Chapter 2: Emergency Plan

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Felicity's P.O.V

I was scared. About half of our class went into a silent frenzy, knowing we had to keep quiet. Most of the other half of the class who weren't going ballistic quickly started barricading our classroom door.

I dashed around, looking for my best friend Harmony. I saw her trying to help the people barricading, but her talent was gymnastics, not pushing heavy objects. Her blond, wavy hair was streaming halfway down her back in a neat ponytail, swishing side to side.

I grabbed her. "Harmony! Please... Come with me!" I said with tears in my eyes.

"Felicity, you go. I need to stay and help these people," Harmony told me, gesturing at our classmates, "They told us that we were supposed to make our own choices. Don't worry what your friends are doing. Worry only about yourself. Felicity, I'll be fine. You go and do what your instinct tells you to do."

I nodded along to Harmony, barely taking in a word of what she said, it calming me all the same. The loudspeaker beeped again, and the front desk lady spoke again in a more panicked voice, "The criminal will enter the building soon. Teachers, please make sure your classroom is secure, and your students can escape safely if needed. If they can't escape, again, please make sure your classroom is secure. I will notify you when we see where he is heading in the-" The lady on the loudspeaker was cut off.

I was really scared now. All the calmness that had come from what Harmony just told me dissipated. My eyes filled up again, and salty tears started slipping down my cheeks. "H-Harmony. Please. Y-Your my b-best friend," said looking up to her, stuttering. "I-I need y-you." I was full-on sobbing now.

"I-I need to... to l-leave b-before... h-he gets h-here. C-Come with... m-me."

Harmony was on the verge of saying something, but the loudspeaker beeped on again and the lady said in a rushed voice, "He is in the building. It looks like he is heading towards the-" the loudspeaker was cut off, and our class was pandemonium again. Half the class raced to the window to jump out (we were on the first floor, north side).

"Let's go," Harmony said in a calm voice. I wiped my eyes, and took her hand. Together, we joined the line people waiting to get out of the windows. We were the last ones left when the door opened and a man wearing all black stepped into the room.

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