The anaphylactic shock enthusiast

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(Author's notes)





// sound effect or flash//

I don't own Spiral nor do I own the characters

Last time
A few hours later everyone had filled the hall and eyes started to play while Hiyono fell asleep on Ayumu's shoulder and he sat through the concert as bored as ever while wondering about his brother. At the end of the concert he woke Hiyono and they went separate ways home.


A few days later whilst at school Ayumu was told by Hiyono that Sonobe was awake so they decided to go and visit him, however when they got there Sonobe was already dead with Iris petals scattered around him. Once Madoka saw them she said "what are you two doing here shouldn't you be in school" after that they were escorted out by Madoka and they started to walk away.

As they were walking away Hiyono saw a Guy with red hair motion her over and said "would you like to play a quick game I promise it won't take up much of your time" after that Hiyono agreed after that she picked a card and said "okay after that the boy said "hmm I think you picked the 10 of diamonds- wait no the queen of hearts" when Hiyono looked down she saw that her card was in fact the queen of hearts and said "that's right but how did you know".

The boy said "well I knew you wouldn't pick any of the three aces because you would feel like you were narrowing your choices down to just the three cards as for how I knew you picked the queen well women tend to pick from their choice of the most unlikely" after that Ayumu but in and said "that makes sense and all but what about the King?".

The red head smirked and said "well as for the king the knife he is holding is quite familiar meaning that you just came from Sonobe's murder sight". To say both Ayumu and Hiyono were shocked was an understatement. The boy opened the mouth of the toy he was holding and a bee flew out. Ayumu immediately ran behind Hiyono as she killed it with a paper fan. "What the hell Ayumu don't use me as a human shield" after that Ayumu started trembling even more and said "sorry but I am super allergic to bees" after that the boy said "you get anaphylactic shock huh. Kiyotaka was right".

Ayumu came back to reality and said "what do you know about my brother" the red haired boy only smirked and said "not much other than the fact that he believes that you might be the only person capable of saving the blade children and has given us the opportunity to put you through trials that could very well kill you" His smirk growing wider.

After that he said "let's continue our little game in a place a little bit less public. By the way haven't mentioned it yet but the names Kousuke Asazuki, and your little Ayumu Narumi and ......" he said looking at Hiyono who replied "Hiyono yuizaki". Kousuke looked at her and said "kay Hiyoko lets go" the girl fumed at the fact that he didn't get her name right but still followed.

Once they got to the old school building and many twists and turns they finally reached the door. Ayumu stopped in the door way for a minute before continuing walking and following into the next room. Once there he placed the knife that Kousuke had thrown on the floor earlier in the desk and Kousuke did the same trick as he did with Hiyono to which Ayumu asked one question before guessing the right card.

After which Kousuke told them to go into the room that they came through before as they did the doors closed and locked behind them and Hiyono noticed a box in the corner when she removed the cloth it was a box of angry bees after which h Ayumu pulled he towards the door they came through the first time and opened it for them to get out.

Just as they closed the door Kousuke pressed a button and the bees were released after which he was expecting to hear screams not the door in front of him opening and Ayumu and Hiyono to walk in. He looked dumbfounded as he said "What but how" the Ayumu went on to explain how he put a crumpled piece of paper in the spot where the dead bolt would go keeping the door from looking when they went in. after that Kousuke jumped out of the window and they calmly walked out of the building and towards the area where they go separate ways.

A few weeks later Ayumu was walking down the corridor when he saw a teacher shouting at a girl and lots of glass shards on the ground with a rock next to it. The girl was trying to explain that the rock came from outside but the teacher didn't believe her then Ayumu stepped in and told the teacher about how windows have a slight elasticity and that in would recoil causing glass to fly off in both directions. After that the teacher let the girl go.

Later that day a teacher asked Ayumu to speak with him at five o clock in his classroom something to do with the blade children. So Ayumu and Hiyono stayed behind and waited for five when at half four they heard a scream coming from Mr Imazato's classroom. When they arrive everyone was crowding but they got through the first thing Ayumu said was "call the police" to which someone said "already done" and Ayumu said "who was it that found him like this" a student raised their hand and said " it was me when I got here he was already like that and it was really cold in here but I guess that makes sense with the windows open" after that Ayumu checked to see if the man was still breathing and said "he's dead" after that he noticed condensation on the floor and under the podium at the front he then noticed a trail of wet foot prints leading up to the top floor of the room.

He turned to Hiyono and said "Hiyono I need you to make a list of all female students that are five feet or smaller with a shoe size of 5 or lower" Hiyono salutes Ayumu and says "yes sir" after that they both left to search for the killer.
A few days into the search Hiyono had narrowed it down to about five girls when the girl that Ayumu helped out and said "excuse me is this the news room, I found this in one of the classrooms and it said to bring it here" after that a ticking sound was hear and the girl lifted it to her ear and said "it sounds like it's coming from inside the kitty" before it exploded.

The girl was immediately taken to the hospital however Ayumu had already figured out from the stunt that she pulled that this girl was the guilty party. A few days later both Ayumu and Hiyono were walking into the hospital. They knocked on the girl's door and heard a come in when that happened they opened the door and saw Rio sat in the bed and she said "what is it you want" after that Ayumu said "give it up with the innocent act I know it was you that killed Mr Imazato"

A feral smirk formed on the girls face and as she said "well done little Narumi so you figured out that it was me clever. But now then let's play a game shall we. Kousuke" after that the red head appeared pushing a cart.

When the cart was in front of Rio she said "in one of these packets is just plain old sugar and in the other strychnine. Now I don't know which is which. But just in case you don't believe me I'll let you pick first and I'll take whichever is left." After that Ayumu picked a glass and took a sip only to be met by a bitter taste so he spit it out ultimately losing the challenge while Rio laughed and said "you are pathetic little Narumi and just so you know both of the sachets were sugar" after that Kousuke said "wow you are pathetic".

After that Hiyono said "says the guy who murdered someone who couldn't fight back". However Kousuke said "so what if I killed Sonobe at least I would have taken the drink" after that Hiyono said "and thank you for that little confession" before producing a recorder from her pocket and stopping the recording and playing their confessions to which Kousuke went to grab but Hiyono slid it over to Ayumu who was by the door.

But Kousuke grabbed Hiyono and said "hand over the type or the girl goes out the window" after that Hiyono shouted to Ayumu saying she will be fine and to get himself and the tape out of here" which he did. After that Rio said "Kousuke I might want to let go of her if I were you" the boy looked dumbfounded before noticing that the girl was holding a Taser.
After that he said to the girl "I don't get it why did you let yourself get captured" and Hiyono replied "with the fact that you have me as a hostage might give Ayumu the motivation he needs to come back from this and be back and better than ever".

Rio chuckled and said "I'll believe it when I see it" after that Kousuke took Hiyono to a hidden area and locked her away.
The next afternoon Madoka met Ayumu at the train station as she was looking for him as he never came home that night and she was worried. When she saw him she gave him some advice and he left. And she wondered if that was what Kiyotaka meant when he said when Ayumu was at a cross roads to help him out.

Yet again Ayumu went to the hospital only this time a thunder storm had started on his way there. When he knocked on the door a rumble of thunder happened and he then opened the door and said "I have an idea call it a revenge for you taking Hiyono, a game of sorts" Kousuke looked shocked and thought to himself "Hiyono was right he's changed" while Rio looked interested and said "go on".

The brown haired boy said "tomorrow after noon at exactly 1 o'clock we both release what we have been hiding however you can do anything to stop your opponent from hiding what they are after however there is still a possibility that one team can get both desired items. It will last one and a half hours so what do you say"

The female smirked and said "I'm in" after that Ayumu nodded and left the room the second the door closed Rio threw a pillow at it and said " he had us, that's not the same little Narumi that was shaking with fear in front of me from yesterday, this one is confident and calm. Hiyono was right he changed"

After that the two Blade children got ready for the following day.
Till next time.

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