20: Race To Make A Plan

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I closed my diary, rubbing my eyes. Last night was havoc as I knew it. Now we were expected to break into the palace in ComplexDisney to find the little girl. We weren't expected by anybody else. We were expected by ourselves. Somehow, I felt like I needed to prove myself to myself.

Before we left our separate ways, we agreed that as we broke inside to find the kidnapped girl, we might as well look for that paper Zeke had spotted with the beginning words RO on it. I was feeling extremely nervous. Not only could we get fired, but we could go to jail for trespassing and snooping around. Who even knew if the kidnapper had weapons or not. Or if that monstrously huge thing Ursula saw carrying the girl away was still active and nearby. Our lives could we at risk.

"Breakfast is ready, Gianna!" Mary-Ann hollered down the hallway to me.

I set my diary onto my dresser and the purple jewel I had found in the ComplexDisney parking lot alongside it before heading out of my bedroom and down the hallway to where my little sister was setting french toast on the table. Mom was already at the table in her wheelchair, helping serve it up onto our plates. I took my seat beside her.

"Any plans for today?" Mom asked us.

Mary-Ann looked at me. "I wanted to know if you were up to going hiking with me."

"Um...not today," I apologized, pouring some milk from the container into my cup. "Sorry."

"Okay..." She thought for a moment. "How about we go to the beach to relax?"

I smiled, taking a drink. "That sounds good."

"You can invite your friends if you want."

I took a bite of my french toast, the flavors bursting on my tongue. "Nah. I just want this to be you and me. I see them every day at work."

Mary-Ann nodded, seeming rather pleased with my answer. Once breakfast had ceased and we cleaned the dishes, Mary-Ann raced away to get her swimsuit on. As I was pulling a T-shirt over my own swimsuit my cellphone began ringing. Zeke. I sighed and picked it up. Can't I escape work completely for just one day? "Hello?"

"Gianna," Zeke said, sounding hurried. "We got two new arrivals today."

"Two?" I repeated, struggling to pull some shorts up my legs with just one hand. "I thought only one character comes a day."

"Exactly. But that's not all. Guess who they are?"

"Someone who can help us?" I asked. Mary-Ann hollered for me to hurry up from down the hallway. I picked my bag up.


My eyes widened. Was he being serious? Could they actually help us with our dilemma? "Who are they?" I couldn't keep the excitement and anxiousness out of my voice.

"Gianna!" Mary-Ann called again.

"I'm coming!" I called back, hastily leaving the room and closing the door. "I'm leaving for the beach, Zeke, so hurry up and tell me!"

"Have you seen the movie Race To Witch Mountain?" he asked.

I thought for a moment. "Is it the one with the two kids from space who are looking for something on earth to save their planet?"


"That's not Disney," I said, rolling my eyes. And I had gotten so excited...

"Uh, yes it is."

"No, it's not. I don't ever remember it saying that."

"It is," he argued. "And Seth and Sara arrived together! Their powers could help us get to that kidnapped girl inside the castle."

I frowned a little. Race To Witch Mountain. There was no way it was Disney. I would remember seeing the famous opening with the castle at night, fireworks, a train chugging by, and the words DISNEY across the screen. "Hold on." I sat down at the computer sitting on the dining room table. Mom must have brought it out for herself. Mary-Ann walked into the room impatiently and folded her arms.

I searched the movie up on Google. As images popped up of the cover, above the title it said Disney. I stared at the screen in shock as Mary-Ann nudged my shoulder. "Are we going to go?"

"Um, yeah, just a sec," I told her before speaking into the phone. "How did I not know it's Disney?"

"Doesn't matter," Zeke said. "You're coming to work tomorrow, correct?"

"Duh. I have to."

"Good. We can discuss this further then."

"Wait!" I hurried before he hung up. "Seth can make himself "transparent." How will they keep him locked up? And how would we get him to help us without him tricking us and using his powers to escape with his sister?"

"Stermin and Ykell have ordered sedation. He's unconscious right now with medicine keeping him under." I could hear the distaste in Zeke's tone. "As long as we can get Sara to agree, she can convince Seth to help as well."

I bit my lip as Mary-Ann groaned exasperatedly and left the apartment, probably going to wait in the car for me. "I have to go. I'll see you tomorrow, Zeke. We can talk about this more."

"Alright," he agreed. "Have fun at the beach."

I nodded. But with the thought of actually breaking into the castle in mind, I wasn't sure I could enjoy the beach anymore.


Who has seen Race To Witch Mountain? It took me a while to realize it was Disney! I had never known growing up, silly me. xD But I love the movie! It has three amazing people in it that I know. Dwayne Johnson, Alexander Ludwig, and Annasophia Rob. ♥

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