22 ¦ You're Cold As Ice

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I fussed in front of the looking glass. My month-long fitness regime made me leaner and stronger, but I still felt a bit sheepish in my form-fitting exercise garments.

Axa and Lena were chatting on the bed about Lena's romantic prospects. Somehow they landed on Alex despite Lena's insistence yesterday that he would never touch 'her goods'.

I'll never understand women. Or men, for that matter. Scratch that--people are confusing.

"Are you sure this is necessary?" I interrupted, tugging at the black skirt and willing it to be longer. "It doesn't even reach the knee."

"It's the standard uniform. You want the Shadowmeister to correct your form, don't you?" Axa said. "Legwork is really important, and you need freedom of movement."

"If you say so."

"Be glad you ain't a guy," Axa chuckled under her breath. "They have to wear tight leather armor for resistance."

"Besides, I'm pretty sure Lord Darius is asexual," Lena said in a hushed whisper. "It'd be different if he were a sexy Greek god." She deepened her voice. "Like Ares, the God of War."

"You got a point there," Axa replied. "Or Aphrodite ... No, no, Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt."

"I mean, what is his deal? Men? Women? Both? Neither? I don't care which--I just wanna know where I stand." Lena gave us a sultry grin. "No, I've got it: genderless wraiths!"

"What?" Axa exclaimed with a scoff. "What do you think he does, Lena? Hide in the forest and screw phantoms from Hades?"

"It would explain so much, wouldn't it?" Lena grinned. "You know what they say? He's really a teenager, but his body is holed up somewhere, and he's living out his years as a Shadow Rider."

"What? Where did you hear that rumor?"

"I mean, is Lord Darius a teenager, or is he ancient?" Lena cupped her chin in thought. "If he's eighteen or something, he's up for grabs. Maybe if he comes back to life as a real human--"

I rolled my eyes. "Good gods, focus, Lena!" I grumbled. "He's my instructor. Ew. He's not up for grabs. Date Alex--he's more your type anyway."

"Yes, ma'am!" Lena growled at me. "Just exploring my options."

"Anyway, this isn't about sexuality--it's about being comfortable." I attempted to stretch the black wool top below my midriff. "This crazy uniform ... ugh ... isn't!"

"Relax. If you were any thinner, you'd make an ink quill look fat," Lena said with a wink.

"You should have seen her a month ago," Axa muttered under her breath. "At least I put some meat on her bones."

"People!" I shouted as I put my hands on my hips. "That isn't helping. I want to be a strong, powerful, fearless warrior like both of you, not a weakling."

"Hels Bells: Warrior Princess."

I could feel my cheeks flushing. "Shut up, Marlena."

"Marlena, huh? Bringing out the big crossbows there."

I lunged at her. "I could just--"

"Hey! Enough!" Axa held up her hands, and we both stopped arguing. Walking towards me, she put her hands on my shoulders and gazed at me through the mirror.

"Strength comes from within, my young warrior," she said, her golden reptilian eyes shining with pride. "Find the fuel that drives you. For me, it's my pride, my honor, and my love."

My stomach clenched with nerves, but I squared my shoulders and nodded.

"Be confident," she continued. "Work hard. Do what Lord Darius tells you, and the muscles, the technique, and the power will come with time."

"Well, I don't know about you, but I'm pumped, Hels," Lena said as she got off the bed and stood beside me. "And remember--you can always practice with us."

"That's really helpful, thanks," I said. "I might take you up on that."

Lena winked at me. "I promise not to kick your ass too much at first."

We all gave each other hugs in the middle of my room, and my heart swelled with happiness. I'd lost so much--my family, my security, and my home--but I'd gained real, genuine friends.

"Thank you," I croaked. "Wish me luck."

"You'll do great," Axa said with a toothy grin as she clapped my back.

Lena playfully punched my shoulder. "Kick his ass!"

With a smile, I shook my head and strolled through the circuitous hallways and towards the gym. My heart fluttered with nerves.

Come on--it's not a big deal. He'll teach you some moves, and then you'll train with the others.

Still, I felt the pressure. Many of the other trainees had combat experience, years of training, or natural skill. I didn't have any of that, and I had to impress the scariest man on the planet.

Lord Hesse.

Just do your best. You can do this.

The gymnasium at Castle Eismark had the length and width of ten Halcían peasant houses with temporary walls between the arenas. It supplied boxing rings, punching bags, and target practice areas for warriors as well as floor mats and gymnast equipment for ninjas and rogues.

This early in the morning, though, the gym was empty.

With a deep exhale, I plopped my leather training bag on the floor and strapped on my leather gauntlets, bracers, and greaves. My heart thudded, and my breathing became heavy in nervous anticipation.

"You've got this," I muttered under my breath.

A wry chuckle startled me, and I jumped back away from the bag. A familiar sound echoed in the gym as Lord Darius' leather boots clomped towards me.

"Don't worry, Helena," came his deep voice. In the ensuing silence, I heard his raspy breathing through the helmet. "No one expects you to master everything in one day. Least of all me."

I swallowed the lump in my throat and willed away my pattering nerves. I'm not afraid. 

As always, the Shadow Rider was dressed in his leather armor, revealing his strong, lean build. If anyone could teach me how to fight, he could.

When he removed his long black cape and hung it up on a wall hook, something struck me: Not even a sliver of his skin was exposed to the air, and he still didn't remove his helmet.

Did he have a skin or sun allergy? Had he been badly injured in battle? Did he have an illness or a genetic defect? Anytime a trainee had the guts or the ignorance to ask him about it, he deflected the question and doled out a harsh punishment. No one ever asked him twice.

He crossed into the fighting arena with me and held the punching bag. "Axa told me that she has taught you some moves. Show me what you've learned."

Fueled by my desire to impress Darius, I punched the bag in a flurry of jabs, crosses, uppercuts, and hooks as he gripped the bag. After ten minutes, I was out of breath, and I ran to drink some water. 

"Ugh ... it's warm today," I muttered.

Darius strode towards me and glanced at the glass. "Give it to me and turn around."


"Turn ... around," he said in a pointed tone as he took the glass from me.

I sighed and did as he requested. By now, I'd become accustomed to Darius' strange mood swings--more or less. Still, it annoyed me that he issued commands without any explanation.

Straining to listen, I could only pick up how he removed one of his leather gauntlets and replaced it a few seconds later. "Everything all right?" I asked, impatience lacing my tone.

"Yes, you may face me."

When I turned around, nothing seemed amiss. Except for my glass, which now had a translucent layer of frost on the outside as if he'd flash-frozen it.

The Shadow Rider handed it over to me. "Careful, little spitfire. It's very cold, but still suitable to drink."

No, it can't be frost. In twenty seconds?

When I took the glass from him, I gasped. It wasn't just cold--it was freezing.

"How on earth ...?" I exclaimed.

Lord Darius gave me a nonchalant shrug. "Magic."

"Mama told me that magic follows scientific laws."

"I can tap into the kind of magic that defies those laws."

"That makes no sense."

"Drink it and be happy," he commanded.

"If it were just magic, you wouldn't have asked me to turn around. Are you worried that you'd set off my illness again?"

"I don't get worried, Helena," he growled in reply. "Why do you have to spoil things? Enjoy it when someone does something kind. Not everything is a conspiracy, you know."

I sighed and looked away in shame. Lord Darius was right, but all this mystery surrounding him was driving me crazy. Strange languages. Weird dreams of Dahlroth. His reclusive nature.

In the end, I decided to drop it. For now.

"You're right," I muttered. "Thank you."

He responded by giving me a curt nod.

My cheeks flushed, and I drank the water with greedy gulps. The liquid burned on the way down because he'd somehow chilled it to only a couple of degrees above zero.

With a sigh of relief, I ran the glass across my warm forehead and down my flushed cheeks. I cast a grateful look at the Shadow Rider, who walked towards the punching bag.

"Better?" he asked in a gruff voice.

I nodded as I set the glass back down on the mat and approached him. "Right." He gripped the bag. "I'd like you to show me a slow punch, and I'll teach you how to capitalize on your power."

"Very well," I said, furrowing my brow. I threw a punch at the bag, making a conscious effort to remember the footwork and the angles Alex showed me.

Darius held up a palm when I hit the bag. "Freeze."

Shocked, I halted and held my position. "Don't mind my hands." To my surprise, he felt my stomach, and I flinched. His hands felt cold. Very cold.

"Your abs are untensed. Punching is a workout for your entire body. It's not just an upper-body workout." He squeezed my tight shoulders and tingles coursed down my arms. "Your power shouldn't come from here."

"It doesn't?"

He released my shoulders. "You should release the strength there, yes. But the power comes from the floor, up your feet and legs, through your core, and out through the arms."

"What do you mean?"

"Engage your entire body and throw your weight behind your punch." He touched my back and my stomach. "Breathe in, tighten up, and exhale as you punch."

He stepped away, and I made a conscious effort to lift my heels as I punched. I felt as the power raced through my legs, my back, and my stomach. I exhaled as I punched from my waist.

My blow landed with a satisfying thud, and the bag swayed in response to my attack.

"Yes!" Darius said as he clapped his hands together, which made a dull, muted sound thanks to his leather gauntlets. "Better. Much better."

A surprised chuckle escaped my lips: I made that happen just now. And I couldn't help but feel proud and encouraged by my mentor's praise. That was more progress than I'd made in weeks.

"Yes, I can feel the difference. Thank you."

He nodded. "You will have more endurance if you don't rely on your upper shoulders."

I bounced on my heels like Axa showed me in preparation for the next round.

"Again!" the Shadow Rider commanded as he backed away from me.

We practiced together for at least another hour. Every time he touched my body to improve my form, my heart raced, but I ignored my feelings and channeled them into my workout.

When our time ended, I noticed he'd topped up my water glass. "Even spitfires need to stay hydrated," he said as he handed me the glass. "Drink."

Once again, I gulped the freezing cold water in a matter of seconds. Afterward, I felt a bit woozy and flushed. I grew faint and steadied myself against the wall.

The Shadow Rider raced to my side and felt my forehead. "Helena, are you ill again?" he asked.

"Just tired and hungry."

"Did you eat today?" he asked me in a firm tone. When I shook my head, he grumbled, "You should not push yourself too hard."

I turned to face him and leaned against the wall. "You pressure the others much more."

"That's different."

"You should push me just at least as much." I stared at his iron helmet. "If Lord Hesse doesn't think I'm improving, he'll call me back to the castle and kill me."

"Let me decide how I shall train you," he said, his voice stern and unyielding. "That's enough practice for now. Axa is waiting for you, and you need your strength for the harvest, child."

My cheeks flushed with embarrassment. I'm not a child!

He observed me in silence as I shoved my towel and equipment into my bag. Before I raced away, I realized I hadn't thanked him for the extra training. Flustered, I stopped short.

"Thank you for the tips," I said in a curt tone. "See you tomorrow?"

Lord Darius nodded. "Two hours of practice every morning for the next six months before work."

"See you tomorrow."

I could feel his gaze piercing me as I raced towards the exit. Before I could leave, I froze in place. Alex blocked the exit with his arms crossed.

Whenever I sidestepped him, Alex moved to block my path, and he gave me the evilest death stare.


A/N: Thank you for reading. If you enjoyed the chapter, please vote and/or comment. Your feedback and/or constructive criticism is also greatly appreciated.

I reached a 'wall' with this story a couple of weeks ago. If this seems a bit jarring or forced, be aware that I will probably make substantial changes especially since I'm trying to make it fit with the new story.

But I needed to get over my recommencement nerves a bit. Please bear with me. If you see something that doesn't make sense in the training sequence, please tell me, and I'll fix it. :)

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