Chapter 10 (Radish Fiction Version)

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"Well, this is an interesting turn of events," Cat muttered under her breath, leaning towards the passenger seat in front of her.

Asha nodded in agreement. It had been more than forty minutes since they left the party. So glad to be out of there! If I stayed longer, I'd snap! She could still feel the daggers the girls threw at her when she emerged from the laundry room. She felt like a witch being led out of her prison as she walked through the hallways. She could already feel them burning her even before she had a chance to defend herself.

I bet everyone was very eager to see me leave. Don't worry, girls! The feeling is mutual! she huffed.

"Are you feeling cold? Want the heater turned up?"

Lark's voice drew her attention away from the window. "I'm fine, thank you," she replied immediately before he had a chance to turn the dial of the air-conditioner's thermostat.

"Are you sure?"

The simple gesture of concern touched her. "Yes, thank you," she nodded with a smile before turning her head back towards the window. Wow! He's such a nice guy! Other than Cat, no else really treated her as kindly as he did. Though unexpected, she was glad how the evening turned out. Meeting Lark Mizushima was quite interesting.

"You're amazing, Lark!" Cat cried out in disbelief. She had learned more about the guy in the last thirty minutes than all the information she managed to gather in the past four months of 'stalking' him. "You got accelerated in grade school twice?" She shook her head again in disbelief. "Wow! You must be really smart! You must be ahead in completing your bachelors, huh?"

"Umm..." He gave Cat a coy smile through the rearview mirror. "I've already completed my Bachelors in Economics."

That smile on his face was enough to send her to heaven! "Wow! Really? When?"

"Two years ago."

"No shit!" she gasped. "What the hell are you doing at uni then?"

"My masters...After that, I intend to go for my CPA."

"Wow!" Cat blurted out yet again.

Just like Cat, Asha was very impressed. She wanted to say something, but she didn't want to take his attention away from Cat. Besides, she felt that she was already making her way into her friend's bad books.

Asha stared at Lark's reflection on the window. Amazing! she though. She remembered Cat saying that he wanted to be an accountant, but none of them expected that he his plans were in preparation for him to take over his father's business. For someone who was only twenty-one he had the mind-set and discipline expected from someone older. Asha shook her head discretely in disbelief. God must have been very generous on the day he was born. Beauty, brains, born leader, sports hero...Filthy rich! she ended in her thoughts as she sat comfortably at the front of the Lexus LX 570 he was driving. What else has this boy been blessed with?

Cat craned her neck towards the rear of the car and noticed a black case sticking out from the back. "What's in there?" she pointed by bobbing her head towards the case's direction.

Lark twisted his torso to face her. "That's my cello," he replied with pride.

Cat raised her eyebrows, completely gobsmacked. "You play the cello?"

"Yeah," he simply said sheepishly.

And musical talent, Asha thought as an answer to her question.

"And the piano and the guitar and the violin and the flute," Zach added with a fine distinction of sarcasm. He was getting tired of listening to Lark's stream of talents.

Lark's face fell as he met Zach's eyes through the rearview mirror then twisted around again to look at him. "How did you know?" He didn't think anyone in school knew about his musical expertise.

Refraining himself from showing his surprise. "Uhhh...Lucky guess," he said flatly.

Asha snapped her head to him. "Can you really play all that?" She didn't know if she could ever keep up with all these qualities. What the hell is he? An alien? Lark nodded to her. "How long did it take you to learn all that?"

"I was playing the piano since I was barely two. Music came so naturally so it was easy for me to learn music and other instruments."

"Oh my god! You're a prodigy!" Cats gasped. She leaned forward, sticking herself between the front seats. "I am so jealous of you right now." Her head was just over a foot away from him and it was enough to get her heart pounding even harder. She admired this boy even more. To her, he was the complete package. "I've been trying to learn the guitar for ages. I suck at it!" She flashed Lark her cutest smile and matched it with the big puppy dog look.

"Well, all you need to do is never give up and just keep practicing!" he advised enthusiastically.

It wasn't the answer she was hoping for. "You're absolutely right there!" she managed to say as she leaned back to her seat. She tilted her head to Zach who didn't seem interested. "What about you, Zach?" She shot Asha a wink as she met her gaze on the rearview mirror again. She couldn't help but bite her lip to keep herself from letting out a giggle. She could almost hear Asha's heart leap.

"What about me?" he responded, sounding uninterested.

"Any hidden talents?" She wiggled her eyebrows as she playfully slapped him on his shoulder.

Zach wrinkled his forehead and shook his head. "No."

Cat knew he was hesitating. "Come on, tell us," she coaxed.

"I wouldn't call it hidden, but I play the guitar, piano, and drums," he said with a blasé attitude.

Asha spun around. "Really?" she exclaimed. "That is so cool!" Her face turned bright red. Calm down! she scolded herself. She noticed Cat turn towards her window, attempting to hide her amused expression. She slowly turned around and squirmed in her seat. She embarrassed herself again. Her overkill reaction was a definite giveaway that she was crushing on Zach. Deep inside she was wishing that he thought of the sudden outburst as nothing. Who are you kidding? Lark just revealed what perfection is like and you sit there as if it was something ordinary. Then suddenly you're nearly off your reins over the guitar, piano and drums?

"You play any instrument?" Lark asked.

"Who me?" Asha pointed to herself. He nodded for an answer. "No."

"Even as a kid?" Cat asked, still has the amused smile plastered on her face.

Asha shook her head. "Nope!"

"Did you want to learn to play something?"

Asha pouted her lips with her squinting eyes as she shook her head again. "Not really."

Lark gave her a gentle tap on the shoulder. "If you want to learn to play something, I'm more than happy to teach you."

She nearly jumped as she felt his touch on her shoulder. "Thank you," she said casually, being very careful with how her words came out; conscious how her body was speaking. It was an automatic response her body and mind had learned to protect herself from the malice girls used to put into her every action to bring her down. "I don't think I have the aptitude to learn an instrument. I'm more of a listener." She looked away, contemplating if anyone could actually lace any malice into that. She appreciated the attention she was getting from Lark, but the thought of how it was possibly hurting Cat was making her feel guilty. She glanced at the rear view mirror and met Cat's eyes. She could usually read her friend's expression but tonight she wasn't sure.

That was the response Cat wanted to hear from Lark, but he had said it to someone else. She wanted Lark to offer to teach her so she could sit close to him. If she was lucky enough, he might put his arms around her as he guided her fingers across the fingerboard with one hand, then helping her strum the strings with the other. Then maybe...just maybe, a chord might strike something deep inside and have a moment where they would draw each other for a kiss. Cat flicked the fantasy out of her head. Lark was obviously interested in Asha, and it was breaking her heart. She averted her eyes away from the rearview mirror to avoid her gaze.

Asha let out a sigh when Cat turned away from her. Did Cat think she had betrayed her? But I didn't ask him for any attention. Is it still my fault? Her attention shifted towards Zach who sat behind the driver's seat. He seemed to be deep in thought as he stared out the windows. It was clear that he wasn't happy about Lark being the one driving her home. She wasn't happy either because she was actually looking forward to being with Zach.

"Maybe you should let me handle this one, Zach," Lark insisted before they left the party. "She only seems to get hurt when you're around."

Just like that, Zach folded. Maybe it was his guilt that made him concede. At least he decided to tag along. Asha was really pleased with that.

"Are you sure, you're okay? You're the only one without a jacket, Asha."

She turned to Lark and nodded. "Yes. Don't worry. I'm okay." It was nice that he was being attentive, but Lark fussing over her was causing her great discomfort. She threw another glance towards Cat's way only to find her friend staring out the window as well, nibbling on her fingers–a habit that she does when she was stressed or worrying about something. I should have taken the bus! She preferred it that way in the first place. Bah! Who am I kidding? she frowned. She wanted Zach to take her home and be alone with him. It was funny how she hated Zach for all the trouble he had caused her, but still loved the giddy feeling she got whenever he was around. She threw another glance his way. He's been awfully quiet. Asha never saw him that way. He always had a very strong presence. She wondered if Lark's persona had overshadowed him. Gawd! Anyone would feel ordinary with achievements like that! She leaned her head against the window. But Zach isn't ordinary. He was her vision of perfection. There was something about him that made his existence paramount. Or was she just telling herself that because her heart was beating for him?

"How are you holding up without your glasses?" Cat asked, breaking her trail of thought

There was something spiteful in her friend's voice and it pained her. Maybe I'm just imagining it. Am I being paranoid? She grimaced. What in the world made me think the disguise was going to last long? It was stupid of her to think that people wouldn't notice! Bloody hell! I'm not Superman! Put on a pair of eyeglasses and I'm Clark Kent, and no one will ever figure it out. Asha's eyebrows knitted more closely as she got deeper into her thoughts. Her extraordinary beauty came to her as a curse. She loathed how the girls looked askance at her at the party while the boys showered her with admiration. For sure there are prettier girls out there, but why me? What is it about me that people hate? She took a deep breath, trying to dislodge whatever was gripping her her throat. She didn't know whether she was going cry or laugh at her ridiculous predicament. I just want a normal life. It didn't matter if she had no friends at all. I just want to live in peace. I want to wake up in the morning and not be afraid of what the day will bring. I don't want to keep fearing for my safety, or at least not have anyone laugh to my face, or spread lies about me...I don't want to be constantly on guard. I'm tired of having a tight grip on my bag so I'm prepared to shield myself in case someone actually jumps from any direction to hurt me...My reasons are valid, right?

"You can survive without your glasses, yes?" Cat pressed on.

Asha gulped. "Cat, it's–"

"Can you see things okay?" Zach interrupted. "Listen, this all my fault. I'll replace your glassed, I promise!"

Lark held two fingers in front of her. "How many fingers can you see?"

"Yeah, how clear can you see things?" Cat joined the questioning.

She felt like that walls were closing in on her, and the roof was about to drop over her head. How clear can you see things? she repeated Cat's question in her head. Irony can be quite unsettling when guilt is involved. "Two," she replied softly, her eyes resting sadly on Lark's long, smooth fingers. She shifted into her seat, tucking her right leg underneath her, allowing her body to angle towards Zach. His angelic face made her sigh. If he knew what she had done, this would be the last time he'd show her some tenderness. Who the hell wants a pretentious girl by their side? She snorted in her mind. You're not going to be by his side, Asha. Stop dreaming! She reluctantly looked away from her angel and met Cat–the first person who offered her real friendship. She feared that their friendship was about to end. I swear, I want to tell you! If Zach and Lark weren't there, she would reveal her secret to her right there and then. "I owe you big time, Cat."

Cat's eyes narrowed on her, and a very minute huff of laughter made her shoulders jerk. "Do you?"

Asha heard the nuance of aggression in Cat's voice. She simply nodded.

"Is everything all right?" Zach asked shifting his attention between the two girls. He sensed the coldness in Cat's voice. "Did I miss anything?"

Should I end it now? "I suppose, it was good 'til it lasted," she said in a low voice.

"Mmm-hmmm!" Cat nodded as she crossed her arms. "Why?" She stared at Asha, studying her intently. She didn't understand this game she was playing. She felt betrayed. What was she hiding other than a pretty face? Who was this stranger who she thought was her friend? If she managed to take her as a fool by disguising herself, how could she call her 'friend'? Maybe she's under a witness protection program! Or is she a criminal hiding from the law? "I don't get it. Why?"

The reason behind everything was not complicated, but it wasn't simple either. Because I don't want people to notice that I'm pretty so they don't get too envious, otherwise they become mean to me. Someone should kill her already with that lame excuse! How was she going to explain herself without coming across as obnoxious? She didn't even know when her fingers started to massage her forehead. "I–"

Lark's loud sigh, which sounded more like a grunt of frustration, interrupted the building tension that was building up. "Wow! What's with all the traffic? It has already been four light changes!" He rolled down his window and stuck his head out, trying to get a clearer view of what was causing the traffic.

"Must be an accident," Zach said, copying Lark by rolling down the window as well. "Wow!" His head jerked back. His little finger shot into his ear, and wriggled it. "The air is so crisp with profanity, I think I'll need to have my ears washed with holy bleach!" he exclaimed before taking his finger out of his ear. Whoever was up ahead must be having a serious argument with someone.

You are a fool, my dear Kurt!

Who's Kurt? Her ears perked up to the whisper of the cold air rushing into the car. "Did you hear that?" she jolted.

"Who wouldn't?" Lark blurted. "That guy must be holding a bullhorn!"

She wasn't referring to the commotion that was happening outside. She straightened up, straining her ears to concentrate on the sounds. Amidst all the words, the horns, and the distant sirens, she could hear someone. The voice was mellow, and it came to her louder than the noise that clouded the night. She had heard this voice before. The pounding in her chest became more intense as the hums of her breathing became more audible. She inhaled deeply. The fragrance that tiptoes in the wind made her skin crawled. This perfume. She had smelled it before. It was was the same scent that lingered in the hallways of the hospital where her parents had been confined. The memories of sadness engulfed her. She remembered the fragrance being sweet, and that scent became stronger when they died. But I've smelled this scent even before that! But when? Where?

Cat rolled her eyes at Asha's poor attempt to change the subject. "Yes, it's called noise," she replied sarcastically.

Asha shook her head emphatically. "No, not that," she said almost inaudibly.

Lark saw a look of consternation on the girl. He rested his hand on her shoulder and gave her a gentle shake. "Is everything okay?"

She took another deep breath, taking in as much of the sweet air as she could. "Can you smell that?" She rolled down her window and the scent grew even stronger. For sure someone could smell that perfume.

Zach arched an eyebrow as he slowly lifted his nose and sniffed. Only a hint of the warm, smoked aroma of burning wood coming from a pizzeria lined his nostrils. "Whatever it is, it's making me hungry."

How could they not smell it? It was so strong! She looked around her. They were still stuck in the traffic, and some vehicles were starting to get out of the lane by making a U-Turn back. "I've taken too much of your time," she said suddenly. "I think you guys should head back."

"What?" Lark and Zach said in unison. Both confused with her abrupt decision.

She unbuckled her seatbelt. "I can get home from here. The bus stop isn't far away," she lied. She didn't know where the bus stop was, but she had to get out of the car. There was a compelling urge to follow where the scent was coming from. "Sorry for the trouble, but I have to go." She was about to reach for the door when Zach's hand wrapped around her arm.

"What's going on? Where are you going?" The expression on her face suddenly went blank, as if she was caught in a trance. "Asha? Is there something wrong?"

"Can't you hear it? Can't you smell it?"

Cat let out an irritated grunt. "What exactly are we hearing and what are we smelling?"

Asha pulled her arm away, freeing herself from Zach's touch. She turned to Cat one last time. "Flowers." She met their puzzled gaze one last time and smiled. "I have to go. Thank you, and sorry for the trouble."

Surprised at her reply, Cat called, "Hey–" Even before she could stop her, Asha had swiftly gotten out of the car.

Zach ruffled his hair in frustration. "What the...Crazy little...Aww heck!" He unbuckled his seatbelt. "Is this normal?" he grunted at Cat.

Cat was as perplexed as he was. "No idea! This is a first!" The nauseating feeling of guilt rumbled in her gut. She wondered if she was too hard on her. Cat shook her head. I was angry! she justified to her self. And jealous!

"I'd better go after her," Zach breathed loudly as he unlocked the car door.

A groan gurgled in her throat as she unbuckled her seatbelt as well. "I'm going with you."

Lark arched his eyebrows. "Oooh-kay, he drawled. "I'll park somewhere and wait for"–he realised that Cat and Zach had already exited the car, and scooted off to the same direction as Asha had gone–"you here," he ended.

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