Cover and Whatnot

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I'l try to keep it short, but I talk a lot so bare with me. I'm eating homemade potato chips and have a few things to say.

First off, I'm not 2-D artist, meaning I do ceramics not paintings or whatever. So before you go insulting the cover, just know I already know I can't art well, okay? So, don't insult it please, I have insecurities too you know.

Second, these chapters are longer than Witch In The Woods, by like 1,000. BUT! It will have less chapters and is a 'shorter' story, so don't get scared.

Third, my uploads are semi-consistent, minus last month, we don't talk about it. Though I try to upload every Sunday, with this fic I'll just post whenever I feel like it, which might mean multiple times a week or maybe not, who knows.

Fourth and final thing, I'm writing one other fic and prewriting another two, AND school gonna start in less than a month. So...I would appreciate it if when those other two come out you can check those out too, just for me ya know.

Well, that's all for now, continue on at your own risk? Is that an insult to myself? I don't even know anymore. Just...just go read already.

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