The distant memory (edited)

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(Author's notes)





// sound effect or flash//

I don't own Spiral nor do I own the characters


It was a nice sunny day in Japan and the trees were swaying as a slight breeze drifted through them. On the roof of the near by high school, a first year student slept on the roof. This student's name was Ayumu Narumi, a child prodigy, who was always left in the shadow of his older brother.

The school bell rang, Ayumu woke up and began to make his way from the roof, to his lesson, when a scream broke the calm peaceful silence. The brown haired boy, being his curious self, went to investigate the source of the scream. He opened the door nearest to where the scream was heard and immediately noticed something missing, "that's dangerous, the guard rail's missing." He said to himself. He looked down just in time for a teacher to shout "was it you, did you do this, well did you do this?" Upon looking down he noticed that all eyes on the ground were staring up at him, 'well this can't be good' he thought.

Later that day, the area was closed off by police tape, as the officers inspected the area. The main inspector on the case, heard loud talking, turning to the source of the loud voice, she saw a student interviewing the teacher that found the injured child. The student said, "did you or did you not, see this boy push Sayoko off of the landing?". The teacher replied "No, I did not see mister Narumi push her off, but what I can say is that he was the only one on that landing at the time of the incident." The investigator walked over to the girl and said, "I think little girl, that we should be the ones asking the questions." walking over to Ayumu, the investigator said, "come with me".

Five minutes later

The male investigator asked "where were you at the time that the victim fell?" Ayumu lazily replied "I was sleeping on the roof." The investigator noted it down, before moving on to the next question "is there anyone who can verify your alibi?" the boy replied "nope, I'm a bit of a loner, I don't really talk to anyone here". The inspector asked the final question "was there anyone, other than yourself, on the roof when the victim fell?" Ayumu looked at the male investigator and said "nope, it was just me" the male investigator said "you do realise, this makes you the only suspect right and you basically just confessed that it was only you on the roof at that time".

After Ayumu was tired of hearing the male inspector speak he said "are we done here? because if I don't get home soon I'm gonna be in trouble." The male detective said "aw is mommy gonna punish you?" The female inspector spoke up "No, it's his gorgeous sister, who will hurt him if her dinner isn't ready and waiting for her when she gets home." The male detective looked at his partner and said " wait, you know him?" The female sighed and said "detective, what is my name?" the detective replied "inspector Madoka Narumi." The female said "good, now tell me his name." The man replied "Ayumu Narum- wait, it's the...same name." Madoka replied "good detective, you get a cookie. Anyway Ayumu go home and get dinner ready, I will be home soon". The boy nodded and left.

'so that inspector is really Ayumu's older sister' the journalist of the school newspaper thought to herself.

The next morning as Ayumu was walking around school he noticed people talking and whispering while trying to discreetly point at him, he wasn't particularly bothered by it, so he just carried on with his day, that was until he was bombarded with questions by Hiyono the schools journalist. Trying to politely tell her to leave he kept responding with "no comment" to each and every one of her questions.

At break Hiyono had lost track of Ayumu, whilst looking for him, she heard a beautiful piece being played on the piano.
Hiyono started dancing to it.

when it abruptly stopped, she walked into the music room, to see Ayumu sat looking out of the window, she asked "that was you playing right?" the boy looked at her and said "I don't know what you're talking about" before walking towards her and said "you have information on all of the students, right? tell me what you know about Sayoko." Hiyono told Ayumu everything, after she finished telling Ayumu the last piece of information, Ayumu fished his phone out of his pocket and called his sister, "I know who tried to kill Sayoko shiranagitani" the female on the other end said, "what Ayum-" before the boy hung up.

Hiyono looked at the boy and said "do you seriously know who tried to kill Sayoko?" the boy nodded and began to walk towards the door and towards sonobe's office and asked him to come to the roof.

Once Madoka and her partner got there they went straight to the roof and Madoka said "really Ayumu" the boy only replied with "listen. to what I have to say first and then decide" the female nodded and Ayumu turned to Sonobe and said "I belive that the one who attacked Sayoko was none other than you Sonobe" at this the teacher scoffed and said "but how could I have been able to do it I was already on the ground when Sayoko fell".

Ayumu said "yeah I thought that weird myself but then I remembered Hiyoko hear-"the girl said angrily "it's Hiyono" the boy then continued "told me that sayoko was near sighted and that the distance between the ground and where she was stood was too far for a near sighted girl to see clearly so she would have reached into her bag to get her glasses to see. but because they were switched out with a different prescription pair, it disorientated her vision, so she would do what any normal person would, she grabbed hold of the nearest thing to her, to try and keep herself steady. However, the guard rail had only just been worked on earlier that day. So when she grabbed hold of the bar, the weight and pressure applied made it come loose, it was lucky that on that day that the lorry was parked there, had it been any other day, it would have been a straight drop to the ground." The teacher looked worried for a minute and said "that may be true but how do you know that it was me and not some other student".

"simple when you rushed to Sayoko's side I saw you pick something up off the ground obviously swapping over the fake prescription glasses with her original ones and most likely while you were picking up the pieces a shard of glass cut your finger and that *grabs Sonobe's hand to show the plasters on them* is why you have these on your fingers" the teacher chuckled and said "I wouldn't expect less from Kiyotaka Narumi's little brother, but how did you figure it out so quickly?" Ayumu said "the melody of logic always plays the notes of truth."

Sonobe looked to the boy and said, "Do you know.....the secret......of the blade children?" Before he ran away. After giving a small chase the group of Police and students found Sonobe unconscious. They had him taken to the hospital with police sent to check on him every so often.
Till next time.

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