Chapter 8 ✨

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Alexa play Dandelion by Ruth B (Start the song when Jisung meets up with Minho)

Jisung left, feeling a pang of guilt for Jeongin. Given Felix's state, it was better not to approach the whole situation.

Jisung hesitated, torn between stepping in to help Jeongin and staying out of it. He could see the fear in Jeongin's eyes, the way he was trapped in whatever mess Felix had created. But the truth was, if he had interfered, he might have been next. Jisung clenched his fists, knowing what he had to do, even though it gnawed at him inside.

He left, feeling a sharp pang of guilt for abandoning Jeongin. But given Felix's unpredictable state, it was safer not to involve himself. It wasn't his fight.

Jisung was taken off the case. Well, which cop works on two cases at once anyway? He went back home and quickly put on a sleeveless tank top with some baggy jeans and added his silver jewelry for extra flair. He looked in the mirror and ruffled his blue hair to give it a natural look.

Jisung checked the address Minho had sent him, then put on his shoes to leave. As he did, a small feline creature brushed against his leg. "Hello, Soonie~. You know I gotta go. Your food is where it usually is, baby. Now go. Daddy has to meet someone," he said, petting the cat and placing him on his cat couch before heading out.

Jisung arrived at the Skz Bar, the neon lights flickering above the entrance. He took a deep breath and stepped inside, scanning the room until he spotted Minho at a corner table, nursing a drink. Minho's sharp eyes met Jisung's, and a smirk played on his lips as he beckoned him over.

"Hey," Minho greeted, sliding a drink towards Jisung as he took a seat. "You made it."

"Yeah, I did," Jisung replied, taking a sip. "So, what's this about a date?"

Minho chuckled. "Can't a guy ask someone out without ulterior motives?"

Jisung raised an eyebrow. "I guess, but given our situation, I thought it might be about something else."

"Want a drink?" Minho offered, his hands raised a glass of wine which looked quite expensive.

Minho smiled, sliding the drink towards Jisung as he took a seat. "You clean up nice."

Jisung chuckled, taking a sip. "Thanks. You don't look too bad yourself."

"Only 'not too bad'? I'm offended," Minho teased, feigning a wounded look.

Jisung rolled his eyes with a smile. "Okay, fine. You look great."

"That's more like it," Minho said, his smirk widening. "So, coming this random bar to meet a man you made out with at a party? You like me now?"

"Maybe," Jisung joked, leaning in slightly. "Or maybe I just wanted to see you again."

Minho raised an eyebrow, clearly intrigued. "Oh? And here I thought you were all business."

"I can mix business with pleasure," Jisung shot back, enjoying the banter.

They chatted casually for a while, the alcohol loosening their tongues. Jisung tried to steer the conversation towards Hyunjin's disappearance. "So, Minho, about that night... Do you know anything about what happened to Hyunjin? You know he disappeared, Don't you?" Jisung asked, his voice low but firm.

Minho's expression shifted, becoming unreadable as he leaned back in his chair and took a slow sip of his drink. "Hyunjin..." he repeated, almost thoughtfully, before meeting Jisung's gaze.

"It's... a complicated situation."

"Complicated how?" Jisung pressed, not willing to let it go that easily.

Minho chuckled softly, shaking his head. "Jisung, come on. Do you really think I'd be involved in something like that?" He sighed, feigning hurt.

"How could you even suggest that? You really don't trust me? I didn't do anything, I just went to check up on my friends after the lights went out. LK may may have taken advantage of that."

Jisung felt the weight of Minho's words settling over him, making him hesitate.

Minho leaned forward, his voice dropping lower, smooth like honey. "Look, let's not make this into something it's not. I'm not the bad guy here. Why dig up trouble when we could just... enjoy the day? How about we go somewhere fun, hmm?"

Jisung glanced at him, feeling the shift in the conversation.

"Fun? Like where?"

"An amusement park," Minho suggested, his eyes lighting up. "There's one nearby that's open late."

Jisung was suspicious but decided to go along with it. Spending time with Minho, even under strange circumstances, was better than the alternative. "Alright, let's go."

They arrived at the amusement park, its bright lights and cheerful music a stark contrast to the tension Jisung felt. Minho led the way, their first stop being a roller coaster.

Jisung and Minho fastened their seat belts as they prepared for the roller coaster. "Hope you're not afraid of heights," Jisung teased, giving Minho a sideways glance.

"Only one way to find out," Minho replied, trying to cover his nerves with bravado. His fingers tightened around the safety bar as the ride began to climb.

The roller coaster jolted forward, and the sudden acceleration made them both gasp. As they reached the top, Minho's face went pale, while Jisung grinned broadly, reveling in the rush.

The coaster plunged down the first steep drop, and Minho's scream of terror merged with Jisung's uncontrollable laughter. They whipped around sharp turns and felt the intense force of gravity as they flew through loops and curves.

Minho's cries of terror mixed with Jisung's hearty laughter, creating a chaotic symphony of exhilaration. Jisung's eyes sparkled with delight as he watched Minho's reactions, the fear and excitement blending into an infectious energy.

When the ride finally slowed and came to a stop, they stumbled out, breathless and exhilarated. Minho was still catching his breath, but his face was lit up with a wide, adrenaline fueled smile. "You screamed like a little girl!" Jisung teased, clapping him on the back.

"Shut up," Minho shot back, though he couldn't hide his grin. "I'm pretty sure I heard you squealing too squirrel ass bitch."

Minho dragged Jisung towards the haunted house, the entrance shrouded in darkness and cobwebs. "Come on, this will be fun," Minho said with a mischievous glint in his eye.

Jisung hesitated, but followed Minho inside. The dimly lit corridors were filled with eerie sounds and sudden jump scares. Groaning walls and flickering lights created a tense atmosphere.

As they ventured deeper into the haunted house, Jisung found himself clinging to Minho's arm, his heart pounding with every creak and shriek. Minho seemed to thrive in the chaos, laughing at Jisung's startled yelps and the occasional spooked expression.

"Look at you, all brave now," Jisung muttered as they exited the haunted house, his pulse still racing.

"Bravery is just a mask for fear," Minho replied with a grin. "Besides, you were pretty cute back there."

Jisung shot him a playful glare, but couldn't help but smile, still feeling the adrenaline from the scares.

As they approached the Ferris wheel, the night air felt cooler, and the park's vibrant lights began to twinkle below.

The Ferris wheel loomed above them, a gentle giant that promised a more relaxed experience after the thrills and chills of the earlier rides. They climbed into a cozy, enclosed gondola and settled in as the ride began its slow ascent.

The Ferris wheel started to move, lifting them higher and higher into the sky. As they reached the top, the entire park spread out before them in a breathtaking display of color and light.

The view was magnificent, with the twinkling lights below creating a dazzling tapestry of hues.

Minho leaned back in his seat, his expression softened as he took in the panorama. "I love this," he said softly, his voice filled with awe. "It's like the world just pauses for a moment."

Jisung nodded, his gaze fixed on Minho's profile. "Yeah, it's nice," he replied, feeling a rare sense of tranquility.

The gondola swayed gently, and the night sky seemed to stretch endlessly above them.

They sat in comfortable silence, the earlier excitement replaced by a quiet, shared contentment. Minho glanced at Jisung, their faces illuminated by the soft glow of the park lights. There was a brief, electric moment where their eyes met, and both felt the tension of something unspoken hanging in the air.

Jisung's heart raced as he looked at Minho, the proximity and the gentle swaying of the gondola creating an intimate atmosphere. Minho's lips twitched into a playful smile, and Jisung felt an impulse to close the gap between them.

Instead, they both burst into giggles, the moment slipping away as they shared an unspoken understanding.

"This is the best," Minho said, his smile radiant against the backdrop of the glowing park.

"Yeah," Jisung agreed, his own smile mirroring Minho's. "It really is."

As the Ferris wheel descended, they playfully nudged each other, their laughter mingling with the soft hum of the ride.

"You know," Jisung said as they left the area,"this has been a lot more fun than I expected."

"I told you," Minho replied. "Sometimes you just need to let go and enjoy the moment."

By the time they sat down on a bench overlooking the park, the sun was setting, casting a warm glow over everything. They watched the sky change colors in comfortable silence, both lost in their own thoughts.

As the day turned to evening, they found themselves on a bench overlooking the park. The sun was setting, casting a warm glow over everything. They sat in comfortable silence for a while, just watching the sky change colors.

Minho turned to Jisung, a serious look in his eyes. "You know, I really like spending time with you."

Jisung's heart skipped a beat. "I like spending time with you too," he admitted.

Minho leaned in, his intent clear. Just as their lips were about to touch, Jisung pulled back, flustered. He stood up quickly, trying to calm his racing heart.

Minho grabbed his hand, stopping him. "Wait, Jisung."

"I'll help you find Yoon."

What the fuck ?

A/N - Any suggestions for the story ?

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