A Welcome Message to Debating Demigods

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Welcome to the Half-Blood Community's Debate Book! Like Camp Half-Blood is a safe haven to all demigods, this book serves as a safe haven to those of you who want to debate about Riordanverse-related topics and share your hot takes.

How do we keep this place safe? There are rules that everyone is expected to abide by, which you can read more about in the next chapter, and all debates are moderated by myself (TheRedSourPatchKid) and my co-leader Lys (Potterhead101807). With these features, we hope to facilitate a space where everyone feels comfortable sharing their opinions and engaging with their fellow demigods.

Here's how it works: On Wednesdays, we'll post a new question. You, the debaters, will decide what viewpoint you want to argue for and let everyone know in the comments what you think and why. Be sure to reply to your fellow demigods so we can get a conversation going!

Oh, Fleecy, do us a solid. Please add this book to your library! Trust us, you won't want to miss out on any of the topics. Maybe the first one won't spark your interest, but that doesn't mean future ones won't! We also appreciate any votes you might be willing to give; numbers boost our views.

Meet your moderators below!

Debate Leader- TheRedSourPatchKidMy name is Red, I use she/her pronouns, and I am super excited to be giving you all a moderated space where you can share your Riordanverse hot takes. I signed up to be Debate Leader because I think it's important that everyone has a safe and fun place where they can comfortably share their opinions and foster their debate skills. I've got lots of Riordanverse hot takes myself, most of which you can find in—shameless self-plug alert—the fanfictions I've written, which you can find on my account. My godly parent is Demeter and my favorite Riordanverse character changes every time I re-read the books, but my all-time favorite is Annabeth. Currently, I am reading Percy Jackson and the Olympians in Italian. Lys and I have lots of great ideas for debates that we can't wait to share with you all!

Debate Co-Leader- Potterhead101807: Hi! I go by Lys (they/them) and I'm partners with our other Debate Chief, Red. I'm here to help out with heated debates and come up with topics for y'all to keep the community flowing! I'm a longtime Riordanverse fan, and I'm also in several other fandoms (one of which you can see in my user). I belong to Cabin 6, and will always be a hardcore Percabeth and Solangelo stan.

If you ever need any support or assistance, please feel free to tag  and either Lys or I will come to your aid. Remember to read the rules ahead, and most importantly, have fun!

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