22: Seeking Help

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I was quick to get Olaf and the BFG their breakfast before heading toward Ordinarily Disney to meet up with Zeke as planned via text. He should be waiting near the walkway passing from this park to that one. My mind was still clouded with thoughts of the previous day's encounter, though, even when I tried to busy myself with work. Even if I had promised to lay off of Mary-Ann and guys she talked to, I knew that on the inside, that wouldn't happen.

But Kellen is gone. Now all you have to worry about is the next boy to unfortunately stumble across Mary-Ann, I think to myself.

Children raced around, crowding around exhibits and bumping into other people who threw them looks of irritation. The chaos of parents trying to restrain their children was everywhere. I slipped past two teenagers as the walkway to Ordinarily Disney came into view, the silver arch with the words Ordinarily Disney stamped across it standing out against the blue sky. Zeke was leaning against it, looking over the swarms of crowds. My stomach somersaulted and I instinctively put my hand over it and inhaled deeply. Mary-Ann's words from the other day hadn't left me. She thinks Zeke is into me. But would I want that to be true? Would I be able to handle it? Do I think he could be my soulmate?

"About time," he said, pushing away from the archway as I approached.


He quirked an eyebrow at this, folding his arms. "Something wrong? Normally, you'd have a snarky comeback."

"Oh, wow, how generous of you to notice," I scoffed. "No, I'm fine. It's...It's nothing."

"What's "it" though? Has something happened?"

I shook my head. A breeze ruffled my ponytail. "Not in the way you'd think."

"Hmmm." He nodded his head slowly, looking me in the eyes. "Enlighten me."

"Just some boy problems," I sighed.

His expression changed from concern to a shady look. He slowly nodded again, seeming to try and hide the coolness in his voice as he said, "Has anybody hurt you?"

I studied him a moment before bursting into laughter, shaking my head at the harsh expression on his face. I managed to wheeze out between laughs, "Try to at least hide your jealousy."

Zeke rolled his eyes. "What jealousy?"

"The jealousy showing through your face." I recovered from the laughing fit and grinned instead. Without even thinking, I reached out and placed my hand on his chin, turning his head from one side to another as I pretended to study him closely. "Yep. Any poker face you may have had is definitely damaged, possibly with a virus involved. I'm afraid I may have to replace it."

Zeke smiled slightly, grabbing my hand and gently pulling it away from his face. He locked his eyes with mine, entwining his fingers with my own. "And how would you replace the look on my face?"

"By saying that the boy problem doesn't involve myself liking a boy, nor a boy liking me," I answered, a tingle of pleasure coursing through me at the change in his face. Relief replaced jealousy. I smiler mischievously. "There, see? I knew it would work."

His smile widened and he released my hand. I quickly stuck it into my pocket, feeling the slightest tremble in it. He inhaled slowly. "Well, that might actually be a remedy. But, then, how is it a boy problem?"

"It's a boy problem involving Mary-Ann," I grudgingly admitted. "Any guy she talks to, I just can't help thinking that something might happen. And yesterday, at the beach, she and a boy held eye contact too long for my liking."

Zeke covered a laugh skillfully, clearing his throat instead. "Well, I won't be much help to you in that area. But word of advice. She won't be your "little sister" forever, and if you want her trust in you for eternity, maybe give her some slack. Don't cling too tightly."

"Listen to you, wise guy," I joked playfully. But his words struck home. I needed to stop worrying about boys. Mary-Ann needed to explore her options. Find what she liked in a guy and what she didn't. If I kept pushing them away, she wouldn't be able to experience the fun and responsibility in searching high and low for a good-natured fellow who could give her a Disney-like happily ever after.

"Anyway, follow me," Zeke finally spoke, turning and walking away. "I want you to help speak with Sara."

I followed behind him, trying to keep up with his strong pace. "Is Seth still asleep?"

"Yes. He'll stay that way for who knows how long."

I looked over at an exhibit holding a girl who was clutching a teddy bear to her chest. She was tucked away in the corner of the exhibit and as far away as possible from her onlookers. I strained to look at the plait attached to the exhibit. It read: Penny from The Rescuers.

"Over here." Zeke turned a small corner. A once empty exhibit held two people. A thick wall of glass cut through the middle of it, separating the exhibit into two halves. On the left side was a blond girl crouched by the glass, tear stains on her cheeks as she gazed at her brother on the other side. He was lying on a table, completely immobile, with tubes sticking out of his arms.

"Why doesn't she just use her powers to unlock the exhibit?" I asked Zeke quietly.

"The Founders have made adjustments to the exhibit that prevent the siblings from escaping with their powers," Zeke replied, his eyes set on Seth.

"But that would call for high-tech stuff. How on earth did they get it?"

"Or create it." Zeke shrugged.

Sara's head turned toward us and she narrowed her eyes, her palm pressing into the glass separating her from Seth. I swallowed. I always wondered if characters would appear the same as the people who acted them out in the movies if they ever became real in our world. And they were exactly the same. Some part of me now wondered if the celebrities would come pay to see the characters they helped create. It would be so weird for them to see exact replicas of themselves but with a whole different attitude.

"Sara." I approached the exhibit with Zeke. "Hi. My name's Gianna. You must be confused."

Sara remained still in her position, just watching me with intent eyes. She slowly turned her head back to look at Seth. "I wish to know what happened and how you did this. Also, it would be essential for you to point out why exactly I cannot get out of this cage if I do not know you. You cannot possibly know about my powers, and yet, you have made a prison that deprives me of the use of those exact things." The brittle anger in her voice was frightening. You could almost see her as an adult if it weren't for her twelve to thirteen-year-old body. I opened my mouth to speak but she beat me to it. "I also want to know why a man drugged me with something before shoving me through a portal!"


First off, I just want to thank you for sticking around this far into the book! Hopefully it continues to hold your attention. :)

So, what do you think of Gianna and Zeke's little talk? By this point, I believe it's safe to say that we all know they must like each other. Now we just have to wait and see if they ever fully see it themselves. They almost - literally - admitted it to each other in this chapter but didn't know it, didn't they? ;)

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