The Beauty In The Rain

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(A/N: Don't you love just disappearing on Wattpad for months? BTS are on the Grammy's, and here I am updating...but I've been busy okay. Anyway, I hope y'all enjoyed, and that it was worth the wait.)  WC: 2848

Yoongi didn't know how much time had passed when he heard heavy steps trudging down the companionway, straight into his 'cabin'.

He payed it no heed as he turned his head back towards his historical book, ignoring the confused grunts the newcomer made upon seeing the space. 

"Kitty~, where are you kitty kitty kitty~,"

At this, Yoongi redirected his gaze from where it was enraptured by a tale of WWII, raising a brow with it at the sound of Intak looking for a cat.

"There aren't any cats around here, go look elsewhere,"

Intak stuck his head through the small gape in his wooden fortress, grinning a mile wide. 

"But I found him,"

Yoongi looked at him in confusion, brain not comprehending the meaning behind the others words.

What cat is he talking about-

Then it hit him.

Intak's smile grew impossibly wider upon seeing the gears turning in Yoongi's head, a look of realization washing over his pale features. 

Well, more like reddening features.

"W-Wait, n-no no no, you don't mean m-me, do you?"

He was sputtering and stuttering, voice rising higher and higher in pitch the words left his mouth.  Intak grunted as he forced himself through the wooden wall, coming to squat in front of the embarrassingly red Navigator. Offering him his dentured smile, not looking the least bit bashful. 

"Whatever do you mean Kitten?"

Yoongi released his hands from the ropes, only to curl in on himself. Muttering a 'shut the fuck up' as he hid his face between his knees.

The other only threw his head back and chortled, patting the youngers head.

"I didn't come down here to just to embarrass you,  I just needed to check and see if you had been crushed by any boxes. But it seems you made yourself your own little fortress."

Yoongi nodded as he surveyed the small cabin that was swept as clean as he could get it before they took off. He wondered when the storm would be over so he could get back home, his mother was going to be worried sick when she realizes what he's done. Even more so, she'll be heartbroken that he lied. Moreover, lonely, and thoroughly convinced that she's cursed if Yoongi were not to come back home. 

Intak looked like he was going to say something more, but as his crusted lips started to form words, the boat violently snapped to its side. Yoongi had stupidly untangled his arms from the ropes, so he and Intak went flying to the port-side. The younger yelped in surprise as he slammed into old lockers and crates, wondering if something had rammed into the side of the boat.

There was faint yelling on deck, and Intak looked panicked as he attempted to stand, only to fall with an audible thunk as the boat whipped to the side again. Thunder cracked across the sky like a whip, a low buzzing sounding in Yoongi's ears before lightening flashed blindingly through the portholes. Then the ship creaked to the left again and the two started to slide to the other side of the cabin, Yoongi hastily grabbed his ropes and curled his body into the boxes as if his life depended on it, and it sure felt like it did.

This is it, he thought, I'm going to die surrounded by idiotic high school dropouts who are scared of commitment-

Another shock ran through the boat as it teetered on its side, Intak comically rolling back to the other side of of the cabin. The flimsy light started flickering dangerously above them, forewarningly.

The boat kept turning on its side until the porthole was fully submerged in the murky water, and as Yoongi looked into the dark abyss with entranced fright, he saw a shadow flicker by. There was a flash of scales and a glint of something translucent before the sharp sound of knives dragging across the hull caused Yoongi to move up the ropes and as far away from the little window as possible.

"Intak, what the actual fuck is going on?!"

There was more yelling above, and the sound of heavy rubber soles. Intak turned towards the door in disbelief, as if a realization just dawned on him. He stared at Yoongi, a long moment passing before he scrambled up in silence, struggling to find his balance.

"Intak, goddammit, answer me- "

"Sorry Kitten, but I need to get up there...I think w-we got o-one- "

Yoongi furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, glaring harshly at the retreating, stumbling back of the fisherman.

Caught one, caught what-

As soon as Intak was able to jar open the door, the boat was slingshotted back upright. Yoongi was jerked violently against the boxes yet again, his head smacking the wood with a sickening thunk. He let out a groan of pain as he reached a hand to the wound, letting out a shaky exhale when it came back clean.

Several more moments passed like that, the boat rocking violently as if someone was playing tug-of-war with the old ship. Yoongi felt a rumble rip through the boat, rattling his very bones and chattering his teeth. He knew this wasn't caused by the storm, but there was also no known sea creature that could do this. Maybe its an aggressive whale?

The memory of scales and a flash of something iridescent flashed through his frightened mind, furthering his panic as he realized that whales didn't have scales, nor did killer whales or sharks-

What is happening...

Yoongi focused on keeping his breathing even, calming his racing heart and fiddling with the ring on his thumb to distract his mind. Even when his arms were surely rope burned and worn out from tensing every time the boat turned, he kept his mind carefully blank, not wanting to have an episode.

That was, until a blood-curdling screech filled the air, causing his breathing to cease as if someone had ripped the air from his very lungs. His mind all but threw calm out of the window as the inhuman noise rang clear through the howling wind and the barrage of rain.

It only got louder as time progressed, sometimes wavering as it sounded like the voice was going under. The boat was trembling under some unseen force and Yoongi was trembling along with it. He himself felt like he was going underwater and his ears rang painfully, not even droning out the painful shrieks of whatever creature was out there. The sound made the Navigator want to claw out his ears and heart, tears springing to his eyes at the pressure growing in his head.

He felt distressed and an unnatural panic overtook him, and against his own sane wishes, he untangled himself from the safety of the ropes. Yoongi went and squeezed himself through the opening in his Tetris-esk fortress of solitude, all but sprinting to the door that led to the upper deck.

Yoongi wasn't thinking, he was just doing, and Yoongi always thought before he did...unless he was mad of course.

As soon as he busted the door open, a palpable force of sound and rain hit him face. The sound of the shrieking increased tenfold and so did the yelling of the fishermen, who had never looked so focused in their entire piteous lives.

They were yanking ropes, tying knots, running across the deck, and screaming at each other in the process. The power block Hyunshik had shown him earlier was straining against whatever force it held in its grasp, the ropes were holding, but the metal arm that hung over the water had bowed. Yoongi's eyes widened as he saw the worsening churning and thrashing where the chain disappeared into the murky abyss below.

He glanced around at the never ending sea that surrounded him, the churning of the black waters perfectly representing the churning in his stomach and mind. Waves with white crests came crashing down on the already soaking boat, sea waste washing across the deck before being swept away by the wind.

Jaehwa nearly mowed over the entranced Navigator, looking at him in a confused manner before glaring at him and yelling at him to 'get the fuck outta the way and get back below deck'.

Yoongi, oddly enough, didn't listen. He just felt himself get drawn to the edge, like a magnetic pull that clouded his mind and filled it with cotton. He felt heavy and a sweet tone filled his soul, a wordless hymn that sounded like honey dripping sweetly off of a spoon. It was a deep and sultry voice, successfully drowning out the storm and causing a blanket of warmth to wrap itself around his heart. Just like when his father would tuck him in during the early hours of the morning after a long talk about the starry night sky.

Yoongi felt a void in his heart being filled, he felt whole again, and he needed more. He needed to get as close to the source as possible.

Intak looked on with confusion at the film over the younger's eyes, his pupils dilated to the point his eyes were almost entirely black. The inky black spread until all his tunneled vision could see was the vague churning of the sea below him, his body fuzzy and numb to reality as he stepped over the lifelines that wrapped around the boat.

That sultry voice was all he could hear, the screaming of Intak and the shrieking of Jaehwa were falling upon his deaf ears as he made to fall into the angry sea below. He felt momentarily light, but then an harsh grip wrapped itself around his elbow and jerked him back to the deck. He fell on his ass as he was all but thrown onto the deck, a painful jabbing sensation running up his spine before fading away in a flash.

He growled angrily, looking back at where the power block bowed over the ocean, his vision shaking as Hyunshik screamed in his ear. Yoongi was thoroughly convinced he was underwater now, the older fisherman's voice muffled as it screamed into his cotton mind.

"I want- I need- "

The youngest started to crawl towards the edge until Hyunshik yanked him back again, dragging him to a post near the stairs. He was yelling at the Navigator, but Yoongi was too focused on that content fullness that he felt when he was near the sea edge. He needed that voice, he needed to hear the end of its tune, only then could he listen.

Yoongi thrashed and growled at the fisherman, kicking him repeatedly as Jaehwa held him down. He realized too late that they were tying him to the post, and screeched something close to inhuman at the restriction. The taller fisherman winced at the piercing scream, quickly leaving the other to deal with the Navigator.

Yoongi tugged at the rope constricting his hands, screaming relentlessly as he needed to get to that voice-

A flaring pain jolted him, the side of his face burning horrendously. The beautiful tune quieted, retreating to the depths of his mind where it was just a faint hum. Then, a harsh grip clasped his jaw and his face was jerked upwards to Hyunshik's thoroughly pissed expression, his repulsive breath bringing Yoongi slowly back to the present as it washed over his face. The rancid scent sending the voice back to the sea, where it belonged.

Yoongi grimaced at the smell, and the invasion of personal space. He squirmed in the others grip, wincing when the older just tightened his hold. 

"Can you hear me Dreamer? Yoongi are you still under- "

"I'm perfectly fine asshole, now let me go- "

The youngers voice cracked, the pressure from screaming making his throat feel raw. At least all the physical pain distracted from the ever-present pang in his heart and the longing in his soul. Yoongi didn't know what had overcame him, but he couldn't help but miss it, if only a little bit. Although, the fear of dying was still simmering beneath his skin at the memory of nearly jumping into the ocean.

Hyunshik sighed in relief, his rancid breath invading Yoongi's nostrils and causing the other to cough and sputter. The ravenette recoiled harshly and the older fisherman just laughed as he harshly pat his back.

"Glad to have you back, but I still don't trust ya. That siren picked ya for a reason, and it ain't gonna let 'cha go that easily. It took a liking to ya for some unknown reason, so you'll just have to stay here until we get it below deck. Then you can look after it while we wait out the storm- "

"Excuse me, siren?"

"Well, yes," Hyunshik said dumbly, motioning towards Yoongi and then at the sea. "What'd ya think did that to ya? Sea sickness? Because you don't get sea sick- "

"Sirens aren't real." Yoongi muttered weakly, his skepticism weary. He blinked a few times as his eyes felt strangely strained, and soon the sounds of reality set in. The howling of the wind, the  harsh relentless patter of the rain against the boat, the churning and crashing of white crested waves, grown men yelling, and the horrid shrieking of that thing-

"Even you don't seem to believe yourself Dreamer."

Yoongi gave the man a weak glare, too busy having an existential crisis to further the conversation. The fisherman didn't wait long, for he went straight back into the bustle of catching whatever it was in their net. Yoongi stared blankly at the sea, his temples throbbing painfully and everything seemed too loud for his liking.

Then his vision dipped out again, but this time it was only to supply a simple image, a reality. He was deep underwater, the suns rays refracting in the blue-green water. Yoongi looked around, and saw a shadow swimming towards him at frightening speed. He knew he couldn't out swim the thing, so he closed his eyes and waited for the accompanying pain of being attacked, but it never came.

He opened his eyes, only to take in a cold breath of saltwater. His body shuddered at the foreign substance, but more so at the grey-green eyes that bore into his very being. They looked curious as they raked over his shivering frame, the water was really cold.

The water caused the others fringe to sway peacefully in the calm depths of the water, its color a dull grey, darkened by the water. Yoongi didn't get to see the rest of the figure, for his eyes seemed glued to the others, and it was simply impossible to look away. He felt a slimy hand slink around his wrist and before he knew it, Yoongi was sailing through the water at rapt speed.

Yoongi was too concerned that he would get whiplash, that he didn't even realize that the creature had stopped swimming and brought them to a halt at a shallow looking shore.

It retained eye contact for a few more moments before it surveyed its surroundings, causing Yoongi to do the same. There was a kelp forest not far off from the wall of rocks behind them, a small opening in the formation to allow passage to the ocean. The sand was powdery soft and deep green seaweed littered the pale seabed and swayed to an unknown tune.

It was beautiful, but also awfully familiar...

Yoongi gasped-

this was his cove.

He turned back to those green-grey eyes, tilting his head as if to ask 'how'd you know?'.

The eyes only stared back, crinkling as if smiling, a secret hidden deep in the depths of those slitted eyes. Then, its pupils dilated until they were completely rounded, and they stared off into the kelp forest, a look of sadness in them. Yoongi looked at what he was glancing at, but like with Hyunshik, he saw nothing.

When he turned back, a crack of thunder sounded, and he was back on the boat. The sound of inhuman screeching sounding more heart-wrenching then he remembered. He still felt the weight of that green-grey gaze, the feeling of slimy claws wrapped around his wrist still ghosting over his skin as he was being pelted by rain.

Yoongi felt dread flood his system and he felt an overwhelming sensation of anxiety closing off his airways. He looked at the power block, the feeling worsening when he saw the three fishermen manually tugging the chain with three ropes attached.

Though, the worst part was-

it was working.

(A/N: Don't ask me why I capitalized 'Navigator'...leave me alone. Anyway, sorry for disappearing for like 3 months on this story, I've been busy. Though I've been so productive this weekend, I just couldn't go to sleep without I hope you have a great what am I?)

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