13: Trap for Kenobi

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Long chapter!

Tw: Violence, creepy dudes.

Lucian pressed his lips to Ranov'la's forehead before standing up, leaving her sitting on the floor. She looked up at him momentarily before turning back to the holo they had been watching.

Lucian went to the kitchen, getting a snack before returning to Ranov'la's side. He sat next to her and she curled into his side, resting her head on his chest.

"Hungry?" Lucian softly asked, offering her the package of cookies.

Ranov'la shook her head and closed her eyes, her breath coming out in short puffs. Lucian frowned, concerned for her well-being.

"You haven't eaten in two rotations," Lucian reminded her, stroking her hair. "You need to eat."

"Maybe later," Ranov'la murmured, though her stomach growled.

"Alright," Lucian reluctantly said, holding her closer to him.

"Can I go outside?" Ranov'la softly asked, looking at him for his answer.

"Afraid not, sunshine," Lucian said, pausing what they were watching. "Pudico doesn't want you going out until he's sure you won't run off again."

Ranov'la blinked back the sting of tears, wanting nothing more than to feel the sun on her skin and fresh air filling her lungs. "Okay."

"Hey, don't act like that," Lucian gently said. "If it makes you happy, I'll try to convince him to let you go out, okay?"

Ranov'la smiled gratefully at him. "Thank you, Lucian."

"You're welcome, sunshine." Lucian brushed her cheek with his thumb. "It's the least I could do since you've been so good. You haven't even tried to escape yet."

Ranov'la unpaused the holo, and turned her attention back to it. She found the silly stuff they watched helped numb the anxiety and fear she felt around Lucian. It was a distraction from the unwanted attention he piled on her.

"I think that's enough for tonight," Lucian decided and turned the holo off after an hour or two. "It's time for bed."

"I'm not a child!" Ranov'la angrily said. "I can make my own decisions!"

Lucian gripped her chin, his nails digging into her skin. "But I'm your Guardian. I choose what you do and when you do it."

Ranov'la pulled away from him. "No, you can't. You can say something and hope I do what you say, but you can't actually control me."

Lucian backhanded her, and she held a hand up to her face, turning her head back to face him. He firmly said, "Go to bed, Ranov'la."

Ranov'la spat blood at his feet. "Go kark yourself."

Lucian scowled, grabbed her arm, and dragged her to their room. "I thought you were getting better, Ranov'la! I thought you had learned your lesson, sunshine!"

"And I thought that you learned not to lower your guard around me!" Ranov'la shot back, kicking between his legs.

Lucian doubled over and Ranov'la bolted for the door, frantically trying to open it, but it was locked. She slammed her hand against the door, desperate pleas slipping past her lips as she tried to open it.

"Sunshine, you need sleep to continue looking as gorgeous as you do," Lucian said as he straightened and grabbed her again.

Ranov'la was dragged into the bedroom, handed her nightwear, and told to change.

"Aren't you going to leave the room?" Ranov'la asked as she held the clothes to her chest. "To give me privacy?"

"Why? You've shown me that I can't trust you." Lucian sneered, disgust etched in his features. "I'll turn my back if that makes you feel better."

Ranov'la reluctantly changed as he had his back to her, finishing as fast as she could. When she announced she was finished, he told her to climb into bed.

Ranov'la pulled the blankets up to her chin, and Lucian turned the lights out. He kissed her forehead and left the room, leaving her staring up into the darkness.

Ranov'la twirled around, her skirt fluttering in the wind. She passed by all the huge trees that covered the blue sky from view with their leaves, heading to the clearing in the forest.

She burst through the woods, into the clearing where the tall grass went up to her waist. She turned her gaze to the sky with the fluffy clouds, letting out a happy sigh.

She made her way into the cottage just as the sun was going down. She sat on one of the wooden chairs that were around the table, just sitting there, doing nothing at all.

Just sitting there and relaxing.

Ranov'la's hands began to itch for something to do, so she put them to work braiding her hair.

She heard footsteps behind her and was surprised that there was someone there.

She was usually alone in her dreams.

Ranov'la turned to see who it was, curiosity striking her.

"Wake up, Ranov'la."

Ranov'la peeled her eyes open, staring at Lucian.

"Wake up, Ranov'la," Lucian softly said, nudging her. "Pudico wants to see you."

Ranov'la felt a bolt of fear, but nodded and got changed. Lucian unlocked the door and led her down the grime covered hallways, with Nobodies walking with their Guardians.

"Morning, 981," 476 said, giving a small smile.

Ranov'la returned the greeting, watching the man get scolded by his Guardian and escorted away. 476's Guardian glared at Ranov'la, and she glowered at him.

"Ranov'la, come on," Lucian said in amusement, gently steering her along.

Ranov'la huffed and continued walking, thinking back on years ago when 476 and her had bonded over their hatred for their Gaurdians.

476 was nice and he always made her laugh. He had a crush on Lucian, and Ranov'la secretly hoped they would get together so Lucian would stop bothering her.

"981," Pudico said as Ranov'la and Lucian entered his throne room. "How have you been doing?"

"Very well, Mister Pudico," Ranov'la whispered, bowing her head. Lucian hummed his approval at her response, encouraging her to add, "How about you?"

Pudico laughed, throwing his head back. "You always amused me, 981."

"She can be quite amusing," Lucian agreed. 

Pudico rested his chin on his palm. "981, do you believe yourself fit to return to the field?"

"Yes," Ranov'la immediately said.

Lucian frowned.

"Lucian? Do you disagree?" Pudico raised a brow at him questioningly. 

"I'm afraid so," Lucian regretfully said. "She's still been acting out. She's refusing to eat and won't listen to my direct orders."

Pudico leaned forward, narrowing his eyes at Ranov'la. "Is this true, 981?"

Ranov'la shook her head. "No, sir!"

Pudico pursed his lips. "Liar. Lucian, take her back. She's not allowed out."

Lucian sighed and tugged Ranov'la along. "Sunshine, I hate to say it, but this is your fault."

He locked her in their room again.

"Lucian, can I have something to eat?" Ranov'la requested, pointing to the kitchen.

Lucian kissed her cheek. "See? I knew you'd see reason! I'll get you something."

Ranov'la settled on the couch again and lost herself in her daydreams as Lucian bustled around the kitchen, talking about how lucky she was to have him.

It would have lots of windows, so she could look out anytime she wanted. There would be curtains covering them when it became too bright, but for the most part it would be open to the natural light filled the cottage.

Ranov'la ran her fingers across the fabric, smiling fondly at the feel of the material. She had picked it out in a market on Pantora, and was very pleased with how it looked.

"Ranov'la, I picked some berries in the garden."

Ranov'la turned to see who it was, but couldn't quite make them out with the sunlight shining in her eyes.

She raised a hand up to her eyes to shield her gaze from the sun, and to look at whoever it was.

"Ranov'la, I got you something to eat."

Ranov'la was broken from her imagination by Lucian's voice. She took the offered food from him and sighed, wanting nothing more than to have her daydreams become reality.

"Sunshine, can I ask you something?" Lucian suddenly said, pausing the holo they were watching.

Ranov'la hummed, glancing up at him in annoyance. The holo had just started to get dramatic, and he paused at the worst possible time.

"That man with the blonde hair, who was he?" Lucian asked. 

"I introduced him to you," Ranov'la reminded him. "Don't you remember?"

"I know his name! It was Ron or Lex or something." Lucian waved his hand through the air. "What I meant by that is who is he to you?"

"A friend. That's all," Ranov'la told him, ignoring the memory of how his fingers had brushed her skin when he zipped her dress up. "Just a friend."

"Are you sure about that? I don't want there to be any secrets between us." Lucian raised a challenging eyebrow as he twirled a strand of her hair. 

"I'm sure. He was just a friend," Ranov'la repeated.

Lucian unpaused the holo. "If you say so, sunshine."

Ranov'la got lost in watching the characters skip around, while Lucian played with her hair. Eventually he fell asleep next to her, and she listened to him snore for a minute before carefully removing herself from his grip.

She crept across the room, intent on escaping.

All she needed was the code to unlock the door.

She'd only have one try before the alarms would go off, waking Lucian. 

Ranov'la chewed up on inside of her cheek as she thought about what it could be.

It was a three digit code.

She typed something in and held her breath as she waited for the alarm to go off.

The doors slid open.

It was 981.

Ranov'la snorted at Lucian's idiocy and walked into the hallway, peering around to confirm she was alone. Once she was sure no one would slap her around and toss her back to Lucian, she sprinted down the hallways, taking the route she had when she first escaped.

"981?" 476 called out when he saw Ranov'la. "What are you doing? Where's your Guardian?"

"Listen, 476," Ranov'la whispered, coming to a stop in front of him, "we can escape! Come with me, okay? I can get you out of here!"

476 hesitated, tilting his head. "I don't know..."

"You can be free!" Ranov'la breathed out, heart hammering. "We just need to hurry!"

"Alright," 476 agreed. "I'll come with you."

Ranov'la beamed at him and pulled his arm, guiding him down the hallways. "Great!"

They ran together, reaching an exit that opened out onto a platform on one of the lower levels. Ranov'la held her ear against the door, listening for anyone who would catch them.

"I will take care of it, brother."

Ranov'la furrowed her brow, wondering who could be talking.

"See to it, Savage. If I'm to have my revenge, I need that petty Jedi out of the way. He always saves his life, and I can't have that. I will kill Kenobi if it's the last thing I do."

Kenobi? Wasn't he Anakin's master?

"Maul, I've heard Kenobi is investigating the disappearance of that senator. Perhaps if you set a trap involving her..."

476 got impatient and opened the door, not realizing that Ranov'la was trying to figure out what to do next.

A hooded figure stared at them.

"I found her," they said into their comm, stepping in Ranov'la's direction. 

"That was easy," the person on the other end of the comm said. "Get her! We need her to kill Kenobi!"

476 screamed and ran inside, hitting an alarm button with his fist. Ranov'la huffed in frustration and dodged a swipe of the hooded person's hands, running away as quickly as she could.

An invisible force gripped her and she went flying into the wall, her head hitting it with a sickening crunch.

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