Chapter 18

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"Why do you always want to watch the oddest movies?" I asked, making Wyatt laugh as he set up his desktop screen so that the Netflix show he was streaming from his computer could show up on the computer monitor on his desk.

"The Shape of Water is a masterpiece. You can't tell me otherwise," he said as he made his way back to his bed, sliding down until he was sitting on the floor beside me. Wyatt had invited me to watch a movie with him. It was becoming a pattern now. We would talk for a bit downstairs, and he would ask me if I wanted to watch a movie or play a game in his room upstairs. I would then agree, and we would both end up sitting on the carpet at the edge of his bed as we watched whatever movie or show. Or we played whatever video game he set up on his PS4.

"It's about a woman getting it on with a fish," I responded, making Wyatt laugh as he shook his head. He was in a pair of loose white shorts and a tank top.

"No, it's not just about a woman getting it on with a fish, but I digress. I won't take the time to explain it to you." He reached out behind him to grab his iPhone from his bed before tapping its screen. "Let's just watch the movie."

"Oh, so you're in a film studies class and you suddenly think you're an intellectual. It's a movie about a woman getting it on with a fish. Even if you overanalyzed that's still the basis." I rolled my eyes, and Wyatt looked up from his phone screen to look at me.

"I am smart. In fact, I'm smarter than you," he said, making me frown.

"You're majoring in design, and minoring in film studies," I pointed out.

"You're going to be an engineering student. You're probably going to graduate from university not knowing how to put together a good essay," Wyatt countered, and I looked down at the black fur carpet before letting out a laugh. Okay, he's right there. I might know how to write lab reports and handle I did know my way around numbers, but Literature? English? A large pass.

"Okay," I said. "I'll let you call this a win on your part."

Wyatt smiled, letting his slight overbite show. He didn't stop there, he made to rest his head on my shoulder, and it felt like my heart was about to jump out of my chest. The movie had started playing on the screen a while ago, so I tried to focus on it, but the feeling of his hair touching my neck, and the knowledge that he was leaning on me made me giddy.

¡Fíjate! I yelled at myself in my mind. I needed to concentrate on the movie, not the pit of feelings that were stirring in my stomach.

"How was it?"

"How was what?" I asked, blinking before looking over at Wyatt who was now chuckling as he stared at me.

"I mean, coming to the communal meeting with me," he said, and I let out a small 'oh.' I had gone with Wyatt to his gathering two days ago. They were few people there, and they all stayed in the living room of a small duplex house that belonged to one of the members.

They just discussed stuff, talked, and laughed as they went about planning the things they needed for the charity they were donating to. It kind of felt like I was sitting in the middle of a hybrid of a philosophy class and family reunion.

The gothic aesthetics around the house had been interesting. It had been nice to talk to some of Wyatt's friends, and I was surprised to find that there was someone who he went to the same college as.

I shrugged. "It was okay." Wyatt hummed before nodding a bit at my response.

"Though, your friend from the other day gave me the creeps," I admitted, referring to his friend with the over-the-top gothic style makeup and clothes. She was also the one that attended the same college as Wyatt.

"What? Are you talking about Claudia? She's pretty cool — and cute," he said, making my eyes go wide at the last word.

"You think she's cute?" I asked, making Wyatt frown a bit.

"Well, I mean, she is," he said, taking his head off my shoulder. "Why are you even asking?"

"I don't know," I mumbled, realizing I had asked him out of the blue. "I'm sorry for asking."

I'm not sure why I had been thrown back by his comment. I mean, I had expected Wyatt to start dating again sooner or later, and even if he wasn't the comment was a reminder that we weren't. Sitting in his room all evening, and somewhat cuddling with him while we watched movies together, played games, or talked gave me a comfortable bubble to never really have to think of what would happen if he started dating someone.

Wyatt let out a small laugh, and I looked over at him. He had a small smile on his face, and I wasn't sure what it was for.

"So, what is it?" Wyatt cocked his head to the side, still smiling.

"What?" I asked, responding to his question with a question of my own.

"Don't you have something to tell me, or...?" he trailed off, leaving the end of his sentence open as if he was expecting me to fill in the blank. We were both ignoring the movie that was playing in the background, leaving the volume to fill the silence as we stared at each other.

I felt the beating of my heart in my ears when Wyatt reached out to cup my cheek with his palm. We stared at each other, and Wyatt soon took his hand away from my face, laughing as he turned away from me to face the monitor of the computer again.

"Well, if you don't have anything to say to me—"

"Wyatt," I called out, cutting him off. He turned to me, and I could feel my face warm up as I stared at his blue eyes and nicely shaped face. The feeling was a bit overwhelming, so I looked away.

"I—" I started, not knowing where to go with what I was saying. "I — I think I like you."

"You think?" he asked with a teasing tone, and I groaned, rolling my eyes.

"I like you. I don't think I do, I know I do," I said, getting it all out. I looked up from my lap before turning my head to look at Wyatt. He was hugging his knees to his chest now, and his face was red. I could sense his nervousness since he was looking from one corner of the black carpet to another.

"I like you too," he said, speaking up after the brief silence. My eyes went wide with shock, but the shock soon vanished, and a large smile had formed on my face instead. Does he really like me? I'm not dreaming this up, am I?

"Really?" I asked, and Wyatt nodded, making his head of purplish-blue dyed hair bounce with the action.

"Yeah," he said with a small nervous laugh. "Stop staring at me. It's making me uncomfortable," he said, making me blink.

"I'm sorry. I — I'm not just sure what to say," I said before looking away from him and turning my gaze to the small space between us on the carpet. His lean hand was resting right in the middle, and I thought about it for a while before I reached out to hold on to it. Wyatt seemed surprised. He looked over at me, staring at me for a bit before he stared down at our joined hands.

"So, what happens now?" I asked. I could still hear my heart beating in my ears, but I wasn't willing to let what had just happened to get brushed under the rug. I liked Wyatt, and apparently, he liked me too — that wasn't the end of it, right?

"What? Too anticlimactic? Do you want a kiss?" Wyatt asked with a laugh. He was teasing me. He was probably asking me that as a joke, but I could hear his voice shake a bit, and the underlying nervousness in it was obvious.

"Yeah," I replied, and Wyatt's nervous laughter died off as he looked away from me sharply. I laughed at the sight of his ears turning red. It was cute.

I scooted closer to him and made to rest my head on his head. "Like, sometimes I just lay on my bed and wonder what it's like to kiss you. So yeah, I do want a kiss."

"Shut up Antonio," Wyatt groaned, pulling away from me before staring at me. His face was still red, but there was now a small frown on his face and a look of determination in his blue eyes.

We just stared at each other, and when I leaned in, Wyatt didn't move away from me. I pressed my lips on his, and he chuckled into the awkward kiss bit when I tried to move my lips against his

"You haven't kissed anyone before, have you?" he teased before moving in to kiss me. We started slow, but soon he was pressing his tongue against my lips, and I parted them, welcoming the open mouth kiss. Wyatt reached out to hold the back of my neck, and I pulled him closer to me by reaching out to grab his hips. The sound of the movie was completely drowned out now, and it was just our sighs, the sound of our mouths moving, and my beating heart that filled my ears.

We pulled away from each other suddenly when I'd pulled Wyatt a bit too close making certain parts run underneath clothes. We sat on the carpet both red face, and a little surprised. Sure, I was flustered, but it didn't matter much since Wyatt looked like a living tomato.

I laughed, breaking the tense silence, and soon Wyatt was chuckling too as he covered his face. When we both stopped laughing, I leaned in again, brushing his bangs away from his face before connecting my lips with him again.

We should have gone back to watching the movie, but it seemed that exchanging saliva with each other was more interesting.

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