Introduction & Hinduism

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Before I begin, I want to say that I am not here to disrespect or insult any religion. I am here to state  truth backed by science. And those who feel ,what I have written is wrong and is hurtful then please discontinue reading as I'm not here to make you feel bad. I'm here to tell you and provide you information and how you perceive it is your choice. I know I'm in dangerous waters when I talk about religion and India is so diverse..but please do read further. This is the only chapter where I have added some personal opinions  as it's just introduction. I will give some practices and the science, truth behind it. Please know that it isn't limited to Hinduism. It will be practices contributing to the manifestation of mankind and positivity.

Happy reading :)

When I was first introduced to Hinduism, I had always thought of it to be a  religion. Whenever I thought of being a Hindu, the thoughts of prayers, ringing bells in temples, the  Aarti and thousands of Gods would come into my mind. But as I  grew up, I realised it was not so. It was just  a fragment of Hinduism that people followed mainly because it was easy. Sounds very abrupt?
But it's true.

Hindu has no prophet, no holy book that says one NEEDS to do something or one HAS TO believe something to be a Hindu. Many people argue that Bhagavad Gita is the holy book of Hindu. No doubt. Bhagavad Gita is one of the best manual to lead a life. But it DOES NOT force anyone to become Hindu.
Actually there is not even the word Hindu or religion in the entire Gita. I would go as far as saying Bhagavad Gita is a reflection of humanity. As I say this, pay attention that I do not intend to insult any religion or such but I plainly maintain that I will place facts before you and what conclusions you make is your choice.

Hindu is not a religion. It's a way of life. It doesn't force you to worship Gods, it doesn't force you to follow rituals, it doing  what's most natural. It prepares your body and mind for greater productivity. You can be an atheist and still be a Hindu. Being a Hindu doesn't mean you need to worship, chant prayers or practice strict penance against other religion.

Being Hindu means building humane morals that gives your mind and body the strength and the stability to lead a fruitful life. The exact balance between the worldly and non-wordly. It gives you the liberty to adapt other religion too.  I can hardly say that about Islam, Christianity, Parsi or any other where they say that their religion is supreme and everything else is a lie. I have nothing against them, I'm merely stating the fact.
The Hindu way of life stands on the ground of Santana Dharma which is eternal. It's constant yet dynamic. Note that it has no religion. Just the truth. It has no preaching of God or how you strictly, must be. It gives what's good for you. If you like it, you take it.

When I said prayers and chanting was easy, what I meant was there is more to Hinduism than this and people fail to grasp that. I have seen many people who chant, pray, "practise Hinduism" and yet fail to understand creation, fail to know the essence of Hindutva. I will explain this in more detail and depth in the later chapters.

In the upcoming chapters, I will introduce you to the science behind one practice each week, delving into its roots. I will state whether the practice which is followed is scientifically proved or not. Most of the ancient practices which were followed then,are now being proved right. Many might be proved later on. I will put aside my personal opinion and provide you the truth behind the

Let's decode two myths each week together on Monday and Thursday.

* Do comment below and let me know whether you liked this and do correct me when I'm wrong :)

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