1: Application

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The gates seemed so similar to the ones found at Disneyworld and Disneyland.

A worker ushered me through the large gateway and past the check-in where the lines of people didn't seem to end. I looked around me at the numerous statues that greeted visitors when they first stepped into ComplexDisney - each statue delicately carved to look like a Disney character. Some even mimicked the statues found in the museum in the popular Disney channel movie Descendants. Past those statues was another entrance to the main attractions, it seemed.

Behind glass cases, line upon lines of Disney characters were portrayed; moving, breathing, and very much alive.

I wasn't able to gawk at them for more than a few mere moments when a young man appeared from the crowds and greeted me, his expression scrutinizing. The worker who escorted me in quickly bustled off to get back to work as this man glanced casually over his clipboard. My eyes found the fancy CD embroidered decoratively on his tux. I shifted nervously when he remained quiet for several moments.

"Gianna Yumia," he finally read, his blue eyes flicking up to study me.

"Yeah, that's me," I said nervously, suddenly feeling self-conscious about my red t-shirt and ripped jeans. I should have dressed more professionally.

The young man seemed to think the same thing because he shook his head at my outfit, eyes criticizing. "Very well. I'm Zeke Warner and you will be under my direction here at ComplexDisney. The first thing you should know is that things here are taken seriously and professionally."

A wave of hot embarrassment coursed through my bloodstream. I bit my lip. He was plainly referring to my outfit. Probably my hair too. I barely had time to tame it down that morning. Compared to his sleek, carefully combed brown hair, my blond must have looked like a rats nest.

Note to self: Tomorrow + ComplexDisney = professional appearance.

"I understand," I said, swallowing hard and shuffling my weight from one leg to another.

"Mmmm," he responded absently as he looked over my application papers again. "You're nineteen?"

The note of surprise in his tone caused me to waver. "I...I am. Why?"

"Usually we hire older people." His response was blunt, eyes still lowered as he traced something on his clipboard with the pen. "Whoever accepted you must have faith in how you work."

I gaped at him, stunned by the harsh words. That was uncalled for. He's saying I'm unaccountable because of my age? "Excuse you? Why should age matter here? They're allowing three-year-olds to touch the abominable snowman from Frozen over there through unsafe holes in the glass! And you don't look too old yourself, oh high and mighty one."

For a moment, my words remained suspended in the air, surrounded by silence. Then I gasped at the realization of what I just said to a man of higher status than me. I can't get fired on the first day! I haven't even started yet.

A weird look crossed over Zeke's face before he cracked a smile, two dimples creasing in his cheeks. He chuckled humorously. "First of all, he isn't called the abominable snowman. His name is Marshmallow. Get your facts straight. Secondly, you should really learn to hold your tongue. If somebody else had been your boss, that would have already gotten you fired."

"Sorry," I mumbled, twisting a strand of my hair. Something quickly dawned on me. I glanced over Zeke again, looking for something as a giveaway. The dimple-showing smile, the subtle sparkle in his eyes, and the way his hand kept moving toward his hair as if he wanted to mess with it didn't match the personality he seemed to be trying to portray. A large smile slid across my lips and I let out a breathy laugh at my realization. "Gosh, you scared me for a moment, you faker."

"At your service, ma'am." Zeke grinned, giving me an exaggerated bow. After that, he used his fingers to ruffle up his much too perfectly done hair before he slid the fancy tux off to reveal a plain, dark blue T-shirt underneath, still with the letters CD embroidered on it. "You're smart. I was afraid I would have to stay in character for quite a while."

"Why were you acting like that though?" My body relaxed into a more loose composure. The pounding rhythm my heart had adopted slowed down, the thought that I might make it through the day, after all, overwhelming me.

He shrugged nonchalantly. "It's my own little test to determine what I think of you. Acting and looking professional doesn't matter to me, and there are some whose personalities are not what I would like to take under my wing. Your personality tells me you've got a pretty good attitude, which is good."

I shook my head at his flattery, hands on hips. "Well, Prince Charming, should you go through the protocol and teach me what I need to do to maintain my job?"

"Follow me." He was still smiling. "And I am not Prince Charming. He's over in the royalty park exhibits."

I rolled my eyes at his cockiness before following him through the crowds. I caught a glimpse of a blue creature snarling and cackling loudly in an exhibit nearby. The gold plait drilled into the bottom of the glass stated that he was Stitch from Lilo & Stitch.

"As you can see, the first park in ComplexDisney is this one; Creational Creatures." Zeke continued walking across the cobblestone grounds. "This is where all the creatures are kept - magical or not. As long as they aren't completely one animal - or a normal animal for that matter - they're placed here."

My eyes locked onto another creature in another exhibit that had dozens of people gawking at it and tapping the glass. I didn't need to read the plait to know that it was Pegasus from Hercules. His wings were folded against his sides and an intense sadness showed through his eyes. I frowned slightly at the sight. Poor horse.

"Past Creational Creatures, we find ourselves in Royal Rounds," Zeke continued, not taking any notice in my slight pause. "This is where we keep all of the royalty."

As we stepped through a small gateway into a totally new and fancier park, I inhaled the scent of perfume. "Where will I be working?"

"You applied for either Creational Creatures or Ordinarily Disney but Creational Creatures needs more help, so we'll be placing you there." He glanced at me. "They do need an extra hand to help with Olaf. He seems to like to wander into this patch of sunlight in his exhibit, but it isn't necessarily healthy for him."

Sounds like Olaf. I nodded slowly, coming to a stop next to an exhibit marked for Ariel. The large exhibit was filled with water and seaweed, giving off an aquamarine vibe. My eyes homed in on a young woman floating in the clear water. Her red hair billowed around her, her green tail shining in the sunlight. Her eyes locked on me and a slight scowl furrowed her eyebrows. She quickly turned away and, with one flash of her tail, she had disappeared into a small cave.

"Ahh, yes. Ariel can be a tad bit cranky," Zeke said, his voice coming from right behind me. I jumped, quickly turning to face him. His expression was grim.

"I'm not surprised," I said, frowning. "She's being portrayed like an animal ready to be gawked at in a zoo."

Zeke pursed his lips but didn't say anything. Instead, he continued walking again. I followed, avoiding the gazes of more princesses and princes as they watched me intently behind their glass cases. I could sense their sorrow and fright. This is wrong. They should be in their own worlds.

As we began to pass through another gate, I noticed a heavily bolted door against an empty exhibit. I approached to investigate, but Zeke quickly grabbed my arm. "Don't! That's quarantine. It's for those who...are not well."

"Who's in there?" I asked, an awful feeling settling in my stomach. A Disney character isn't well?

"Just one character," Zeke mumbled. "Come on. I need to finish the tour so you can get to work."

"Who's in there?" I repeated, not budging as he tried tugging me along. He sighed, running a hand through his hair. "Who is it? Are they okay? What happened?"

"It's Peter," Zeke finally admitted. "Peter Pan. When he showed up, he wasn't well. There was blood covering his chest where a puncture wound was visible, and it seems to be magical because nobody can fix it. They're trying though. The founders even came down to have a look themselves last week, which can only confirm its severity."

Peter Pan. Peter Pan. He's injured? How? "Did he tell you what happened?"

Zeke looked down at the ground. I could almost see his internal battle determining whether to answer me or not. I crossed my arms across my chest. I don't remember there being anything life-threatening in Peter Pan. Except Captain Hook, of course. Well, Hook and his pirate crews singing.

Zeke seemed to read my thoughts. "It wasn't Captain Hook. Hook showed up a month before Peter did. Come on. If you don't want to be fired on the first day, I suggest we get through this first day."

"Can I see him?" I asked.

"No!" Zeke seemed to be getting more irritated by the minute. "No, Gianna. He's in critical condition. We have the best team working on helping him, but whatever caused it holds strong magic. We don't want anybody else seeing him right now."

"See?" I groaned. "Can't you see that this is wrong? They should be back in their own worlds, not in ours. They don't belong here. What they need to keep themselves living is back in their fairytales."

Zeke sighed again, his blue eyes meeting mine. "We don't know how to send them back. We don't even know how they got here in the first place. The founders leave often on trips to try and figure out what's wrong. It's not as if nothing is being done."

"Can't they figure out what is wrong while remaining here?" I asked. The founders and owners - Stermin and Ykell - were the people who brought up ComplexDisney. They built this place around the spot that the characters seemed to appear - that way, as they appeared in that specific spot, security could easily grab them. I had searched them up, but apparently, they didn't seem to exist before this. At least not in any big industry

Zeke shook his head tiredly in response to my question. "You are a very curious lady. Come on. Let's just get this tour done."

I frowned again but followed him away from the door. Quarantine. The word sent a spiraling, sickening feeling through my chest. What would happen if a character died? Would their story be erased? Would they be erased from the story? Or would nothing happen?

I was already yearning for answers to questions and it was but day one. If Zeke wouldn't give me answers, maybe I could try to wait. It wouldn't kill me.

Oh-ho-ho! Little do I know.


I'm republishing the book in past tense rather than present, but other than that, I'm not really rewriting it at the moment. So enjoy the amateur writing of me 3-4 years ago hehe. Someday I'll rewrite, I just don't have much time right now what with my job and focusing on writing/editing more serious books that I've written or I'm currently writing.

This book still has a very special place in my heart since I'm a Disney addict! It's my baby. <33

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