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Mitsuko: Heyo! I hope you enjoy this book! Let's start the prologue!


{Third Person's PoV:}

"Mother! Mother!" The little girl cried continuously as she ran towards a lovely woman.

"Mom!" She called her once again and the woman shifted her attention to the girl.

"What's the matter? Why are you crying?" The woman asked worriedly to the child as she bent down to level the height of the girl.

"Mom... They said that I'm a monster and a freak..." The girl said in between sobs. The woman, on the other hand, felt pity for the kid and hugged her tightly. In response, the girl hugged her back with the same tightness.

"I used them... But I didn't mean to..." The girl added, her face buried on her mother's shoulder.

"Now, now. Don't listen to what they say, (F/n)." The woman tried to soothe her, but the girl disagreed.

"No! I don't have friends because of this power! I hate it! I hate it!!" The girl shouted at the top of her lungs.

"Shh. Calm down. You know what, you're unique. You don't have to be ashamed of your power." The woman said warmly to the girl.

"But... It's because of me that Father died." The girl said in a whisper tone.

"No. Don't say that. Don't blame yourself for that. Remember that you gained your powers after your father died." Her mother tried hard not to cry as memories of her beloved swung back inside her head.

"But-" The girl was cut off by her mother.

"No one's going to call you a monster nor a freak. As long as I'm with you." Her mother said with love and compassion added to her tone. The girl's face lightened up and squeezed her mother tightly in a hug.

"Thank you, Mom! Thank you..." The girl said while her mother smiled warmly at her.


{Second Person's PoV}

3 Years Later

You're now an 11-year-old child. You spent mostly of your days with your mother. You never, even once used your power for the sake of your mother.

You are currently shopping some groceries with her. You talked like she's your best friend. You are satisfied about this life with her and you can't wish for anything more because everything is right beside you.

Until an incident happened. As you two are walking on the pedestrian lane to cross the road, your mother didn't notice the car coming towards you, but as soon as the car beeped, your mother quickly pushed you away to the other side of the road, making your mother took your place.

You were shocked and you didn't know what to do. All you can do is run to her and hug her lifeless body while yelling for someone to call an ambulance.

"Please somebody help us!! Call the ambulance!! I'm begging you!!" You managed to yell to the people around you and they quickly did so. Streams of tears started to fall on your cheeks as you heard the sirens of the ambulance coming to your way.

They quickly put the lifeless body of your mother in a stretcher and put her inside the ambulance. You hopped inside the ambulance too. They started to attach medical stuff such as oxygen mask. You held her hand tightly.

"Mom, please don't leave me! Not you too! I don't know what I'll do without you by my side! Please, Mom. Fight!" You said, hoping that she would hear it.

The nurses immediately pushed her bed to the Operation Room. You've waited there for hours hoping that she's fine.

Four hours had passed and the operation is still ongoing until the doctor came out of the room, and he has a sad expression on his face. You finally know what's the meaning of it but you believed that what you're thinking is wrong. You waited for the doctor's report. Because of being impatient, you asked the doctor right away.

"How is it, doc? Is she okay?" You asked worriedly. The doctor shook his head.

"I'm sorry, (L/n)... She's no longer with us..." The doctor said as he left you standing there, frozen. Those words; those words are the ones that will surely ruin your life. You fell on your knees, crying your heart out.

"How can this happen? I never did anything wrong! She's the only one left in my life! I... I can't accept that she's dead! She's... Arrgghh!! How can I even control myself after this?" You thought as tears fell, harder this time.

~After 5 Days~

You never really had a rest. You can't even sleep after what happened. You just can't accept the fact that she's dead.

Now, your life is miserable. You don't have her anymore. Your powers, the ability to manipulate things, started to come out. You don't know what to do and you don't know how to control it. It's not just that, your relatives started to blame you about your mother and father's death. They knew about your powers all along and they won't keep you nor take care of you.

"You! This is all your fault! None of this would ever happen if you never existed! You're such a curse in our family! And  we know that you have powers. Heh, that's what I thought! You're nothing but a freak! You're a monster! You don't have the right to carry our name! And from now on, we will forget you and let you rot in your house! Don't ever come to us asking for help 'cause we will never ever accept you! Now go before I could stab you!!" The words that your uncle said while you're in the funeral ran through your mind. You can't help but cry. Sure, you can survive with the money that your mother gave you for emergencies but the fact that she's gone is irreplaceable.

Your powers kept coming back and everything in your house started to float. You don't know how to control them. Your mother is not present anymore so you kept on freaking out. Your eyes turn red every time this happens. And your life is just simply miserable.

~7 Years Later~

You are now 18 years old. You actually wanted to end your life because you can't handle the pain, but you hesitated. You thought that it will not work nor help to your huge problem. You decided to face life and the obstacles that it will give you although your eyes kept turning red. But that isn't much of a problem now for you can hide it immediately. Your life is going well. And little by little, you are now accepting the fact that your mother is dead.

"I wonder if there's someone like me in this world." You thought as you stared outside your window, getting ready to sleep.



Word Count: 1217

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