6: Family Visit

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Answers were what I needed.

I'd been looking for answers but all I had been getting were more questions. It was funny how it was much easier to gain questions than to receive answers to them - especially when the latter is what you want.

"This place is huge!" Mary-Ann said as we walked through the front gates, her brown curls bouncing when she turned her head to take everything in.

I shrugged at my fourteen-year-old sister as I pushed Mom's wheelchair. Today was my day off and I wanted to spend it away from here for a break, but my mom and sister hadn't been yet and wanted to come. Mary-Ann was not a Disney fanatic but she felt bad for the characters like I did and wanted to come see how they were doing. She supported my plan to try and get them back to their fairytale worlds.

"It looks like they put a lot of effort into making this place," Mom noted distastefully.

"They did." I wrinkled my nose at the thought.

"Oh, cheers, it's the abominable snowman from Frozen," Mary-Ann deadpanned, her gaze finding the huge exhibit containing the monstrous snow giant. Spikes potruded from his back and arms in his anger at the people for crowding around to see him.

"He's not the abominable snowman," I laughed, recalling what Zeke had said to me my first day of work. "His name is Marshmallow."

Mary-Ann laughed along with me as I wheeled Mom toward the pathway to Royal Rounds. People shoved past us as they tried to reach their destinations and I grit my teeth in irritation. I hate crowds.

"What would you two like to see first?" I asked.

"Well, seeing the villains would be interesting," Mary-Ann admitted. "I'm not the biggest fan of Disney but they've got fun villains."

"Oh, uh, okay." I forced myself not to groan. I didn't feel like being threatened and gawked at by villains who might want to get me next. "What about you, Mom?"

"Whatever you girls want is fine with me."

Ever since her legs had to be cut off three years ago, Mary-Ann and I have had to get used to having her in a wheelchair. The same accident caused the muscles in her arms to grow permanently weak so she couldn't just push herself around a either. My sister and I had to chip in to help out.

The tires of the wheelchair rolled smoothly against the ground, having no effort getting over the little bumps and dents. Mary-Ann's hazel eyes found Merida's exhibit and the spunky young woman inside who glared daggers at the people watching her.

I had not actually taken the time to wander VillaVillains yet, nor had I caught a glimpse of Animal Island - which was what we would need to pass through to get to the villainous park of pure evil.

"Have you made any friends working here?" Mom finally asked.

I hadn't told them much about work as I had preoccupied myself with, instead of chatting, hiding in my room to think of plans to help the Disney characters. Sadly, the hours in my room had done nothing to waver the brilliant ideas into submitting themselves for use. They were right outside my grasp.

"No, not really." It was the truth. I said before that I didn't fancy lying, but this was my honesty. I thought Zeke was my friend, but now the doubts were submitting themselves.

"Why not?" Mary-Ann asked, turning to look at me.

"I'm not in high school and making new friends on a daily basis," I teased. "This is work. It isn't a little meet-and-greet to determine who's the best bestie material."

My sister cocked her head and stuck her tongue out at me. I returned the gesture and we both laughed. That seemed to be our "thing." Our way of communicating whatever we wanted to one another without words. Right now, it seemed she used it to tell me she didn't care. I gripped the handles to Mom's steering wheel more tightly as we walked up a small hill to the gates leading into Animal Island.

The reason it was called "island" was because we had to cross a bridge over a large pond to get to it. It still wasn't exactly an island, but okay. The founders weren't exactly "nice enough" people either.

I glanced up at the bone shaped lanterns ready to be turned on once the day turned to night. There were once again lines of exhibits with fictional characters inhabiting them; all animals. I spotted Sebastian crawling around in his water filled tank, clearly irritated. Can the animals that talk actually speak in this world?

"These poor animals," Mom said, her eyes wandering over the exhibits with people crowded around them as if they were magnets causing them to congregate.

"Yeah," I agreed.

We didn't pause to look, and instead crossed past the last gate to the pathway toward VillaVillains. I'm so tired of walking.

It took basically fifteen minutes walking down the path before we reached the final park. They obviously worked hard on this one. The stone ground was spray painted professionally to portray Disney villain faces, the lamp posts were black, and the whole park just seemed to have a Halloween vibe about it. Through the speakers played the famous villain songs and the gift shop spotted upon entry had a darkened theme that made me want to check it out.

"Well," Mary-Ann stated, "it's certainly a place for villains."

I nodded as my eyes took in the large crowds. It almost seemed as if this park were the most popular one. Looking at the villains inside their exhibits with the death glares they were giving out to everyone made me shudder. I, instead, busied myself with seeing if I could spot my boss.

As Mary-Ann took over pushing Mom, I found them; a small group of workers talking frantically with one another, their expressions worried. They waved their hands around to make a point with their speech. A sting of worry singed my heart as I noticed Zeke. His face was paler than the fair tan he usually had, causing the freckles lightly decorating his nose to stand out a little more clearly.

I approached quickly, needing to know what was going on. Zeke's blue eyes flicked to meet my gray ones as I halted beside him and the two men and woman he was conversing with.

"What's going on?" I ask, looking between the four.

The woman studied me closely. "Who are you?"

"Relax," Zeke sighed, looking away. "She's a new worker here."

The woman relaxed slightly at his words and rubbed her neck as the two other men shifted slightly. "This isn't good news, newbie. You sure you want to hear?"

I studied her. She wasn't kidding. Something bad must have happened to have the workers so riled up. I folded my arms and nodded my head. "Yeah. What's happened?"

The woman opened her mouth to speak but Zeke did it for her, his face hardening as he uttered out three horrifying words.

"Ursula's escaped ComplexDisney."



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