Chapter 25

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Only 7 chapters to go!

After spending the night at Erik's house, he thought it best to leave almost immediately. He called in a private jet. Who knows where on earth he got that. Not wanting to risk us going to back to our homes, he gave us all some money and we went shopping at a nearby mall for clothes and other necessities for the trip. Justine, as always, was none too short on clothes, even if we had planned to stay there for a few months. Soon enough we were back in the miniature car heading towards the awaiting plane. Now we're here. Inside the fancy jet as it slowly increases speed.

"It's so spacious!" I can't help adding a little excitement to my voice. I'm going to Rome! In a private jet! Justine, who was seated beside me, smiles and places her hands behind her head, closing her eyes.

"This is the life," she breathes.

Erik was back to his serious self, organising through a few papers he had brought. I noticed how Mark purposefully picked a seat that was as far away from Kol as possible. I feel my ears block as the plane lifts off. I glance at Kol, who, noticing my glimpse, switches off his phone, winking at me. I feel my stomach turn slightly, and it wasn't because of the plane.

A good few hours into the flight I decide to take my seatbelt off and go for a bit of a walkabout to stretch my legs. I found that after spending hours on an electronic device, it actually gets boring after a while. Plus, I wanted to save watching movies for when I really had nothing to do. It's going to be a long twenty-four hours. I check my watch. 9:47pm. We had departed at 5:00pm. Seeing as Justine had the window seat, I walked to another row of chairs and sat there instead, wanting to see the view. Of course, I had been on a plane before, but this was my first time travelling overseas, and I couldn't help but feel ecstatic about it. I've changed so much. I realise. My whole life has. In just a few weeks, I've been chased by assassins, discovered the truth about my father, and had one of my best friends killed by an assassin. I add glumly. I'm slowly learning new skills on how to be a thief and intelligencer thanks to Erik, Mark and Justine. I place a hand on my stomach. I was never fat, or chubby, but I could definitely feel the difference from before. My muscles felt more pronounced and firm. And now I'm going to Rome, and I'm travelling there in style. I smile to myself. If only mum and dad could be here with me right now. I think sadly. I remind myself that it's better this way, and that it would be too dangerous to bring Mum anyway. All this for some stupid gold. I think sourly. Gold. Is that really all they're after? A small cloud of doubt appears in my mind. Could all this really be for just gold? Or revenge? I shake my head and turn to stare out the window. Everything is almost pitch black, apart from the light of the stars above. Not a cloud was in sight. I observed the starry night through the small window in silence for a good few minutes before being interrupted.

"Pretty isn't it?" I jump, startled. Kol was seated beside me, also staring out my window.

How long has he been there? I wonder. I nod my head in response. "Yeah."

Surprisingly, I notice Kol has an almost serious look in his eyes, and a frown replaced the usual smirk on his face. I look back out into the dark night.

"Not as pretty as you of course." I turn to face him again and I notice he's back to his old self, his twinkling eyes seemingly mysterious, a half smile on his face.

"You never stop teasing do you?" I observe. "Why don't you go flirt with someone else? Justine's pretty you know." Thankfully, Justine didn't hear me as she had her earphones in, otherwise, I'm sure I would've gotten more than just a death glare from her. I knew she wasn't as suspicious of him like Mark was, but they certainly weren't in the friend zone either. I glimpse at Erik, whose eyes were closed, but something told me he was still awake, listening perhaps.

"You think I do this with just any girl?" Kol places a hand to his chest, smirking. "I'm hurt."

Feeling uncomfortable with the conversation, I move to stand, when he grabs my hand.

"You're stubborn. Yet sweet and innocent," he murmurs, then shrugs. "I guess that's what I like about you." I try to search his expression, but it remained unreadable, and I couldn't help but wonder if he actually meant it. I feel my face heating up, and to make matters worse, I could have sworn Mark just glanced up at us from his electronic gadget. Kol smiles playfully at me once again before letting go of me. He stands, moving out of the way so that I can get past. I feel like I'm supposed to say something to him, but instead, finding no words, I move awkwardly off as Kol returns to his seat. Was Justine right? Does Kol like me? I think about his adorable features- short black hair, dark almost alluring eyes, that attracting grin- before shaking my head absentmindedly. Stop it. I don't want to think about him. I don't like him in that way. I try to convince myself. At least I don't think so. I ahake my head angrily. I don't even know him! I know Mark a lot better than I know him. Mark was conforting, protective, I just felt... safe around him. And don't get me wrong, he was just as adorable, but in a completely different sense. Rather than alluring an mysterious, Mark was handsome, muscular, serious, and he had that rare, small smile that would appear on his lips every now and again. But it wasn't mysterious like Kol's. I knew nothing about Kol, but Mark seemed, well, more open I suppose. I sigh. There are pros and cons to everything, I swear. Irritated, I pace down the jet, half noting its interior. The seats were a soft and leathery red. I'd never been on a plane, but I was certain that those plush seats were nowhere near as comfortable as being on an economical flight. Compartments up the top for small luggage looked elegant and spacious, and best of all, there weren't about sixty other passangers to share it with. I wince at the thought of how much luggage Justine had brought, and wondered how on earth it would fit on the pane amongst all the other passangers' belongings. I note the fine, wooden miniature tables that were placed around the jet, a few chairs surrounding each one. A small plasma TV was attached to one side of the wall, but it was off. I glance at Mark, who seemed to be staring absent-mindedly into space, still listening to music. Before I can think twice about what I'm doing, I sit beside Mark. What the hell am I doing? Mortified, I go to leave, when he speaks.

"Hey," he takes off his headphones and faces me.

"Hi," I answer, uncertain on what to say.

"So, you excited?" Mark asks me. "Rome huh? Always been your dream city right?"

I look into Mark's eyes, trying to notice any sign that he had heard the conversation between Kol and I, but got nothing. His polka face was as good as any. If only I was an actual good intelligencer. I think wearily.

I smile at him, realising I hadn't answered his question yet. "Yeah," I relax into the chair, suddenly feeling sleepy. The flight times were already confusing me. Will it be morning or night when I get there? I think sleepily. Noticing my closed-ended question, Mark faces the window. After a few minutes I begin to talk to him, half mumbling from sleepiness. "You know, my dad would always talk about taking me and my mum there someday."

"Why Italy?" Mark questions curiously.

I stifle a yawn, and my eyes flutter open. I had almost fallen asleep in the middle of a conversation. "My grandma from my dad's side lives there." I say to him. "I've never talked to her though, that's why I don't mention her often to people."

"You don't speak Italian though?" Mark tilts his head at me and I shake my head.

"No. Like I said, I never met her. Dad knows some Italian, and I know a few words, but I don't remember much."

"You were born in Brisbane right?" Mark asks.

"Yeah. My grandad met my grandma in Italy when he was travelling. He was originally from Australia. They fell in love, and he brought her back to Australia. That's where they had my father. Then I was born. My grandad died from cancer a few month after I was born." I knew I was rambling on, but it talking as the only thing keeping me awake. "Apparently he only held me once. My grandma mourned over him for ages before deciding to go back to Italy. She was feeling homesick, and didn't have much left for her in Australia anyway. Her son was all grown up and married and had a kid, so she left to go back to Rome or something, and that's where she stayed." I stifle another oncoming yawn.

Mark looks at me sympathetically. "I'm sorry."

I shrug and give him a small smile. "It's okay. It's kind of hard to be sad about two people I've never met," I admit, this time not bothering to hide the yawn.

"I was really close to my parents." Mark says quietly.

"What happened?" feeling intrigued, I force my eyes to keep focus.

"They died," Mark gives a small sigh.

I feel my eyelids droop a bit, but they snap back open at this news. "That's horrible!" I bite my lip. "Both of them?"

Mark nods, a sad smile on his face.

"How..." I begin, but he cuts me off.

"I'll tell you another time. You look like you're ready to drop dead," he laughs quietly.

I grin. "I didn't sleep much last night. I was too excited... and scared. You know..." I rest my head against the seat. "Assassins and..." I yawn a final time. "All that stuff..." I find myself not being able to finish the sentence, as I gradually slipped away into a deep sleep.


I open my eyes slowly, rubbing them. I don't move for a few minutes, and am about to slip away into a dreamless sleep when I notice my head is resting on something... or more like it, someone. I breathe in sharply as I realise I have my head against Mark's shoulder. His head rest's on mine, and I hear him breathing softly in his sleep.

"Oh crap," I swear quietly.

How on earth am I supposed to get out of here without waking him if he's leaning on me? I search desperately around, my eyes darting back and forth. Justine was a few seats away, sipping what seemed to be a cappuccino. She's awake! My heart leapt for joy at the sight of her.

"Psst! Justine!" I hiss.

At first she doesn't turn around, and I think she hasn't heard me, but slowly, ever so slowly and dramatically, she faces me.

"Well don't you two just look comfortable?" Justine winks. Actually winks. Does she have any idea how embarrassing this is? How long have we even been like this for?

"Help me!" I whisper.

She gently puts her cup down. "Hmm, I don't know."

Mark shifts slightly in his sleep and I look at Justine with desperate, pleading eyes.

She sighs, giving in. "Oh alright. You're no fun, you know that Audrey?" She walks quietly up to us and lifts Mark's head up carefully as I slip away. She slowly rests his head against the window on the other side with the gentles of gestures. Her movements were so calculated and precise, that I couldn't help but marvel at the fact that if the time ever came to steal something, she would be excellent at it.

"Thanks," I breathe out, relieved.

She waves her hand at me in a careless gesture. "Yeah whatever. You're just lucky that he's a deep sleeper and that I don't have my phone, otherwise that photo would so be saved and posted."

I notice Erik sitting in the same spot he was before I fell asleep, ruffling through some papers with a concentrated expression. Has he ever even had a good night's rest? I think to myself, as I watch him stare out his window, eyebrows knitted together in presumably worrying thoughts. Following my gaze, Justine places a hand on my shoulder.

"Don't worry about Erik," she whispers.

"Why? He looks so... weary." I nibble my lip, concerned.

Justine shakes his head. "He's constantly got something on his mind. I wouldn't let it get to you."

"I guess..." I say quietly. It can't be healthy for someone to always be fretting over things. I want to help him, but how?

She smiles. "Is the old man finally getting through to you? Two weeks ago you could tell you didn't like him very much."

I cock my head to the side, taking note of him. "True. But a lot has happened this past week and I can tell he'd do anything to protect us. That's a big change from when I first met him and thought he was some stalker." Justine smirks at me, and I continue. "Plus, he was my father's best friend," I point out. "I'm still not a hundred percent sure what I think of him being in love with my mum but..."

"What?" Justine cries, louder than necessary.

I quickly cover her mouth. "Shut up! You weren't meant to know that!" What have I done now? I grit my teeth, angrily. Me and my stupid mouth.

Erik glances between us, both eyebrows raised and Mark stirs in his sleep. I look around for Kol, but he is nowhere in sight.

"Where's Kol?" I ask Justine, more to change subject than anything else.

She shrugs. "I wouldn't know." I can tell by her expression that she wants me to tell her more about Erik and my mum, but I subtly shake my head at her. She rolls her eyes and walks back to her seat, grabbing her earphones. "Like I said, you're no fun," she mutters, before disappearing into the world of electronics.

I turn around, uncertain as to whether I should stand up a little longer to stretch my legs or just find a seat, when I bump into a shoulder.

"Ouch. Sorry," I mumble, rubbing the side of my head.

Kol grins. "Looking for me?"

On instinct, I take a step back, creating more distance between us. "Yeah. Well no... I just..."

Kol gazes at me with his crooked smile. His eyelashes are so long. I observe, before snapping out of my wandering thoughts.

"I um... just need to use the bathroom." I lie, point at the door directly behind him which he had presumably just come out of. He moves out of the way and I shuffle past him, his fingers brushing against mine. I quickly hurry into the relatively small, but well-kept bathroom, closing and locking the bathroom door behind me. I let out an unsteady sigh. Wasn't I supposed to be the girl with no guy friends and no absolute chance of getting a boyfriend? I think grumpily. I wanted a guy in my life and now I have two and it's horrible. I sigh. I'm never happy.


I step out of the taxi cab and onto the old cobble stone path, taking in the magnificent sight before me. The narrow streets were full of people busily moving about. Shops were lined on each side as far as the eye could see, different to what you might find in an open country such as Australia. Everything was cramped together and small, quite the opposite of the wide and spacious Australia. The five of us roll our suitcases along the path in awed silence. Even Kol seemed somewhat interested in his surroundings. People chatted loudly in fluent Italian. It being at the end of September, a cool autumn breeze blew. I zip up my jacket. Autumn here is much cooler than in Australia. I observe.

Erik points to a tall and stylish hotel. "That's where we're staying."

"Okay," Justine breathes in sharply. That's definitely five star."

I note the large, white building standing mere metres away. I shake my head, grinning from ear to ear. "I don't even want to know how you were able to pay for all this."

Erik smirks, shrugging. "It's not like I don't get paid dearly for being an intelligencer."

We enter the hotel. I could basically see my reflection on the marble floor everything was so shiny. A few columns stood in place here and there, giving it an ancient but elegant sort of look. Erik walks up to the receptionist and exchanges a few Italian words with a good looking man who seemed to be in his late twenties. He had dark hair that looked to be thick in place by hair gel. His dark blue suit and golden tie looked impeccable and ironed well, giving him that sense of authority.

"Erik speaks Italian?" I elbow Justine.

She glances at me. "Don't look at me, I didn't know that. The man never ceases to surprise me."

The receptionist hands five keys to Erik and speaks a few more words. Erik smiles, nodding as he hands a key to each of us, leaving one for himself.

"How do you know Italian and what did the receptionist say to you?" I ask as we make our way to the elevator.

Erik presses the very last number on the elevator. "Your dad and I have known each other for longer than you think Audrey; and it's not like I haven't had a few good years of travelling in my time," he adds, smiling.

I glance up at the tall man. Sometimes I forget he's not that young. He looks like he's in his late forties. I observe. Yet I don't really know. Either way, who knows how much he's done in his life that I have no clue about. This only left me or the more puzzled about Erik, but I simply shrugged. Everyone has their secrets I guess. The elevator doors open and we step out into the corridor of the top floor. Erik gestures towards a few of the doors. "As the receptionist said, enjoy the suites!"

I stare at Erik, dumbfounded. Justine squeals. Kol looks on in surprise. Mark seems to be the only one who was expecting it. Justine quickly fumbles with the key and lock before rushing into a room.

"Wow, thanks Erik I..." Erik holds up a hand so as to stop me from continuing.

"No thanks necessary, with all that's happening, the least I can do for you all is provide comfortable accommodation."

"Yeah but..." I shake my head in wonder. "How did you manage to pay for all this? And how did you get the rooms on such short notice?" I say, my voice sounding a tad suspicious. "You can't seriously be paid that much for your work."

Erik chuckles. "I earn enough," he answers shortly. "Plus, the manager of this place happened to owe me a favour."

I nod my head, knowing by now that Erik would not elaborate any further. I notice Kol and Mark had already slipped into their suites. Erik nods towards a door. "Well go on. I imagine you're feeling quite jetlagged, and jetlagged or not, we're continuing training first thing in the morning."

Excitedly, I unlock the suite and step inside. I was dumbstruck, by the size and beauty of it all. Not having travelled overseas all that much, and never having been in a suite before, it amazed me how elegant a room could be made to look. Soft red curtains were draped across the big window. A huge, queen sized bed placed near it, the bed's blankets covered in plush pillows. Furniture made of expensive wood was placed systematically around the bedroom and every inch of the place was sparkling clean. I couldn't help but gape a little at the size of the bathtub, or more like it, spa. The bathroom looked glorious enough without it, but with it, the bathroom itself seemed almost fit for a queen. Just as I walk back to my magnificently large bed, Justine suddenly bursts into my room, beaming.

"Isn't it great?" she sighs, flopping onto my bed.

"Yeah, it really is." I lay down beside her, staring at the ceiling.

"Erik said he's going to out in a bit to convert some money to euro," Justine states, after a while.

"Uh-huh." I reply, closing my eyes.

"You know what this means right?" Justine exclaims ecstatically.

I grin. I know her too well to not know the answer. Justine replies before I even have a chance to say a word.

"Shopping!" she exclaims.

I laugh. "Don't you think you've bought enough? You bought some new clothes in Mt Tamborine, then some more when we got back to Brisbane..."

"Yes but this is Rome," she points out exasperatedly. "There's so many good stores! Plus, a girl can never have too many clothes."

I yawn, too tired to argue. "Fair enough."

Justine stands. "I'll let you rest. You'll need it. After the walking and shopping we'll be doing tomorrow, you'll want to drop dead. But at least you'll look gorgeous while you do!" she adds, grinning.

"Yeah, drop dead..." I muttered, thinking that's exactly what Mark had said on the jet. I shiver as Anita dropping dead to the ground flashes in my mind. "Yeah, drop dead from shopping," I snort. "That is, if the assassins don't kill me first," I mutter. But Justine was already skipping out of the suite, probably making a mental list of all the things she planned to buy. She closes the door behind her, and, not having the energy to crawl under the blankets, I rest silently on top of the bed.

I know this one also needs som major editing, but I've only got two more weeks before I'm on holiday, and there will be some major editing, I promise! >.<

As always, vote/comment! I'd love to know who you all like better so far now or if it's changed. Mark or Kol?

P.S I will be doing a new book after this and it's based in New York City. I won't say too much yet, but I'll just say that the main character is the complete opposite of Audrey. So yeah, should be interesting I hope <3

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