The Love Interests

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I'd been dating this beautiful lady for over three years. And honestly she was the best I could ever ask for. Except she'd become too clingy over time.

I hadn't been attending to her calls and dates of recent. I mean, a guy needs his space right?

Anyway, she would turn eighteen in a few minutes. Yet oddly I hadn't seen her anywhere, just her best friend, Esther, who was just as clingy as she was. I didn't get it.

I guess I sort of missed her. But I knew she'd be there today for me to express my love so those other days didn't matter.

Amina was beautiful. And she also gave me whatever I wanted. I guess that, in a way, reduced the love I otherwise would've had for her.

She was too available.

I scanned the crowd with a frown on my face, looking for her. She wasn't anywhere.


I guess this was her way of keeping everyone in suspense. Apparently no one had seen her all night.

I won't lie, I was pretty sure she'd be even more beautiful tonight, if that was even humanly possible.

Still searching, I wandered off, curious and amused.



I hadn't seen Amina all night, and I was slightly anxious.

I guess I could've handled our fight a bit better.

It's just, she's always talking about that douchebag, Jake, whom apparently she's in love with. He obviously didn't deserve the likes of her.

Anyway I said some things I shouldn't have three days ago and haven't picked up her calls since then.

I realised that it was stupid of me. I should support her no matter who she dates. Her happiness was what mattered most.

Tonight, I'd apologize and lay my feelings bare. And if she chose Jake still, I'd accept it and move on.

After all. I love her. With all my heart. And I'd love her despite her bad choices.

Scanning the crowd, I distinctly heard the countdown, frowning. Amina was still missing.

Probably with Jake.

I frowned, huffing in annoyance. That boy would be the death of her.

The screen lit up. And I realised.

Quite literally, he was.

We all were.

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