Side Notes

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I want to clarify a few things before I go any further in this book. I welcome and appreciate all comments and feedback, no matter which side you are on or what religion you are from.

I love the friendly debate, especially since it can help me learn new things! However, I do not want to lead anyone to believe that I am looking to be converted back to Christianity. My deconversion was not an easy process and it wasn't a decision made overnight. I spent hours reading and thinking and researching.

I wanted more than anything for my research to confirm my faith, and instead I found the opposite. And that's okay. It was difficult and sometimes it still is. I was a Christian for 19 years. My whole life. It was a big decision to leave that.

I also hope that any religious people reading this understand that it is not an attack or an attempt to turn them away from God. It is merely my honest opinion on the subject as a result of my readings.

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