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09 January 2016

Dear Friends,

As announced yesterday, Death's Heart  will be continuing on the new mobile app, Radish, which will be launched this February. Because of this, I will be taking the contents down tonight.

I am forever thankful to those who have given me the time to read this story, and more heartfelt thanks to those who have been waiting forever for an update. I do apologise that the updates of the story will not be seen on the Wattpad platform, but for a writer, our work is a legacy that can be passed on to our children. When the opportunity to write for Radish was offered, I decided to take it as it is a fantastic stepping stone that will help reach my goal as an author. 

We are often told as readers that the author can take you on a journey through her/his story. When writing Death's Heart, being the author, I thought I navigated where the story is heading. I didn't expect that I am the passenger, and it is the story that is taking me on a journey. 

I hope you can continue to join me, and witness where Death's Heart will take us.

Follow me on Radish by clicking on the external link, or typing this url on your browser:  link: http://radishfiction.com/?a=JohannaLee

My never-ending gratitude to you all.

Respectfully yours,

Johanna (ThoughtsOnPaper)

08 January 2016

Dear Friends,

I am very delighted to announce that a new mobile app, RADISH, will be launched in February 2016. This is an app where avid readers can access serialised fiction. I am so thankful to be amongst many other authors who have been approached to write for this new app.

In line to this exciting opportunity, I have chosen "DEATH'S HEART" as my first piece to enter into the Radish selection. It is a difficult decision, but I will be taking the story down on 9 January 2016 at 9:00pm (GMT+8).

To those who have read this story until the last chapter, thank you very much for your time, votes, comments, follows, and welcoming it to your reading list. To those who have been waiting for over a year for an update, I do apologise; as I've mentioned in my messages, I've put the updates on hold to focus on "Losing Cinderella". On the bright side, having chosen this as my story for Radish, this will push me to update it sooner than I have expected.

Do follow me and subscribe by clicking on the external link, or this link: http://radishfiction.com/?a=JohannaLee

By signing up early, you will have exclusive early access to great stories, have access to Radish's secret blog where first chapters and some teaser trailers are already posted! You will also have the chance to win coins that you can use for purchases.

Thank you again for your support. I hope you can continue doing so as I take the next step towards my journey as a writer.

Respectfully yours,


May 27, 2015

This story currently has 32 chapters. All, except Chapters 1-3, are set on private. I've just set the 29 chapters to private due to Wattpad being compromised, which can put or works at risk. To access these chapters, the readers will need to follow me, which they are more than welcome to unfollow me should they deem the story to be not worth their time or they have finished reading it.

If after following, you still can't access the chapters, please log out of Wattpad on your device/s and log back on again.

Sorry for the inconvenience, but it needs to be done to protect my work. Thank you for the understanding and support.

June 21, 2014

It's been eight months since I updated this story. Now, I am happy to have finally uploaded the next installment! I apologise for taking this long. I took a bit of a break from writing "Losing Cinderella" and during that break, I have been ever so slowly writing Chapter 32. Now, I can not tell when the next chapter will be ready, but I do ask you once again for your patience. I also would like to express my gratitude for the time, support and patience that you have given me.

I also would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to @therideoflife and @tonygbx718 for assisting me with the Spanish translations in this chapter.

Any questions, problems or doubts...Or if you just want to have a chitchat, feel free to message me.

March 3, 2014

It's been four months since I updated this story. I would like to assure you that I have not forgotten to update. I just would like to ask for more patience as I am concentrating on finishing Losing Cinderella. To those who are reading it and those who are waiting on what's going to happen next, I would like to express my heartfelt thank you as today, Death's Heart has broken the 10K read barrier. Until now, I have been usure of this story because of the style and format I have chosen to write it. But with the comments and votes and reads that I can see on the last chapter—I can say that I must have done something right! Thank you very much!

October 31, 2013

Hi there! In the spirit of Halloween, here's Chapter 31. I know, there are alot of flashbacks and more coming...I hope they don't confuse you. Please feel free to comment or message me or something if I happen to confuse you.

I may not be able to update for some time as I would like to concentrate in updating "Losing Cinderella" as I think the update for this has been long way overdue as well.

October 27,  2013

Hello! Thank you very much again for reading and your patience! I do apologize for not updating for so long. I had to do some research, which actually left me surprised as how this story is going.I had the plot planned in my mind but when I reached Chapter 25, it seemed the story has taken its own lead and I'm the one being pulled behind it. I am also very nervous as to how the readers would react. After I've published this, I'm keeping my fingers crossed with the hope that you will still like it. Thank you! ... Okay, here goes...My forefinger lightly touches the  trackpad, leading the curser to hover over the 'Save & Publish' button. I take a deep breath and press. As soon as I hear the sound of the click, I know that I have now committed to the flow of this story. *click*

September 18,  2013

My! It has been awhile since I updated. I do apologize for that. I thought I knew what was going to happen in the next chapters but the story has led me towards something else, which required me to do some reading and research...When someone says "a story can lead you anywhere," I understand what they meant as a reader. But it is now that I truly understand that even a writer's own story can lead it's creator elsewhere. It is now that I truly understand that sometimes a writer doesn't know where her/his story can lead her/him. 

I have already completed a couple of chapters, but I shall upload after revisions. To be honest, I am quite nervous with the outcome as I am unsure how readers are going to take it. Oh well! Wish me luck! 

Again, thank you for reading this far! 

June 27,  2013

Hello! Thank you very much for reading! The story is not over. It may take some time for the next upload as I need to do some research. Also, I have made a separate chapter where my personal notes need to go...Would you prefer me putting my personal messages at the end of the chapter or have separate chapter? Your opinions will be highly appreciated! :)

May 15, 2013

First of all, I can't thank you enough for the time you have given me by reading my work. It is a great honour that "Death's Heart" has found its way to your Reading List and a greater honour to have earned your vote and following as well. For that, thank you because, in my view, a writer's skill and effectiveness depends on the actions, reactions and feedback of her/his readers.

I also would like to take the opportunity to thank and acknowledge the people who have assisted me with some parts of the story. If it weren't for them, I might have relied on Google translate and have made alot of errors. :) So, to the following Wattpad members and friends, thank you:

@Katek12 for assisting with the French translation on Chapter 4

@ViktorijaPankratova for assisting with the Latvian translation on Chapter 5

@Tangled_Piya for assisting with the Marathi translation on Chapter 15

@Sammy for assisting with the Spanish translation on Chapter 21

@ Lounolan for assisting with the Italian translation on Chapter 21

@Parkvenus and new found friend, Mina, for helping me with the Korean translation on Chapter 21

And another good friend, Sharon, and her friend for helping me with the Cantonese translation on Chapter 21

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