Chapter 8

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Tim continued to drum his pen against the desk, making me look up from my textbook to stare at him. He seemed to be reading whatever book was in front of him, and I wondered if it would be okay to tell him to stop messing around with his pen, or whether it would be better for me to just ignore him, and try to read through the irritating noise.

We were in the library together. David had to leave about twenty minutes into the study period, so he'd just gotten up and left, leaving me and Tim at the library by ourselves. The place was close to empty since more people preferred to spend the period in their homerooms or the general study hall downstairs.

"Tim," I found myself saying when I couldn't ignore the noise of the clicking pen anymore. "Can you—can you stop playing with your pen? The noise is distracting," I muttered, looking away from him.

"Okay, sure," he said, and when I looked up I found him putting it away in his pencil case. "Sorry about that," he added, smiling lightly at me.

"It's okay." I shrugged, and we both returned to minding our own business and reading our textbooks in silence. The school midterms for the term were coming up soon, so as expected, fewer people were loitering about the place with no purpose, meaning the librarian didn't have to say anything to make sure the place was quiet.

When the period was over the bell rung, making everyone, including me and Tim, to get up from our seats and pack up. We both signed out of the library before heading for our respective classes. I had chemistry, and when I got to the lab David was already there. He'd gotten there about ten minutes the bell for the end of the study period had rung.

"So, what were you up to?" I asked David, realizing that I had not asked him where he'd run off to during the study period.

"Nah, it was nothing major my answer sheet for a class test got lost so I was asked o come and retake it in the staff office," he explained as he tried his best to use the correct quantity for his titration experiment. Our school was well off, so students didn't have to do experiments and the like together, meaning that everyone was basically on their own during practical tests, which would explain why everyone took the in-class practical walkthroughs seriously.

"Oh," I muttered. "Your teacher could have just given you an A. I mean, they lost the script, not you. It's a bit too much to ask you to retake the test."

David shrugged as he adjusted his goggles. "I don't mind. I'm sure I'll score higher in the retake anyway, so it doesn't bother me," he said, making me think about it for a bit before nodding my head in agreement.

Our chemistry teacher soon walked in, and the class started soon after.

"Do you by any chance have Tim's number?" David suddenly asked me in the middle of class. I frowned, turning so that I could look at him more clearly.

"What? Why would I have his number?" I asked, watching as David shrugged at my response without saying anything afterward.

I sighed, looking away from him to concentrate on my own work.

Weird. I thought, still wondering why he'd asked me that out of the blue.


At the end of the last period, I dragged myself out of class and headed for the staff room. After a while, I got out and headed to change my books. David and Tim had already gone to our usual waiting spot by the gate without me since I had to talk to my Calculous teacher about the upcoming test. I'd joined the class a bit late into the first half of the semester, so he was offering to help me and a few other people study for the test since it would contain bits from the classes we didn't attend.

I tried to change my books as quickly as I could, but I'm guessing that wasn't quick enough since I soon saw a figure appear by my right side as sorted out my bag.

It's Jay, isn't it? I thought to myself, letting out a loud sigh when I zipped up my bag, wore it, and then shut the door to my locker. I turned to face him, and I found him smiling at me. I frowned, not interested in what he was here for.

"What, aren't you happy to see me?"

"No," I answered in a bored honest tone. I rose a brow in confusion when Jay started chuckling, and I watched as he ran a hand through his dirty blond hair before looking straight at me.

"Gosh, you're so fucking annoying," he said, still chuckling. My frown deepened, watching as he shook his head. He didn't seem annoyed, and I wasn't sure if that was a good or bad thing. I mean, it's not like I wanted Jay liking me, so, maybe both?

"Can you follow me outside?" I shook my head at Jay's request, making him let out a frustrated sigh. "Please?"

"My friends are outside, so, no," I told him, and I watched as his expression shifted to a frustrated one.

"Then what about an empty classroom?" he asked, making me step away from him a bit. "It's not what you think. I just want to talk somethings through."

I bit my bottom lip, thinking about it for a bit before letting out a sigh of defeat. "Okay, lead the way," I said, adjusting the strap of my backpack as I watched Jay's face lit up like a Christmas tree at the sound of my words. He eagerly turned, leading the way like I'd asked him to. I smiled. At that moment he didn't seem like an overbearing douche — he'd seemed more like a kid at a candy store.

I followed him, walking through the halls until he made a turn into the hallway that housed most of the abandoned classrooms. He stopped in his tracks, turning to check if I was still following him before he headed for one of the doors before opening it. He walked in, and I followed him, closing the door behind when I walked in.

"Well?" I asked, watching as Jay paced about the front of the classroom. "Come on, tell me what you want to tell me so that I can leave. I take the bus, you know," I sighed, and he eventually turned to look at me. He walked over to the teacher's desk, resting against it before turning to look me straight in the eyes.

"I'm gay."

"So, how does that have anything to do with me?" I asked, making him let out a chuckle as he shook his head.

"There you go again being fucking annoying. You're lucky you're good-looking," he laughed, covering his face with his palm. "Or are you provoking me intentionally?"

I didn't answer him, and I instead looked down at the white tiled floor. The classroom went silent, and the only noise we could hear was the voices of students coming from the main hallway.

"What this has to do with you is that I like you, but I come out because of my dad. There's a big carry on the family name deal I have to play into," he said, shaking his head as he sighed. "I want to date you, so I was wondering if you wouldn't mind a low-profile relationship—"

"Woah, woah, woah," I said, cutting Jay off. I shook my head, waving my hands. "I do not like you. I do not want to date you," I said, making him frown at me.

"Come on, why not? Don't you like the fact that I'm trying to be nice to you now?" he asked. "Like, it's not like I'm bad looking or anything. I look great, what do you have to lose?"

I don't know, maybe my eyeballs from the amount of time I'll have to roll them. I said in my head, sighing as I looked straight at him.

"Look, I'm not sure if you're new to the concept of dating or relationships, but the person you're trying to date actually has to like you back," I said. "And the point here is — I don't like you," I added before turning and heading to the classroom's door. I opened it, walking out of the place before speed walking to the main hallway.

My heart rate quickened as I made it for the school's front door. I was afraid that Jay might run after me, but when I didn't see him after looking behind me a few times I started to calm down. I eventually left the school building and made to meet up with Juana, Tim, and David.

I tried to forget about what had happened just a while ago by talking with them as we waited for the bus.

Of course, Jay didn't know how actual dating worked. What else would I have expected from someone who was used to getting everything they want to be handed to them without any questions.

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