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How can you be sure that there is no God?
Excellent question. I'm not sure. I have no idea what is out there. It's possible something created the earth, but I'm not sure what or who so I don't put a label on it. I think that there is a lot we don't understand, and that we won't ever understand it. I believe it is a lot more complicated than what any religion or science can explain right now.

Where do you think the earth and humans came from?
Similar to my previous answer, I'm honestly not sure. It's very possible something or someone made the earth. Or perhaps it's something closer to the Big Bang theory. Maybe we will get an answer somehow. I'd love to have all the answers, but it is unfortunately not that simple.

Did you use your five senses to determine that God doesn't exist?
I'm really not sure how to answer this question. No I cannot see God, but there's things I can't see that exist (my brain, gravity, wind). When I used to go to church I was certain I could feel the presence of God around me. Now that I no longer attend, I think it was just the heavy emotions. Everyone around me singing and praying. It was very emotional, but I don't think it was god's presence. I can't taste God and to be honest I'm not really sure how that would work. Can't smell him either.

I used logic and reasoning to get the conclusion that the God I had worshipped my whole life probably didn't exist. If there is a God, I don't think he exists in the way Christians depict him.

Without God, what do you base your morals in?
I know the difference between right and wrong. My parents raised me to know that it's not okay to hit people and that it's not okay to steal. I'm not a Christian anymore and I still have morals and values. I don't need God or the Bible to tell me that it isn't okay to run around stealing or murdering people. I don't know anyone that would suddenly become a criminal if they weren't Christian anymore.

Non believers still have a sense of compassion and love. We understand loyalty and fairness. We have morals. We just don't need a book to tell us what they are.

If you saw God or if he came to you, would you become a Christian?
This is a great question. Would I want to worship a God that would commit mass genocide? A God that would send me to hell if I doubted him? Maybe it's just me, but worship me or burn in hell doesn't sound very loving. It's an ultimatum. So no I don't think I would worship him. Or maybe I'd be so paralyzed by the fear of hell that I would agree to worship him. Is that real love and worship though? Not really.

How do I know my unbelief is the right kind of unbelief?
I have no idea what this question means. Unbelief is unbelief. I don't believe in the Christian God. I don't think any religion has it quite right. I just don't believe in them. I think something could be out there that created the earth, but I don't think it cares about us at all.

If there's archaeological proof of the Bible and its accounts, why don't you believe?
There's archaeological evidence for Islam and the Quran. I can look at that and see that. That doesn't mean I will convert to Islam. We have archaeological evidence that people worshipped Zeus or Jupiter or whoever. Doesn't make that true either.



I can see archaeological evidence for biblical accounts. And sure some of that stuff may happened. Stories come from somewhere. Humans were inspired by something. Humans come up with stories to explain what they cannot explain. Humans come up with stories purely for entertainment. And sometimes stories are passed down and around in a wild game of telephone to the point where they are unrecognizable and different from the original.

There's more evidence of Jesus Christ's life and death than any other ancient historical event, so why don't you believe?
I think Jesus was likely a real person with some cool ideas. I think he probably did some cool things like helping people. But I don't believe that he was the son of God. I would like to ask what evidence there is of Jesus?

The crown of thorns held at Notre Dame isn't definitely THE crown of thorns worn by Jesus. The Romans crucified thousands of people, so that can't be counted as definitive evidence.

He has been mentioned by both Jewish and Roman historians in ancient texts. Okay, so there's something. Of course he has been mentioned in the Bible and other Christian texts.



I definitely wouldn't say that there is MORE evidence of Jesus than any other ancient event. That's a bit of a stretch. But there's evidence that Jesus or a person like him existed! I think he lived and did a lot of great things and was killed by the Roman Empire. But I don't believe that he rose from the dead. I don't believe that he is God.

Most historians agree that Jesus was probably real, but there isn't a LOT of archaeological evidence to support that. We don't have his remains (for certain. I'll discuss this more later). The Shroud of Turin was determined fake. All we have are writings of him.

Why would anything matter if there is no God?
Life is temporary and that makes it all the more precious. We matter and what we do matters because we are human. We are human and we care about one another. And because our time alive is fleeting we should appreciate our lives and the lives of those around us.

Why should some greater being determine if our lives matter? We determine that

How much do you know about the gospel?
I like to think I know a lot. I was a Christian up until about a year ago. I went to church all my life. And I go to a baptist college and I've taken classes on the Bible and the gospels. I've had professors with their PhD's in theology and Christian studies instruct me on the Bible and it's history.

Does science answer everything?
Not yet! The great thing about science is that it's always advancing. We are making new discoveries all the time. There was a time when we didn't understand things like gravity or genetics. There was a time when people thought Mercury was good for treating ailments. We now understand things that we previously didn't, and there will come a time when we can explain things that we don't currently understand.

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