33: It's Kind Of Fun To Do The Impossible

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It was very strange seeing the gates to ComplexDisney closed in broad daylight and the parking lots completely empty save for the two vehicles my friends and I brought.

"Will you miss this place?" Mary-Ann asked Zeke and I.

Zeke had his arm around my shoulders as he shook his head. "Not really, no."

I shrugged. "It was cool seeing the characters in real life. I kind of wish I took pictures or videos, because over time, they'll just be distant memories. But I didn't like how they were in the exhibits, plus they have their own lives to live outside of this world."

Mary-Ann nodded. "Yeah. Makes sense."

"We'll also miss the big paychecks," Ben joked, making all of us laugh.

"I'm going somewhere with even bigger ones," Sukie told him smugly.

"Yeah, well, that makes one of us."

I just smiled. It had been three months since we beat Syndrome and Yzma. We located the portal inside the castle on the ground level, which made sense because you can't exactly lift and move a magical portal to another level. They had built the castle in a way where the portal had been tucked away though; hidden in a secret location.

Once it was found, one-by-one, we sent the characters home. They stepped through in a blaze of purple electricity and glory, vanishing from this world and going back to where they rightfully belonged. For some of the stubborn villains, it was tricky getting them through. Let's just say that law enforcement did finally get involved and help us out. I was more than happy to see Syndrome and Yzma go. I hated their characters even more now that I'd met them in person.

"Alright, you've all reminisced enough." Kellen moved to climb back into one of the cars. "I'm hungry. Let's go."

Marcus rolled his eyes. "Uh-huh. How's your reminiscing going? You reliving the glory days of working for the Founders?"

Kellen wrinkled his nose, giving his older brother a glare. We all had to tease him about it. Once the ambulance arrived and we knew he was going to live, we gave him three months of kindness and love. He wasn't completely healed yet but he was functional enough to where we could make fun of him for ever siding with the villains. He took it like a champ only because he knew he deserved it.

I was pretty sure he and Mary-Ann had a thing for each other. I was trying not to be an overprotective sister, but I was definitely keeping an eye on them both. I didn't know if Marcus noticed. He was too focused on Kellen and any pain or discomforts he experienced at any time to take notice in who Kellen's eyes were usually trained on.

"Food sounds amazing," Zeke said, planting a light kiss on my lips before letting go of me to move toward the driver's side of our car. That's right. Our. We were living together, which some disagreed with, saying we were moving too fast.

Well, too bad. We were happy this way. I was finally comfortable enough leaving Mom and Mary-Ann. For stopping Syndrome and Yzma, my friends and I were all paid a large amount of money. I gave it to Mom. It would keep the family going for quite a while.

"Get in the cars, people!" Kellen hollered from where he already sat in the vehicle. "Gosh, I wish I had pixie dust so I could just fly there instead."

Pixie dust. Peter Pan. Peter Pan had gotten his wounds from one of the giant robots due to quite the fight he put up against it when he came through the portal, but because Syndrome and Yzma didn't want people having any hints whatsoever to who they actually were, she used potions to keep the wounds at a standstill – never showing improvement in healing. I was honestly surprised he didn't die at all but also very relieved.

I climbed into the car, looking once more at ComplexDisney. It was going to be torn down soon. The mother of the little girl who was kidnapped did a lot of suing, even though it was mostly Syndrome and Yzma's fault. She sued Disney for ever creating them in the first place, that's for sure. Or she tried to. Not sure how that worked out. She had her daughter back but she was still angry. I met her daughter when we retrieved her from the dungeon. She was scared but otherwise okay. We let her hang out with her favorite princess, Elsa, until the characters left. That definitely helped her feel better.

Her mom was still resentful, and understandably so. She was very grateful toward Seth and Sara for trying to help though. I was grateful for them too. It was kind of sad saying goodbye.

Once we had Sukie and Ben in the backseat with Mary-Ann, Zeke started the engine and we followed Marcus' car out of the parking lot. I wasn't going to miss ComplexDisney as a whole but I did make some good memories and have great experiences there. Most of my time working there, I had been dedicating myself to freeing the characters, but at the same time, did have some fun and did get to do things I never even imagined doing.

Like getting to fly, all thanks to pixie dust (even though I started floating away in the open), and then swimming with a mermaid (albeit the circumstances that I swam with her weren't the best and I did get attacked by a sea witch as well).

I didn't go into it expecting to try and save the world. I applied because I needed money and they delivered. I wasn't wanting to get attached and emotionally invested in the fact that the characters were displayed like objects instead of living, breathing beings but I did anyway.

The goal of freeing the characters seemed impossible. We took that impossible and made it possible.

Now I had more friends, a boyfriend, and enough money to help me out until I could find a new job. After working at ComplexDisney, all other jobs looked dull. Disneyworld was doable but that was all the way in Florida. Maybe I could convince Zeke...

"You okay?" Zeke suddenly asked me, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Huh? Yeah, I'm okay," I answered.

"She's just dreaming about food," Mary-Ann snickered. I heard Ben snicker too.

We managed to get the information out of Syndrome and Yzma that Ben had never been a spy for them or anything related. When Yzma had asked "Ben?" she had been referring to some papers Syndrome had. I did hear shuffling paper right before she said his name. Yzma had been referring to those papers, changing the topic to them. They were forms Ben had filled out for them involving some technical issue in the park. Nothing too important, but I had misread the whole thing.


"Sure," was all I said, narrowing my eyes at my sister through the rear view mirror.

"Where exactly are we eating?" Zeke asked.

"Um...I don't even think Marcus said. So just follow him, I guess?"


I leaned back in my seat and closed my eyes, cherishing the warmth of the sun that came through the window despite the air conditioner blowing. Life was good. I was only nineteen-years-old so life had still technically barely begun for me. I had so many more years to enjoy, but this past year would definitely be an unforgettable, memorable one.

One would think that Disney characters showing up in our reality would be impossible. One would also think that because of the way my friends and I handled it all – because I've thought about it too – it should've been basically impossible for us to win.

I guess it's just kind of fun to do the impossible.


This chapter is short. I also don't necessarily like the way I ended it. So when I rewrite it, I'll definitely lengthen the ending a bit and possibly change up this whole scenario of them visiting ComplexDisney for the last time and yada yada yada. It just kind of annoys the current me. It's not satisfying. :/

I've also been debating if I want to add the scenes where they rescue the little girl, send the characters back home, how they help Peter Pan, and the ambulance arriving for Kellen (and them knowing he'll be okay at the hospital) instead of just telling about it. We'll see. 🤷‍♀️

Either way, I can finally mark this book complete!! For the FIRST TIME EVER. 🥳

I wrote this when I was 16 and she'd be celebrating right along with me!

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