Chapter 17 (Radish Fiction Version)

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"Oh my god!" Zach inhaled sharply when Asha peeled her eyes open. The pair of crystal clear gems she revealed made polished amethysts and charoites look dull. Every muscle in his body seemed to have lost its will to move while he was mesmerized by her. This must be what it meant when they said how one could get lost in someone's eyes. "You are so beautiful," he exhaled, drawling on his words. That was a complete understatement. How else could he describe her? She was beyond perfection. There was nothing else to it–just beyond perfection!

When he saw her for the very first time, he sensed something different about her. He was one of the most popular guys at the university. He was fully aware that he had his good looks, and he used this to his advantage. It was easy for him to get any girl he wanted...and this girl was something special. She had a pretty face, but with those atrocious eyeglasses covering her face, it was a complete turn off. A geeky-looking girl like her was clearly not his type; however, he couldn't understand why he suddenly felt so ordinary in her presence–so ordinary that he had a desperate need for her to remember him. Therefore, the prank that he had been pulling off on lost freshmen was way too good to pass.

It was funny to see how gullible she was, but the moment she ran off to follow his false directions, he felt a strong sense regret. He wanted to go after her, and tell her it was a bad joke, but he didn't. Then she turned up in French class. He knew they shared the class when he saw her timetable. She didn't look impressed when she saw him. Again, he was unsure why that made him feel uneasy. He hid his discomfort with an amused smile, like the cowardly jerk he was. He watched her fidget at the barrage of questions the lecturer threw at her, deliberately embarrassing her–a price she had to pay for turning up late. Thanks to him! She was going to hate him with a passion, he was sure of it. That shouldn't matter at all, but it did.

Then there was the incident with the soccer ball on that same day...Asha Strauss probably thought he was out to get her. He felt sorry for her, but somehow she surprised him–for a short moment, he caught a glimpse of the exquisite face a pair of hideous spectacles violated. He thought she had the most stunning blue eyes, but until he noticed a round film on the ground, right next to his shoe. Contact lens? She was desperately and frantically scouring the ground for something before she had ran off. Was she looking for a contact lens? That didn't make sense for someone to have glasses and lenses at the same time. He crouched over to pick up the small piece of film. It was blue. He found that very odd. Why would she wear blue contact lenses? If she was trying to be fashionable, the glasses would have defeated the purpose in the first place. What was she hiding?

Staring back at her now, he thought he had unlocked a treasure chest, revealing the most precious jewels of all. Zach brushed a thumb lightly across her cheek. In the last four days that she had been unconscious, the swelling had gone down significantly.

She had no idea how emotionally wrecked he was after witnessing a lunatic grab and throw her like a rag doll. If the police hadn't been there to restrain him, he would have killed the man. The images of him grabbing the bastard from behind, and throttling him to the ground was still clear in his mind. He could still feel the slight throbbing in his knuckles from repeatedly bashing the guy's face. Anger boiled within him as the harrowing memory played in his head. Insanity nearly got a hold of him when the paramedics pronounced her dead. She was not breathing. Her heart was not beating. Her temperature was abnormally low and they would have concluded hypothermia and severe head injuries as the cause of death. Hypothermia. It was winter, and she had fallen in a pool earlier that night. Again, all thanks to him! There's the cause of hypothermia! Guilt clawed him in the gut.

They were about to carry her away when one of the paramedics noticed some slight movement in her fingers. She started breathing. Very faintly, but she was breathing! He watched them scamper at the slight signs of life. A huge sense of relief overwhelmed him. She was alive! He wanted to cry that night. Even though there was nothing between them, he didn't want to lose her? When he heard her say that she needed to die...That she didn't belong here...That doesn't make sense! Is life so hard on her?

Whenever he saw her around the university, she was alone. If she was not alone, Cat was the only person he had ever seen her with. Even at the party, he could see how uncomfortable she was mingling with the other guests. I do not belong here...I need to die, he repeated her words miserably in his mind. "Don't ever say words like that again," he pleaded. "We're here for you. You do belong here...You may not know it but–" You belong with me, he finished his sentence in his mind. Zach was taken aback. What in the world made him think that? Why was he so sure that she was meant to be with him.

She remained silent while she stared back at him like he was a bad memory. Was she furious with him? Was she blaming him for what happened? He grimaced, and wished that he could read her mind. "I'm so sorry," he whispered, still not letting go of her face. Would it be disrespectful if he took a chance of kissing her? With the way she's looking at me, I shouldn't even dare. Only God knew how tempted he was to kiss her while she was asleep. Out of respect, he held himself back. He was content with watching her so close as she breathed. He was so close that he could feel the air she exhaled touching his lips. Tempting, but he wanted her to be awake when he kissed her, and if he ever got that chance, he wanted her to kiss him back. If I asked... "Asha, will–" The sounds coming from the hallway cut him off, making him let go of her so suddenly.

"Do you think she has woken up at all?" Cat's voice travelled from the corridors.

Zach stood up and retreated towards the end of the bed, just in time before Cat and Lark showed up at the doorway.

Asha lowered her head and closed her eyes once again.

"Oh my god! You're awake!" Cat exclaimed tearfully as she rushed towards Asha's side. She hugged her tight. "I was so worried! You wouldn't believe how worried I was!" She let go of her friend. "They thought you were dead!" she sobbed. "I didn't mean to make you so upset that you'd run off like that. I was just–" She stopped, realising that Lark was in the same room as they were. "You know," she ended, discretely shifting her eyes to Lark. Her friend didn't respond to her. "Are you angry with me?" She sat down next to her and started to comb Asha's tousled hair with her fingers. Cat never noticed how deeply black Asha's hair was until today. She also noticed the crimson highlights that streaked across the dark film as if blood had stained the strands. "When you get out of here, I promise, I'll treat you to a mani-pedi, we'll have our hair done, facials..." She forced out a giggle. "You know, all that girl stuff!" Asha remained motionless, her arms around her knees with her eyes closed. "Unless, you want to do something else," she drawled uncomfortably.

"That sounds like fun," Lark joined in with a smile in his voice. He moved closer, propping himself right next to her. "You gave us quite a scare."

Zach huffed, "That's an understatement," he said under his breath. No one seemed to have heard him, which was good. He didn't want to create any unnecessary tension around Asha but the close proximity that Lark had with her didn't sit well with him. "Maybe you guys need to give her a bit of space," he stated, actually directing it to Lark.

Lark put a hand lightly on Asha's back. "How are you feeling today, sweetheart?"

Sweetheart? Zach's frown became more prominent. Are you kidding me?

Asha gave out a heavy sigh. "Better once I get out of here," she said coldly.

Taken aback by the tone of her voice, Cat pulled her hand away from her. Fair enough that Asha may not be feeling well, but the tone in her voice was different. It was as if she was someone else. She shook her head, dismissing it as just her imagination. After all, it had been four days since she last spoke to her. She swore, it was the most horrifying four days of her life! She was still trying to come to terms with what happened last Saturday night. "Sweetie, I'm sure it will be so much better once you get out to some fresh air. Let's wait for the doctors to give you the all-clear though." Asha didn't look pleased at the suggestion. She noticed her jaw tighten, and her scowl was too menacing for her comfort. Cat gulped and glanced towards Zach and Lark. They both looked as concerned as she was.

Lark tapped Asha on the shoulder. "Don't worry," he said to her cautiously. "I'm sure that–"

Just then the nurse knocked on the door. "I see that you're finally awake," she said with a smiled. She nodded towards Cat and Lark, "If you'll excuse me, I'll just check her blood pressure and her temperature." Both of them moved to give way.

"My temperature is fine," Asha said hastily. "My blood pressure is fine."

"Well, there's only one way to find out," she giggled. She scanned the notes on her clipboard and whistled. "My god! You are quite the miracle, aren't ya!" she exclaimed. She was about to raise the thermometre to Asha's ear when she abruptly turned her head to face her. "If you just turn around–" Asha opened her eyes and stared at her sullenly. The nurse took a step back. "Oh my!" She had heard other staff talking about the patient with purple eyes. Those who had seen them said they were quite unreal; she understood why.

Cat's hand shot in front of her mouth as she gasped. "Asha, your eyes are–" She turned to Lark who was as surprised as she was. He was more than just stunned. He was tantalised. She had been annoyed about being deceived with the fake glasses. So there's more than just the spectacles. Now, I know what you've been really hiding. If she had known from the very beginning, Cat would have gone out of her way to help her hide those eyes. I'll find you the most hideous pair of goggles, and get put a huge paper bag over your head for all I care! Cat had been in cloud nine during the past four days being in Lark's company, even though he was obviously more interested in Asha. It was agonising to hear him talk about her Asha all the time. At least I still get to talk to him, and be close to him somehow. I should be happy. Maybe one of these days, he'll see me differently and...She looked back at Asha. With her eyes completing the full picture, her beauty was out of this world. How could she ever compete with that?

"Wow!" Lark sighed.

Zach was amused with everyone's reaction. Wait 'til she goes back to school! Everyone will be all over her.

"How am I going to hide you from everyone else now?" Lark cooed.

Asha noticed the painful look on Cat's face. She felt guilty having Lark pay this much attention to her, while Cat's heart had been aching for this boy for a very long time. She then turned towards Lark who continued to gaze at her with complete adoration. There was something in his smile that was disarming, and without realising it, her lips curved slightly.

"I really need to take your temperature and blood pressure," the nurse cut in again, frustration starting to line across her face.

Asha slowly turned her head to the woman in blue scrubs. "If you could get my clothes for me, I'll be out of your way immediately."

The nurse shook her head in protest. "Sorry, it's not that easy, luv. I need to check a lot of things before–" She froze when the young girl narrowed those deep crystal lilacs on her.

"You will tell the doctor that I am fine. Everything is normal, and I am ready to be discharged," she said sternly.

Cat's mouth few open at the assertiveness in Asha's tone. She was completely flabbergasted with the sudden change in her usually timid friend. Did she peel more than just a mask over her face? "A-Ash?" she croaked. "I think you should let the lady do her job." A nervous laugh escaped her.

Lark reached out and brushed a stray lock of raven hair away from her face, allowing his fingertips to brush lightly across her velvety smooth skin. "Cat's right," he agreed. "Let the nurse do her job." His smile widened. "What do you say? Do this for me, yes?"

His smile managed to dissolve the hard expression on her face. "Fine," she mumbled.

Zach's jaw tensed up at the sight of Lark's subtle display of affection. What irked him more was that fact that she was responding to him.

The nurse finally moved closer, mouthing, "Thanks," to Lark. "I need you to lie back down, luv."

Reluctantly, she complied. While the nurse was busy strapping the cuff of the sphygmomanometre around her arm, she noticed Cat's defeated look. She felt like she had betrayed her. The memory of the events of this lifetime did not fail her. Even when she was destined to be alone, this girl offered her friendship to her human self unconditionally. "Cat?"

Cat responded with a jolt. Even the way she said her name was different. It sounded like a distant call...Like something from beyond. She felt goosebumps forming all over her skin.

Asha saw the nuance of fear on her friend's face. "Are you afraid of me?"

Cat flinched at the question. That's a weird thing to ask! "Uhh...N-No." Why would she be afraid of her? She was not afraid. Or was she? "Why did you that?"

She looked away and settled her gaze on the nurse. She noticed the woman squirm while she watched her. Finally, she finished up with her routine check-up. "Do tell the doctor that I am ready to leave."

"O-Of course," she stammered as she packed her instruments away. She rolled her eyes at the haughty attitude. She couldn't wait to get out of there. Asha's purple gaze followed her until she had left the room. Relief filled her as soon as she got out of the room. She had never felt so uncomfortable in her life!

The room was quiet again. Lark remained seated on the bed, while Cat retreated to the chair close to the door. Zach stood quietly at the end of the bed, leaning over the foot board. His face filled with all seriousness, while his ocean blue eyes stayed on Asha's face.

Asha bowed her head, and whispered, "When this is all over, everything will go back to normal...I promise."

Zach tilted his head. "Sorry, what did you say?"

Without warning, the whole room started to spin. A sensation of light-headedness overcame her. The heaviness on her eyelids forced her eyes closed. The throbbing in her head was back. She struggled to keep herself awake. What was happening? She thought she saw Zach say something as he moved towards her. Lark's face hovered over her. He, too, was saying something but the sounds came to her as a blur. "So, what has been happening at school?" she asked faintly before she succumbed into darkness.

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