08: Take me to my bed.

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12:35 am

Jungkook<3: Nia I'm sorry.

12:57 am

Jungkook<3: It's just that my family is very...

01:05 am

Jungkook<3: Pls just answer I don't want to do this over text.

09:11 am

Jungkook<3: Nia please answer me...

Jungkook a few months earlier would've laughed at himself now, telling him to go home because whatever he was doing right now was stupid. Why would he in the future be standing outside a girl's house just over a few unanswered texts and calls. Why would he in the first place even be calling a girl multiple times after the first one being declined? One thing was certain and that was that his months younger self would've not believed it if anyone told him that was the situation right now.

Jungkook picked up a few small rocks from the ground, glancing up at the window he knew belonged to Nia's room.

Nia hadn't answered his texts nor calls ever since she hung up yesterday and it was stupid, he thought. Why would she be this mad?

But also he felt guilty for nearly yelling at her, and he didn't want her to be angry.

Throwing one of the rocks on the window, it made a small sound and then fell to the ground. Jungkook searched for a slightly bigger one in his hand and aimed for the window again.

A grunt left Jungkook's mouth as she didn't open the window and he had to bend down for more rocks.

As he stood up, he noticed a big rock that would for sure make some noise, still without damaging the window.


Not hearing the voice, he threw the stones in his hand at the window, without looking before bending down to pick up the perfect rock. 

"Hey it's open now!" 

Jungkook looked up and noticed an unamused Nia standing in the window and rubbing her shoulder.

"Whoops, sorry." Jungkook spoke, trying to hold back his chuckle, "Are you done being mad now?"

"Well with rocks thrown at me and that attitude... I'm not sure." The girl pointed her nose at the sky, speaking with a mocking voice.

Jungkook couldn't help but smirk at the pouting girl. "Are you for real or not? It's hard to tell when your eyes say something different than your body."

Nia looked to the side, avoiding Jungkook's gaze and muttered something slightly vaguely that sounded something like, "You can't even see my eyes."

A brief silence occurred after that, Nia still looking everywhere but at Jungkook, but Jungkook wasn't even looking at her. He was looking at the rock in his hand he picked up just moments before and smiled at it before throwing it at her window, intentionally close enough to Nia to make her jump.


"You didn't answer my question." 

Nia sighed and couldn't help but smile a little.

Deep down she thought this whole situation was cute. She was standing in her room, leaning against her windowsill with her crush standing below it praying for her forgiveness. With a tiny sprinkle of drama, that was exactly what was happening according to the young dreamy girl. She would've even sworn the skies had a glow of pink in them. 

Nia really delighted in romanticizing the little things.

"Why aren't you coming through the door?" 

What's the reason he's acting like they were in some kind of movie?

"Your mom is quite scary actually." The boy joked around and made that smile he found so endlessly beautiful appear on her face again.

"She's not home." Nia smiled a little wider, almost laughing, "Just come in."

Nia closed the window and Jungkook caught himself being lost in her eyes.

Shaking his head, he walked to the front door and entered the house without knocking, after Nia had invited him in.

Expecting the downstairs to be empty, as Nia had told him, his facial expression changed immediately when he noticed a man sitting on the couch, now with the man's head facing him.

Jungkook mentally cursed at Nia.

"Nia... she told me to come in." The boy greeted, who he assumed to be Nia's father, with an awkward smile.

Nia's dad waved the young boy in, squinting his eyes as Jungkook got closer.

"You're not Hoseok?"

Jungkook unconsciously wrinkled his nose at the name getting mentioned again by her parents.

Who is this guy seriously? 

"I'm in Nia's art class. I'm Jungkook." He bowed politely, starting to get a little nervous by the tension he thought was there.

The night Jungkook had spent the evening at Nia's and her parents had caught him when leaving, Nia's father had been somewhat drunk and didn't even detect the boy's presence at all as he had stumbled into his home.

"Okay Jungkook, I'm watching a very important documentary about American politics, I'll talk to you later about how you should treat my daughter."

"Sir, we're just fr-"

"I said I'm busy watching a very important documentary about American politics." Nia's proud dad turned around on the couch again and turned on his very important documentary about American politics.

Jungkook nodded and almost ran up the stairs.

"You could've told me your father was home and spared me from that awkward situation where a foreign boy enters your house to meet your daughter." Jungkook spat as he entered Nia's room.

Nia laughed, "He's not the worst dad you could've met, am I right?"

"Well he was quite busy watching his very important documentary about American politics."

Nia wrinkled her brows at the sophisticated look on Jungkook's face and the empathizing in his voice.

"Never mind." Jungkook shook his head and a short silence occurred.

The girl sat in the windowsill, quietly letting the butterflies in her stomach go wild and trying not to show them.

Jungkook took the moment to look around the girl's room being it was his first time in it. It was mostly bright, three white walls standing against a matte green one which had posters and pictures hanging on it. Her bed looked comfy, a lot of pillows leaning against her headboard, most of them looking very fluffy and one big bright pink plushy leaning against all the pillows, making itself the center of attention in the room as the color stood out.

"So this is your room." Jungkook spoke more as an enlightenment to himself than as a question to her.

"Last time I checked, yes, it was." 

Jungkook chose to ignore the sarcasm in the girl's voice and continued to look around the room.

The room felt small to Jungkook, but maybe it was just his own room twisting in the back of his mind.

In the corner stood an easel with a few canvases behind it. There was an undone painting on the easel and a lid with fresh paint on a stool beside it. A few paintbrushes stood in a jar of unclear water, bathing themselves, while a single paintbrush still laid dirty and used on the lid.

Did he interrupt her in a painting session?

The boy then went to sit on the edge of her bed, making himself comfortable, as if he was home, before speaking, "I'm sorry for flipping out on you yesterday."

There was a sincerity in his voice and Nia knew he meant the apology. However, the girl couldn't help but push him a little.



"Yeah, and?"

Jungkook raised an eyebrow, "And not answering your texts." He spoke a little less sincere and more pouty.

The girl in the windowsill starting laughing, "I'm not really mad at you."

Jungkook sat straight up on the bed, frowning. 

"Well I was for a while yesterday, but it's nothing serious. Long forgotten."

Jungkook smiled, thinking she couldn't be any greater. He mentally punched himself for even worrying that much.

"I'm also sorry..."

"What, why?" Jungkook's smile faded and his frown came back.

"I don't know... for whatever I did to make you upset." Nia spoke lowly, looking at the ground.

Jungkook felt a slight pinching feeling in his heart. He made her feel bad for something she shouldn't.

"No it's fine, you couldn't have known..."

Nia looked up, noticing Jungkook's face was also facing the ground.

The girl didn't know whether to ask what it was that she 'couldn't have known' or if she should just stay quiet. 

"It's just that..." Jungkook spoke low voiced and trailed a little bit off before continuing, "My family is a personal topic to me, I don't want to talk about it."

But I want to know everything about you

Nia thought

I want to know everything. Everything, so I can help you through whatever you're going through. So I can make you feel better and so I can make you feel like you have someone.

"Okay... I won't ask then."

The girl bit her curiosity inside her and respected what he felt, despite her longing to know.

The tension was deep and the family topic made Nia think of her grandmother who had passed a few years ago.

Maybe if she would open a little more up about her life, he would about his.

"Can I take you somewhere?" Nia's voice was now bright and it made Jungkook look up immediately at the cheerful sound.


"Yes or no."

"What's with the strict voice?" Jungkook spoke and smirk sneaking up on him as he found her certainty hot.

"Jungkook, yes or no?" She loosened up a bit with a sigh.


"Jungkook! Yes or no? It's starting to get embarrassing how many times I have to ask."

"Is it my bed?"

"No- wait ew, you perv!" Nia exclaimed.

But the heat rushing to her face, exposing her thoughts made Jungkook confident that he did something right.

"Pervert? I just like to nap." He teased, wrinkling his brows as if he was really confused.

Nia didn't say anything, just hid her face in her hands in embarrassment.

"Okay, I'll let you take me somewhere."


When you're reading this this is not new, but...



I'm manifesting a world tour.

🕯world tour has been announced when I upload this chapter🕯

- Well that didn't age well... lol

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