I feed you. Now say 'ah'."

Nagito was too tired to protest or even chortle in amusement, so he opened his mouth and let Hajime feed him.

"You act like a mother hen, you know?" Nagito mumbled through a mouthful of broccoli.

"I'm a mafia leader, not a clucking mother hen." Hajime retorted, shoving another spoonful of food into Nagito's mouth.

"I guess it's an attribute of your soft side, is it not?" Nagito mused.

Irritated but somewhat amused, Hajime forced another vegetable into the Grim Reaper's mouth.

"Hurry up and eat. Then you can sleep."

Once the plates were clean, Hajime switched off the lights and retired to his futon.

"Good night, Komaeda."

"Good night, Hajime."

The brunet was about to fall into a deep slumber when shuffling noises came from the bed next to him, and a pair of feet tapped against the floor headed toward the desk.

"Komaeda..." Hajime threatened, sitting up.

The dark figure froze as Hajime took his wrist and guided him back to his bed.

"Didn't I say no more work? If you get any more sleep deprived, you're going to die. And don't even think about saying that I don't care about you."

"But... Her Majesty needs the reports by tomorrow morning."

"Oh, for the love of-" Hajime rolled his eyes. "Okay. Fine. I'll just have to do this the hard way."

The mafia lord slid under the covers next to Nagito, an inch away from the albino.

"Hajime?" Nagito asked with a tinge of embarrassment lacing his words.

"Now you can't get out of bed and do your work," Hajime said triumphantly.

Shortly after Hajime tucked himself in, Nagito rolled over in the bed and placed his arm languidly over Hajime's hip, his legs intertwining with the brunet's.

"Komaeda? Uh... Hello?"

Nagito had already dozed off, his mouth slightly parted as his limbs rested over Hajime's.

Doing something he would have never done before, Hajime pulled the male closer, tugging the covers higher. His arm wrapped around Nagito's waist and his other hand ran through the soft, white locks of hair.

Feeling strangely content and happy, Hajime drifted off into what he felt was the best sleep in his life.

Ok so, 2k chapter b/c someone indirectly challenged me to write more for one chapter.


Disadvantages: RIP my sleep schedule

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